Peter Gray Hatchery Update  
My friends, so good to catch up with you again. As the Irish Poet William Butler Yeats once said: " There are no strangers here; Only friends you haven't yet met."

This parr rearing season is flying along and our fish are developing into the "little athletes" they were destined to be. Here we are sitting at the end of September, ready to start clipping adipose fins on Monday...already October 1st!

Don't forget that e ach year we try to have some clipping events in the evenings. Ladies' night is Tuesday October 2nd starting at 6 pm. Gentlemen's night will be Wednesday October 3rd at 6 pm. If you can make it we'd love to see you there. If those times don't work for you and you'd like to see about helping to clip some other time during the week please email me at and we can discuss logistics.

September is always a fun month because we go out and electrofish many of the different streams and sections of river the East Machias River in partnership with the Maine Dept. of Marine Resources. Electrofishing uses a pulse of electricity to stun fish in the water. While slightly stunned the fish are netted. We do this each year to collect broodstock for future year's egg supplies and to assess how the juvenile population of salmon are doing out there in the river! I will share the detailed results of electrofishing in a later update once the numbers are crunched, but needless to say there were a good number of salmon around.

Another DSF employee, Brett, did a great job overseeing a big habitat improvement project on Beaverdam Stream. Beaverdam Stream is one of the most important tributaries of the East Machias River and there was a road with two undersized culverts disrupting river flow and fish movement. As you can see in the pictures, taking out that road and culverts made a huge difference for that habitat and will benefit the thousands of "little athletes" that live and pass through that area. We can't wait to see what mother nature does carving out her new section of free flowing Beaverdam Stream.

With October on the horizon that also means so is stocking. If all goes to plan all the parr from the Peter Gray Hatchery will be stocked by the end of October. Stocking the fish out to be free in the wild is an amazing feeling. English writer John Ruskin puts it this way: " No human being, however great, or powerful, was ever so free as a fish."

In other news with the help of few awesome volunteers we were able to put our tanks in the East Machias hatchery expansion. Thank you Nick, Colby, and Quinn.

If you are new to receiving these updates and would like to catch up on some you have missed, please visit our website here . Also if you like the work we are doing, please considering donating towards the continuation of the Peter Gray Parr Project .
$60k Peter Gray Parr Project
Matching Gift Challenge - Almost $20k raised to match so far!

DSF friend and supporter, Charlie Harriman (out smolt trapping with Rachel in the photo above), has made a $60k Matching Gift Challenge for the Peter Gray Parr Project ! This means that all donations to the Project will be matched 1:1 up until we meet that $60,000 challenge. Double your donation amount and join Charlie in his enthusiastic efforts to help restore Atlantic salmon from the brink of extinction in Maine and get your donation doubled by giving to the Peter Gray Parr Project today! So far about $20,000 has been raised towards this matching gift. Thank you to all that have given.

If you believe in the importance of restoring Atlantic salmon to our U.S. rivers, then please consider making a Matching Challenge Gift to the Peter Gray Parr Project. We will be continuing our work to restore salmon to Downeast Maine and would appreciate your help! Click  HERE to donate. Thank you for your support!

You can also support us by purchasing some DSF swag! Hats, vests, and shirts can be found HERE . Other ways to help are to become a member !

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or comments, feel free to reach out to me at I hope this update finds you well and you enjoyed reading about the Peter Gray Parr Project . Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, in the pursuit of Atlantic salmon restoration!

Kind Regards,

Peter Gray Hatchery Staff 
If you'd like to read more on the Peter Gray Parr Project 's beginnings and future please read our  Parr Project Booklet

There is a short Parr Project video on our website  HERE.

Thank you to the Trout and Salmon Foundation for your continued support of the Peter Gray Parr Project !
Wild Atlantic salmon numbers in the U.S. have been at a record low, but DSF is working to bring them back. Please support our work by becoming a member  of the Downeast Salmon Federation. Together, we can restore sea-run fisheries in Maine.