2019 mentor artist Mehrdad Arabifard (R) with his apprentice in Persian tombak percussion, Negin Fadaee, in the San Fernando Valley. Photo: J. Jameson/ACTA.
Last Week to Apply!
ACTA's Apprenticeship Program
The Apprenticeship Program contracts California-based mentor artists for $3,000 to offer intensive, one-on-one training in a specific traditional art form to a qualified apprentice for six to twelve months.
DEADLINE: October 19, 2020
2019 Oakland mentor artist Pierr Padilla instructs wife and apprentice Carmen Román in the Afro-Peruvian courtship dance, Marinera Limeña. Photo: J. Carrillo/ACTA.
Solicita el Programa de Aprendices
El Programa de Aprendices c ontrata a artistas mentores con sede en Californiia por $3,000 para ofrezcan capacitación intensiva en una forma de arte específica a unx aprendiz calificadx por seis a doce meses.
SOLICITA antes del 19 de octubre 2020
"By guiding this workshop I learned that although we are distancing socially, we can connect and transmit that message of love and emotional or spiritual healing that all human beings need during a process of loss and grief but that we often hide for reasons of stigma or criticism."
- Luz Marlene Cordero, ACTA Artist Fellow
In July and August 2020, ACTA hosted a five-part series of workshops called La Cultura Cura (Culture Heals). Our Building Healthy Communities artist fellows led online sessions focusing on how the traditional arts can guide us toward healing and peace during times of great stress.
In this Q+A, ACTA Program Manager Betty Marín speaks with Artist Fellows Luz Marlene Cordero and Dalila Mendez about the relevance of traditional arts in mental wellness.
"Al guiar este taller aprendí que aunque estamos teniendo un distanciamiento social podemos conectar y transmitir ese mensaje de amor y sanación emocional o espiritual que todxs lxs seres humanxs necesitamos durante un proceso de pérdida y duelo pero que muchas veces por cuestiones de estigma o crítica ocultamos."
- Luz Marlene Cordero, artista becaria de ACTA
En julio y agosto de 2020, la Alianza para las Artes Tradicionales de California presentó una serie de 5 talleres llamada La Cultura Cura. Nuestrxs artistas becarixs con Construyendo Comunidades Saludables guiaron sesiones en línea enfocadas en cómo las artes tradicionales nos pueden guiar hacia la sanación y la paz durante tiempos de gran estrés.
En esta serie de preguntas y respuestas, la Gerente de Programas Betty Marín habla con las artistas becarias Luz Marlene Cordero y Dalila Mendez sobre la relevancia de las artes tradicionales dentro el bienestar mental.
¡Rola del día!
Sounds of California: Boyle Heights
Co-hosted by Betty Marín and Quetzal Flores
Join us for the debut of 10 original songs about the people, places, and cultural heritage of Boyle Heights, and hear from the local artists who composed them! Bilingual in English and Spanish!
October 23 - November 20
Fridays at 12 pm PST
Sounds of California: Boyle Heights is a collaboration with community residents to record, compose, present, and archive the local soundscape, focusing on themes of anti-displacement and belonging. Read more here: actaonline.org/soc
¡Rola del día!
Sonidos de California: Boyle Heights
Co-presentada por Betty Marín y Quetzal Flores
¡Acompáñanos para el debut de 10 canciones originales sobre las personas, lugares, y la herencia cultural de Boyle Heights, y escucha de lxs artistas locales que las compusieron! ¡Bilingüe en español y en inglés!
23 de octubre - 20 de noviembre
Los viernes a las 12 pm PST
Sonidos de California: Boyle Heights es una colaboración con residentes de la comunidad para componer, presentar, y archivar el paisaje sonoro local, enfocando en temas de anti-desplazamiento y pertenencia. Para más información: actaonline.org/soc
Hardly Strictly Music Relief Fund
ACTA Administers COVID-19 Relief Grants to the Bay Area
This month ACTA is wrapping up the administration of the Hardly Strictly Music Relief Fund: Bay Area in support of roots musicians in six San Francisco Bay Area counties facing financial challenges related to COVID-19. The program prioritized populations that have suffered historically from economic disadvantages and, therefore, are disproportionately impacted by COVID-19: Black, Latinx, Indigenous, immigrant, trans, and disabled communities. We made 330 grants of $2,000 each to roots musicians based in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Francisco, San Mateo, and Sonoma Counties. This program was made possible by Hardly Strictly Bluegrass, in partnership with the Center for Cultural Innovation.
"Participating in this philanthropic partnership has been an opportunity for the Alliance for California Traditional Arts to extend a critical resource to a vital segment of the roots-based artist communities we exist to serve," says Amy Kitchener, ACTA's Founding Executive Director. "It has also confirmed how vulnerable musicians are at this time. We recognize how supporting individual roots musicians is essential to buoy cultural communities towards a post-pandemic future."
ICYMI: Karen Collins on Shelter Together
Live from the African American Miniature Museum
Last week on our online livestream program Shelter Together, we visited with the African American Miniature Museum in Compton, a 2020 Living Cultures grantee organization. Artist Karen Collins walked us through her detailed miniature dioramas that share stories from African American history from the Middle Passage to the civil rights movement to the election of Barack Obama. Click here to watch the full video!
View all past Shelter Together videos here.
Follow us on Instagram and Facebook to hear about the next installment in this series!
Oakland CARES Fund for Artists and Nonprofits: Grants up to $3,000 for individual artists, and grants up to $20,000 for small arts nonprofits based on budget size. This is a reimbursement-based fund to mitigate COVID-19 related financial impacts suffered by Oakland-based individual artists and small nonprofit arts and culture organizations. Learn more.
DEADLINE: 10/23/2020
DEADLINE: 10/23/2020
Native Cultures Fund: Grants between $1,000 and $10,000 for individuals, non-profits, community partnerships, or Tribes engaging in projects that reflect California Indian culture, art, values, and traditional practices. Learn more.
DEADLINE: 11/20/2020
CERF+ Emergency Assistance: CERF+'s emergency relief grants focus on materials-based craft and folk/traditional artists that incurred significant medical expenses related to treatment and recovery from COVID-19 AND/OR experienced a recent, career threatening emergency, such as an illness, accident, fire or natural disaster. Learn more.
The Alliance for California Traditional Arts is the California Arts Council's official partner in serving the state's folk and traditional arts field.