Quick News for Wednesday, July 4, 2018
SAVE THE DATE, JULY 8TH - Holy Listening Session

Eric Davis, part of Bishop Ely's Discernment Committee, will be conducted a Holy Listening Session here on Sunday, July 8th, during coffee hour.  

I encourage everyone to attend this session because our needs as a DEPO parish (Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight) will be discussed and addressed. 

This Holy Listening Session is part of a new bishop-discernment process for the Diocese of Vermont. Bishop Ely is retiring within the next 18 months.

To be a reader, usher, choir member, crucifer or altar guild member but been afraid to ask.  In the words of Jesus "do not be afraid." We are friendly and will provide personal training.  

Please make your wishes to known to Dick Perez, Carole Harsh or Father Craig.

By the way, Sunday morning coffee hours are now organized as pot lucks with one family in charge.  If you would like to contribute a dish, please do.  No notice is necessary.  Helpers for clean up are always deeply appreciated and you can learn to use our brand new dish washer!

God Bless, Father Craig.


EVERYONE!!!  We are excited!  We are a quarter of the  way to our goal of receiving updated information from everyone!  Can we make it?  Yes we can, with your help! 
Let's be at 50% next week!!! (No pressure)

New Church Directory INFORMATION NEEDED!  

From Darcey Hale -- A special thank-you to those of you who have sent your directory information.  To contact Darcey, send her an email at  [email protected] 
If you have not done so, please send the complete information listed below.  If I only get part or you say "just like last year" it means that I have to go into the directory and retype it.  Because of the difficulties that we had with the last directory (our first with pictures, etc.) I cannot do a simple cut and paste. Producing the directory is a very time-consuming process and having you send me the information as requested will save me a huge amount of time. Many thanks.

Please include:
Name(s) last name first
Winter address (if you have one)
Phone number
Cell phone numbers (if you have them)
email address 
birthdays (without year)

Adirondack Refugees and Immigrants

Some of us participated in a rally in support of families who have been separated at our boarders. Several members of our congregation attended and heard speakers from the Law enforcement, Mental Health, Immigrants and Naturalized Citizen Communities. 


Choir Camp begins on August 1st the same day Bishop Ely visits St. John's. The congregation is invited to a special service on August 1st, 11:30 followed by a luncheon in Persell Hall. Please RSVP to Carole Harsh at [email protected] by July 29th. Please do not miss this event this will be one of the last times we can show our appreciation to Bishop Ely since he is retiring in 2019.
Other opportunities to enjoy the visit of the Choir Boy's will include dinner Friday August 3rd at 6PM, Harold and Jan Bedoukian's home. RSVP by email: [email protected] . Contributions of side dishes are welcomed.
The Boys will sing at Evening Song at 4PM at St John's Saturday August 4th and also at Sunday Worship, August 5th, at 9:15 AM. Following worship we will say goodbye to the Choir Boys by hosting a Community Brunch in Persell Hall.

TODAY - JULY 4, at 10 am - PATRIOTIC SONGS in the Sanctuary  
Before the Parade - please join us!   

We had a wonderful week of being with children from preschool through sixth grade. St Johns' was well represented. Thank You!! Bob Harsh (Paddle Captain Bob), Carole Harsh (Romper the River Otter) Bobbie Perez (teacher), Pam Puccia ( assisted with snacks), Father Craig (Bible Storyteller).
We were sad to say goodbye to another successful week of Vacation Bible School! 
Prayers of the People
We pray for those who are ill or recovering:
Mary Ruth's brother Tom Seibert; Tom Duca's nephew, Chris Lividini; Dave Martin; Tilly's grandson, Rob Close and his family; Ed; Jill; Teresa's sister Vivian; Judith Moore; Dottie Hall Swinehart; Helene Gray; and others known to us...
We commend to your mercy all who have died...

Lost Scribbles from Father Craig's Desk

The Vestry requested an opportunity to   experiment with different forms of Prayers of the People. Do not be surprised by the variety and different forms used during the service. The goal of the vestry is to experience different types of prayers that reflect and represent a variety of spiritual locations within the St. John's community. This approach to the prayers of the people meets with the approval of Father Craig.

Holy Day: July 4 Independence Day
Let Us Pray: Lord God Almighty, in whose Name the founders of this country won liberty for themselves and for us, and lit the torch of freedom for nations then unborn: Grant that we and all the people of this land may have grace to maintain our liberties in righteousness and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. AMEN


Here are the ways you can reach Father Craig:
Church Phone: 518 - 963 - 7775
Rectory Phone: 518 - 963 - 4657
Cell Phone: 207 - 595 - 2697

If you are unable to reach him at the Church, please call the Rectory and speak with someone there or leave a message. 

And please note, the Rectory is always open for emergencies.

~ Looking Forward to Seeing You
in Church 9:15am Sunday
July 7, 2018 ~