April Zone 11 Update
Thanks for being a Zone 11 member! We hope you enjoy the new look of the Zone 11 Update! This month scroll down to get a glimpse of the exciting programs you can participate in, see what is coming up in our zone and apply to participate before it's too late! Don't forget to share your photos and stories with us!
Do you know what rule changes went into effect April 1?
In January, US Equestrian passed several rule changes that affect Hunter/Jumper competitors that went into effect on April 1. Make sure you Know Before You Show:

We need your input! Zone 11 Specifications are available for member comment until May 16
The U.S. Hunter Jumper Association is pleased to announce that the Member Comment Period for 2019 USHJA Zone Specifications is now open.

"Since each zone has their own specifications, it is important that they are a good fit for the individual zone. Each committee reviews the specifications with an eye to the needs of the zone," said USHJA President Mary Babick. "Once that process is complete, the members get a chance to voice their opinion. I hope you will take the time to submit your feedback."

Each year, the USHJA Zone Committees closely review the specifications for their zone to make any adjustments to better serve the needs of the zone, and then the USHJA makes these adjusted specifications available for member comment. The member comment period for zone specifications will be open until May 16, and members simply email comments or suggestions to

What's your horsemanship IQ?
The Horsemanship Quiz Challenge, presented by The Plaid Horse, is open now until Sept. 1.

Competitors 21 years old and younger can participate in this online test for a chance to earn a spot at Horsemanship Quiz Challenge Nationals, an in-person horsemanship competition that offers $4,000 in educational grants.
Outreach Competitions coming up in our zone!
  • May 12, HHSA Spring Fling, Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Aug. 25, HHSA August, Honolulu Hawaii
  • Sept. 22, HHSA September, Honolulu, Hawaii
Looking for a trainer?
Amy Quinlan is a USHJA Certified Trainer in Hawaii. USHJA Certified Trainers maintain a certification, are tested on a broad spectrum of professional information, including training techniques, safety of horse and rider, horsemanship skills and more.

For more information about how to become a USHJA Certified Trainer, click here.
USHJA announces National Championships coming this year
Do you want to represent our zone at the first ever Aon/USHJA National Championships Nov. 13-18 at The Las Vegas National?

The Championships will feature National Hunter Championships for:
  • Amateur Owner Hunters
  • Junior Hunters
  • Pony Hunters
  • Green Hunters
  • Adult Amateur Hunters
  • Children's Hunters

They will include the USEF/USHJA National Jumper Championships with eight sections of competition and the first USHJA Affiliate Championships!

Members interested in qualifying must submit entries for the Championships by Sept. 14. Entries will open when the horse show prize list is released.
The Championships will be held during The Las Vegas National, CSI4*-W at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa's Arena and Equestrian Center.
Have a story to share?
Share stories about your successes and adventures in the sport with us for possible inclusion in the Zone 1 Update or on our Zone 1 Facebook Page. Please include your name and hometown and a photo.
Important dates and deadlines
Official USHJA Sponsors
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: Tricia Booker and Louise Taylor for USHJA.
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |