As May arrives, we offer our hearty congratulations to Bowdoin's graduating seniors and salute those members of the Class of 2018 who have served as interns this year. We will miss you! We urge you to take advantage of the final month of
Second Sight, which closes on June 3rd, and related programming, including a non-visual learning experience with artist Carmen Papalia on May 4th. Late May promises new perspectives on art from our region with the new exhibition
Made in Maine, and anticipates the Museum's major summer exhibition about Winslow Homer, which opens on June 23rd. During this time of transitions, we invite you to spend time with your favorite works of art.
See you at the Museum!
Anne Collins Goodyear & Frank H. Goodyear Co-Directors
Bowdoin College Museum of Art
Second Sight: The Paradox of Vision in Contemporary Art
This exhibition explores the experiential, psychological, and metaphorical implications of the nonvisual in American art from the 1960s to today.
This exhibition features a selection of art works created in Maine during the first half of the twentieth century. Winslow Homer was an important influence for many artists who worked in Maine at this time, including George Bellows, Marsden Hartley, Rockwell Kent, Andrew Wyeth, and Marguerite Zorach, all of whom are represented in this presentation.
Congratulations to BCMA Senior Interns
With the end of the semester drawing to a close, the BCMA would like to congratulate its three senior interns on their graduation and celebrate the next steps in their careers and education. It has been a pleasure to work with Eliza Nitzan, Eliza Goodpasture, and Julianna Burke. Their significant contributions to the BCMA and the community will be long-lasting. The entire team at the BCMA wishes them good luck in all of their future endeavors.
Collections of Marion Boulton "Kippy" Stroud and Walter Pach
Gifted to the Museum
The BCMA is delighted to announce its receipt of two major collections of artworks that will significantly expand its holdings: nearly 350 works from the estate of Marion Boulton "Kippy" Stroud (1939-2015), founder of the Fabric Workshop and Museum in Philadelphia and the Acadia Summer Arts Program (ASAP) on Maine's Mount Desert Island, known as "Kamp Kippy"; and an archive of visual art by the artist, scholar, and curator Walter Pach (1883 - 1958), numbering approximately 1,200 works from the gallerist and scholar Francis M. Naumann and his wife Marie T. Keller.
museum news
Finding Discomfort in the Art Museum
Vancouver-based social practice artist Carmen Papalia, who is blind, contributed an installation for the exhibition Second Sight: The Paradox of Vision in Contemporary Art in collaboration with two of his former students and Ellen Tani, the exhibition's curator. "When We Make Things Openly Accessible We Create a Force Field" (2018) consists of an overstuffed sofa, shag carpet, and chairs. It also includes a wall of pillows, takeaway posters, and cloth banners all printed with the animating slogans of Open Access, a conceptual work and new paradigm for accessibility.
Student Choice: Baz Gilligan-Kim '19
In this 1935 photograph titled
Space Writing (Self-Portrait), Man Ray obscures himself behind lines drawn using a penlight in an otherwise dark frame. In the background, we see what appears to be the intersection of two adjacent walls. Shapes, perhaps shadows, are visible against this backdrop. In the foreground, the artist has written his name and sketched the outline of his body with the penlight. He made these marks without being able to see them at first. They are only visible in the image after it was developed and printed.
Become a Member of the Bowdoin College Museum of Art
We hope you'll stop by the Museum this spring! There are several exhibitions, featuring art from ancient times to the present, on view for your enjoyment.
For more information, please check our home page, or contact Caroline Baljon, Membership and Programs Coordinator, at (207)-725-3276.
The support of our members helps us to realize future exhibitions, public programs, and educational offerings, which are always open to students and the general public free of charge. Membership offers special access to events and serves as a connection to a community of students and faculty who are actively engaged at the Museum. If you are not already a member, we hope that you will show your support for the Bowdoin College Museum of Art by
joining today
May 1
Immateriality and Infinity-- Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Richard Pousette-Dart's Paintings
12:00 pm
Museum of Art
May 4
Blind Field Shuttle Walk with Carmen Papalia
1:00 pm
Museum of Art
May 5
Family Saturday
10:00 am
Museum of Art
May 8
Gallery Conversation with Anne Collins Goodyear
12:00 pm
Museum of Art
May 17
Members' Evening at the Museum
5:00 pm
Museum of Art
Banner image:
Detail from
Green Breaker, 1913, oil on panel by George Bellows. Gift of Remak Ramsay. Bowdoin College Museum of Art. The painting is included in the exhibition Made in Maine.