United Blood Services is our February Customer Spotlight. We are sharing UBS's current appeal. UBS's facebook page linked here, has current information.

UBS Facebook Nevada 

"The cold and flu season is worse than expected this year and is preventing many donors from giving blood. While donations may drop, the need for donated blood does not. Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion for everything from car accidents and other traumas to organ transplants, to treat blood disorders and many other medical treatments. Please go to or call 877-UBS-HERO to make an appointment or book a community blood drive."


Mission - Since 1943
      " United Blood Services exists to make a difference in people's lives by bringing together the best people, inspiring individuals to donate blood, producing a safe and ample blood supply, advancing cutting-edge research and embracing continuous quality improvement.

       United Blood Services relies on volunteer donors to meet the blood needs of patients in Nevada. According to America's Blood Centers, fewer than 10 percent of eligible donors give annually. When you give blood at least 3 times a year, you qualify as Gold-level donor, receiving special recognition through our Hero Rewards program. Visit to learn more."

Thank you United Blood Services for being our valued customer.



Randy Kopf

Mel Benedict

U.S. Flag Code
Link to the most current and complete compilation 
for the  U.S. Senate.


Flag Holidays 

It is appropriate to fly the flag every day. This list of days is declared in the U.S.Flag Code.

New Year's Day - January 1
Martin Luther King Day - Third Monday in January
Inauguration Day - January 20
Lincoln's Birthday - February 12
Washington's Birthday - February 22
Presidents' Day - Third Monday in February
Easter Sunday- Movable- 
                   (first Sunday after the first full moon on  
                    or after the March equinox)     
Mother's Day - Second Sunday in May
Peace Officers Memorial Day (half-staff)- 
 May 15
Armed Forces Day - Third Saturday in May
Memorial Day (half-staff until noon) -Last Monday in May
Flag Day - June 14
Independence Day - July 4
Korean War Veterans Day (half-staff) - 
 July 27
Labor Day - First Monday in September
Patriot Day and National Day of Service and Remembrance - (half-staff from sunrise to sundown)       
                      September 11
Citizenship Day - September 17
Air Force Day - September 17
Constitution Day -- September 17
POW/MIA Recognition Day - September 21
Columbus Day - October 12
Navy Day - October 27
National Election Day - First Tuesday in November
Marine Corps Day - November 10
Veterans Day - November 11
Thanksgiving Day - Fourth Thursday in November
National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day (half-staff from sunrise to sundown) - December 7
Christmas Day - December 25
Election Days
and such other days as may be proclaimed by the President of the United States; the birthdays of States (date of admission); and on State holidays. 

Flags Unlimited | 702-895-4885 | |