Rulmeca Corporation mid-March 2018 Newsletter
Construction of the new Rulmeca Corporation facility officially began on February 19 with a ceremonial “ground breaking” ceremony in North Chase Industrial Park, Wilmington, NC. Jay Graham, Director of Operations, Mike Gawinski, President, and Brian Vrablic, Director of Sales & Marketing, all helped move the first soil.
Rulmeca Corporation welcomed Charlton Jernigan to the Rulmeca family in March. With six years of Motorized Pulley and conveyor roller component production experience, Charlton will strengthen the company’s production and service capabilities. As Production Engineer, he will supervise production, perform CNC programming, make CAD drawings, and manage ECN, safety, and quality control systems.
Rulmeca Corporation exhibited at the 2018 National Stone, Sand, and Gravel Show in Houston, Texas. Brian Vrablic, director of sales & marketing, explained why Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys are more reliable, more compact, easier to maintain, and safer than exposed drive systems. Major national stone producers and regional asphalt producers visited. He also visited with mobile crushing & screening plant OEMs who use Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys as part of their standard equipment package. 
Our Products
Food/Unit Processing
We offer a complete range of drum motors for various food processing and unit handling applications. Our state-of-the-art drum motors are used in applications such as package sorting, security scanning equipment, bakeries, meat, fruit, and vegetables processing.
Bulk Handling
We offer a complete range of Motorized Pulleys designed for various bulk handling applications. Our state-of-the-art Motorized Pulleys are used in applications such as mining, cement, quarries, recycling, and aggregate production
Learn why designers and operators have chosen Rulmeca Motorized Pulleys for more than 60 years.
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Rulmeca Corporation
6508-B Windmill Way
Wilmington, NC 28405, USA
T. 910-794-9294
F. 910-794-9296
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