Jai Jinendra & Pranam,
The advent of spring has made us to spring into action and move to a higher gear in our preparations for the 25th Pratistha Anniversary Mahotsav.

Yesterday we concluded a very successful volunteer kickoff meeting with 95+ volunteers and ECBOT team members attending the meeting. If you missed signing up the volunteer form and would still like to volunteer then contact any committee member with your interest.

There has been a lot of progress made on many fronts. Starting today you will receive a regular weekly update on various planned activities and sponsorship details.

This week the focus is on updated sponsorship opportunities, Audition Details of one of the two in house Play and Update on Satkarya.
Sponsorship Opportunities for
25th Anniversary Celebration (as of 03/11/2018)
Additional Available Sponsorship Opportunities
Click here to see detail benefits of each sponsorship
Cultural Team Audition for Inhouse Play
As noted above to support the 2 in house production we will be Conducting Auditions for various roles.

The first set of these auditions will be for the Play Karmic Forces to be staged on June 24th at 8:00 PM.

Please Note: Auditions for this play are scheduled for March 17th and March 18th starting from 1:00 PM at JSMC

For more information please contact Education Secretary .
25 Satkarya for 25th Anniversary
Details of Satkarya

  1. Tap - Appeal for 25 varsitap
  2. Sanyam - 25 Sädhu and Sädhvi Vaiyävrata for one year or more - $500/family
  3. Education - 25 Children Education for one year in Jain education sanstha - $500/family
  4. Jivdaya - Release 25 Animals from Slaughter house - $500/family
  5. Karuna - 250 Eye Surgery in Eye Camp - $100/family