Browse our furniture, window treatments, area rugs and more.

Explore the vintage linens.

Check out the antiques, including this charming pie safe.


Survey the collection of wall art -- from oils to watercolors.

Find the most unique pieces -- something for everyone!

Open to the Public:
Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat 10-4
Tax-deductible donations of gently-used clothing and household items are welcome during regular store hours.
Featured on Craigslist
We are now featuring unique finds in the shop on Craigslist. To see photos and descriptions of these items,  click here.

Shop, Save, Support and Share your Review!

Do you enjoy shopping and saving at the Assistance League Thrift Shop? We invite you to share your enthusiasm by clicking here and sending a review to 
Support Assistance League Charlotte while you shop from home. 
Click Here to begin Shopping.  

Save even more throughout the store. Check tag color for discounts for March.
Assistance League of Charlotte is a nonprofit volunteer organization dedicated to improving the lives of children and families through community-based philanthropic programs - we feed, we clothe, we mentor, we educate.
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