Be part of launching new ministries, renewing old favorites, and coming together as a community within a community. Here's a new young adult ministry update.
They are marching. What did we do?
I'm amazed by the young people across our nation who are marching about their concern over gun violence, particular gun violence that impacts their schools and potentially their lives. What an amazing thing, the way youth will rally when things truly matter.

I don't recall doing anything like that, really. Maybe it was loftier times in the 90s, maybe I was sheltered, maybe it simply didn't occur to us it was an option to use our voices like today's youth. Whatever the reason, here I am in my 30s finding myself trying out protests and other forms of activism for the first time. I sometimes wonder what would life be like if I'd gotten activated much sooner. To that end, I am grateful for young people who raise their voice now and I also congratulate them for having an impact.

As young adults, we think, too, about how contribute our voice to important conversation, whether that be the local, national, or church stage. I must tell you that people in our congregation who would not categorize themselves as "young adults" are always telling me how great it is to see young families in worship, young adults in leadership roles, and young people giving new life to this congregation. Your very presence boosts morale and brings hope. I encourage you to continue making those intergenerational connections that make you better acquainted with people who are not your peers. The church is one of the last places we truly get to do this and it is a gift.

Pub Theology this week, then Guys' Night Out the next week, plus a little fun at Cafe Lurcat for Good Friday. The month has plenty for young adults and April is going to be filled with opportunities, too. Be sure to commit with your RSVP ASAP A-OK!

Jesus loves you!

Rev. Nate Melcher,
Associate Pastor

Pub Theology is a key entry point for young adults to build church community outside the walls of the building and explore faith beyond worship.

All Hennepin members and friends 21+ are invited to gather monthly to discuss faith, world events, and life, all fueled by the tasty beverage of your choice.

New and unsure? No sweat! Most Pub Theology gatherings sees at least one new face. Maybe this month... it's you!

Due to the drop-in nature of the gathering, RSVPs aren't necessary but are helpful. If no participants arrive within 20 minutes of the start time, the convener will cancel the event.

Want to know the format, typical topics, and more? We've got info on tap.
Sisyphus Brewery
712 Ontario Ave W #100
Minneapolis, MN 55403 ( map)
225 Thomas Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN 55404 ( map)
Lakes & Legends Brewing
1368 Lasalle Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403 ( map)
NEW: Guys' Night Out on March 21 (RSVP today!)
Pinstripes, here we come!
Wednesday, March 21
8:00pm-9:00pm Bowling ($13)
9:00pm-10:00pm Bistro

3849 Gallagher Drive, Edina, MN 55435 ( map)

Fellas, let's take a night away to get to know each other. An hour of bowling at Pinstripes, then we'll head to the bistro for talk. Your RSVP helps us reserve the right number of lanes.
Dinner Group: Good Friday
Good Friday evening worship
7:00pm, Sanctuary
Experience this powerful worship service filled with music and theatrics. (Maundy Thursday worship is 7:00pm Easter Sunday is 7, 9, and 11am)
Dinner Group at Cafe Lurcat
Right after Good Friday worship
Please contact Bethany Charlsen to be part of this annual tradition and help us secure tables!
Let's build the community as the community!
Pub+Project is our brand-new ministry for young adults to build community as the community. Come together for a service project. Then, go out together to socialize.

Some projects require RSVP depending on the organizations we serve. If you have ideas for how we can serve and where we can socialize, send them our way. Let's partner up to make God's world a better place and spend time together.
Feed My Starving Children
April 7, 2:00pm-4:00pm

Feed My Starving Children Chanhassen Location
18732 Lake Drive East
Chanhassen, MN 55317
( map)

This classic service project helps feed impoverished children around the world. Come for the first time or the 100th time, let's feed the least of these in the name of Jesus together!
April 7, 4:00pm-6:00pm
16396 Wagner Way
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
( map)

After a few hours on our feet, take some time to have a seat and meet new people during happy hour and build our excellent community!
Old School tour+sorting
Mid-April weeknight, TBA

Old School
by Steeple People
1901 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403
( map)

Steeple People is back! This spring we have the chance to see the new space with a tour plus serve this nonprofit staple of the community by sorting donation items. Be one of the "new school" volunteers at Old School!
Mid-April weeknight, TBA
2632 Nicollet Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55408
( map)

Steeple People is an uptown staple and so is Christos Greek restaurant! A variety of vegetarian and meat-eater options plus libations.
Community Meals
June 3, 4:00pm-6:30pm

Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403
( map)

One of the top entry point ministries of HAUMC, you can be a table host, work in the kitchen, manage the give away tables, and more. This is one of the most powerful ministries we do, sign up!
June 3, 6:30pm-8:00pm
2324 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55405
( map)

A classic gathering spot in our neighborhood, Leaning Tower of Pizza has a wide assortment of pizzas, foods, and tasty beverages.
LYFE Groups: Pot Luck Style | Study Style

Every Other Monday evening
Hosted in Various Homes
Contact: Audra Howard, coordinator

Gather with fellow young adults in the life of the church for food and fellowship. All are welcome, from young singles to couples to families with young children. Contact Audra Howard to get involved.

Weekly, TBA (SIgn up, help choose!)
Host Venue TBA
Contact: Joanna McNellis, coordinator

This brand-new LYFE Group is about to launch! Aimed at young adults who want to study the sermon series book ( Speaking Christian), contact Joanna & Daniel McNellis to help get it started!
SAVE THE DATE: InterGen Men Retreat
November 10-11, 2018
InterGen Men's Retreat
10:00am Saturday, November 11 thru
1:00pm Sunday, November 12
Cost TBA (~$100 or so)

Koinonia Retreat Center
7768 Pilger Avenue NW
South Haven, MN 55382
( map)

Men who are Millennials, Gen Xers, Boomers, and the Silent Generation are coming together for 24 hours in the woods to learn from one another. See you there?
Contact Pastor Nate Melcher

Rev. Nate Melcher, Associate Pastor
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403-3223
Appointments: Dawn Breffle (executive assistant) | dawn @ | 612-435-1312
612.435.1301 office | nate @
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