The 268th Annual 
Sunday, January 28
 following the 11:00 a.m. service

Vestry Elections
 have been nominated to fill three open Vestry positions.  A short bio for each is listed below.
Brett Montroy has been nominated to serve as the Chancellor.

Billy Badger  has been nominated as Senior Warden by the Rector .

Bryan Hawkins, Wright Montgomery, Claiborne Porubsky, and Brad Sandbach will be concluding Vestry/Warden terms on Easter Monday.
Carol C. Cook
A native North Carolinian, Carol grew up in Gastonia, and attended UNC-Greensboro, where she majored in piano.  She earned a master's from the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, and an artist's diploma from the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Germany.  She was active in church from an early age - both her parents were church musicians. In 2010, she moved with her husband and son from Winston-Salem, where she had been a member of St. Paul's-WS, and also had served as Senior Ministries Assistant for a number of years.  At Saint Paul's here in Augusta, she serves as a Lay Eucharistic Minister, a member of the Saint Paul's Choir, and a lay-reader.
A professional musician, Carol is a pianist for the Augusta Symphony and the Lyra Vivace Chamber Orchestra. She also is a staff accompanist at USC-Aiken, and is a charter member of the ensemble Trio d'Esprit.  She is a member of the Music Teachers National Association, the National Federation of Music Clubs, and past-president of the Winston-Salem Piano Teachers Association.
Carol believes service to her church is an important part of her life, and that, in addition to giving financially, we must offer ourselves - our time and abilities - in order to create God's Kingdom on earth.
Christine Flanagan
I am a native South Carolinian!  My husband, Jonathan, and I visited Saint Paul's in October 2016 shortly after our military transfer to Fort Gordon.  We decided on the first visit that Saint Paul's was the church community for us.  We enjoy and are enriched by the numerous opportunities at Saint Paul's to serve the community and the congregation.
I currently work for the Department of Defense as an attorney assigned to represent Soldiers who are being medically discharged through the Army Disability Evaluation process.   Prior to working for the military, I was a contract juvenile criminal defense attorney for a county public defender's office.  This was and will always be the most rewarding and humbling job that I have ever had.  I am ever mindful of what one of my clients said to me when he was found guilty of several charged offenses.  He thanked me for treating him with respect.  He acknowledged that he was guilty of the charges; however, he stated that the way I treated him throughout the process made him feel good about himself.  That young man completed a Deferred Disposition and worked to get the charges dismissed and sealed.  A Navy recruiter called me three years later asking for a reference so the young man could enlist in the Navy and follow his dream to become a Navy Seabee.  There is truly great power in following the "Golden Rule" of treating others as you would like to be treated.   
I adore cooking and traveling with my husband.  I appreciate hard work and the lessons that you learn from it. If I am elected to our Vestry, I would be honored to serve Saint Paul's to the very best of my ability.

Donald Horton
I love Saint Paul's and its open, inclusive approach to it worship and the respect shown to individuals and members. It is truly a church for everyone. This is an exciting time in Augusta with the major growth downtown and opportunities to grow Saint Paul's.

With my wife, Meg and daughter Kennedy, I have been a member of Saint Paul's for four years. During this time I have become a member of the audio/visual team assisting in the adoption of live-streaming the services every Sunday on YouTube. I also sit on the Creation Care team and enjoyed helping in the kitchen for the Iron Man dinner. I also enjoy helping pack boxes and distributing food with the Manna Pantry.

I have lived in Augusta for over twenty years and I work for Morris Communications in the magazine division as the Manufacturing Director. I build relationships with vendors to produce over 400 different editions of 115 different magazine titles throughout the year. My office is across the street from Saint Paul's.

If elected, I look forward to using my interpersonal skills in helping the Saint Paul's community grow with our city.
Steven Whitney
My family and I joined the Episcopal Church in Statesboro in the spring of 2003. There I became actively involved as a LEM, LEV, adult Sunday school facilitator and co-chair of the 2004 Stewardship campaign. I also began the Education for Ministry (EFM) program and later graduated in 2008 after moving to Augusta and completing the course at Our Savior in Martinez. Since moving to Augusta we had been active members of another area Episcopal Church where I continued to be involved with the LEM/LEV program, adult formation and Vestry.

Millie and I decided to visit Saint Paul's several years ago. On our first visit we were pleasantly surprised at the warmth of the congregation to newcomers. We also enjoyed the sermons, the music and the overall energy of the church. After 3 months we decided to make our membership official. I am an active participant in adult formation classes, a reader and a member of the Creation Care Committee.

I am married to Millie Whitney who enjoys singing in the choir. We celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary on December 19th. We have two sons, Zachary (24) and Addison (20). Both are music majors- Zach attends Cleveland Institute of Music and Addison is a junior at the University of Georgia. Addison frequently plays French horn with the brass Quintet during Christmas Eve and Easter services.  We have 3 rescue pets- 2 dogs and a cat who are very special to us.  Both Millie and I enjoy being empty nesters and take every opportunity to travel to unique destinations.

I have been a Registered Nurse since 1991, graduating from Georgia State University in Atlanta with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I began my nursing career as a pediatric emergency room nurse at Egleston Children's Hospital Atlanta. Later I transitioned to adult care working in the ER, Critical Care, Trauma and Burn care units. In 1998, I acquired my Master of Science Degree in Nursing from Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville.  Later in my career I made the transition to nursing management and accepted faculty teaching positions in the Colleges of Nursing at Georgia Southern University and Augusta University (formerly MCG). I am currently the nurse manager for the inpatient cardiac units at AU Medical Center.

Historic Saint Paul's Church has added so much to the City of Augusta over its long history. It has a wonderful space for worship and the Church is an important gathering place for the wider community. These are exciting times for the Saint Paul's and I welcome the opportunity to serve as member of the Vestry if selected for this role.
Robert F. Wright III ( Bobby ) 
I began attending Saint Paul's in 1971 at age 7 when my family moved here from Mississippi. I sang in the choir and served as an acolyte through high school. I was confirmed here in 1976. I was active in EYC as well. 

My wife Michelle and I were married at Saint Paul's in December of 1992. We moved back to Augusta from Atlanta in 1995 and began attending Saint Paul's immediately upon our return. 

Our 3 children, Raley, Anne Sutton and Scout were all baptized and confirmed here. They all sang in the choir and acolyted. 

I served on the vestry from 1998 - 2003. During those years I was on the committee that planned the construction of the addition to the church. I was also on the search committee for a new rector when Donald Fishburne left for a new calling. 

I currently serve as an usher. 

My career began in Atlanta in 1987 with GA Pacific in the building products and lumber industry. I currently work for Forest Sales Corp as a lumber and log broker. 

I would be honored to be elected to the Vestry again. I will do everything I can to help Saint Paul's continue growing and serving Christ.
Brett Montroy  Nominated as Chancellor
An Atlanta-area native, Brett has made his home in Augusta since 2013. He's an attorney practicing in-house with Augusta Univeristy. He also clerked at the federal court in Augusta following law school graduation. He and his wife, Tara, who also works at Augusta Univeristy, very much enjoy the community at Saint Paul's, with Tara volunteering on the Outreach committee.

Personally, Brett enjoys traveling with his wife, spending time with their golden retriever, Jasper, golfing, and more recently fly fishing and shooting sports.

Brett feels blessed and honored to have found a truly great parish in Saint Paul's. If elected, he relishes the opportunity to serve Saint Paul's through the Chancellor role, helping to preserve its traditions as well as advancing its mission into the future.
William Badger (Billy)   Nominated as Senior Warden
My wife Julie and I have been members of Saint Paul's for more than thirty-five years. We raised our four now-grown children here. I have been a member of the vestry, served as senior warden and been involved in several stewardship campaigns. Currently I serve on the finance committee and the capital campaign.

My work life has been spent running a building supply company and a millwork business.

The resurgence of downtown Augusta provides a wonderful opportunity for Saint Paul's to grow and serve the community. I feel we must be good stewards of our church to offer the best possible experience for our members as well as those who visit.