WinSpin CIC, Inc. Creative Intelligence Consulting
Marilynn Mendell
Marilynn Deane Mendell
WinSpin CIC, Inc.

Leading the Charge for New Business
Enjoy my "Leading the Charge for New Business" talk which I recently gave at the AIA National Convention held in Denver this year. Thank you to each of the 450 who attended and to the AIA for the wonderful opportunity to share my expertise. Please enjoy the video version.
Look for it to be posted here:
Elbow Grease
Chicken Fat 
I hope you'll enjoy my forthcoming book, "Elbow Grease + Chicken Fat," filled with more ways to win through great marketing and branding. It's a fun read, and I think it can help entrepreneurs build successful businesses. Over the years, I have built several businesses, and my hope is that some of that knowledge will help others.
As the once best and largest 
off-premise caterer in Western New York, I have paired the business advice with my fabulous recipes to help cement the business concepts. My book conveys the American Dream: How anyone in this country can become whatever they want with hard work and a never-give-up attitude. Hence the title: Elbow Grease + Chicken Fat. 
"Trust Marilynn Mendell's creative spirit to serve up valuable business strategies alongside everyone's favorite... food... and make it meaningful and delicious. Bon Appetit!"
- Cindy Allen
  Editor in Chief
  Interior Design Magazine
"Marilynn Deane Mendell's inspirational book is not only a HOW TO but a WHY NOT? - offering entrepreneurial ingredients for tasty meals, healthy businesses, and fruitful lives. Delicious food for thought!"

- Bill Cunningham
  Television Producer,
   Los Angeles

"Elbow Grease + Chicken Fat is hard to put down. I love the recipes, and Marilynn Deane Mendell has included many that I'd like to try.  The accompanying words of wisdom--on growing a business and much more-- are just as valuable. Kudos to Marilynn for implementing a great idea! It was extremely movtivational"
- Diana Mosher
  Editor in Chief
  Multi-Housing News


Thank you.



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Photo of Marilynn by Jessica Marcotte

Trust Your GUT:
When It Tells You To Help Others
In a recent article in the New York Times Magazine by Gretchen Reynolds: They Know When You've Been Bad or Good  suggests that recent research by Steven W. Cole, a professor of medicine at U.C.L.A., shows that "'our genes can tell the difference' between a purpose-driven life and a shallower one even when our conscious minds cannot." Her article explains how when we don't act altruistically, our moral compass genes will react--often times leading to ill health or unhappiness. It's interesting. I KNOW that I feel better when I stop to help tourists in DC and transport them to their destinations despite the fact that I'll never see them again or get a thank you note in the mail.  
When a business really wants to succeed, it helps others. One of my clients, Hickok Cole Architects, a Washington, DC firm puts on a huge Art Night event every year to benefit the Washington Project for the ArtsWatch Interviews with Artists from 2012.

Each year I've been in charge of the Art Direction and finding the Art Angels. That's something I don't get paid to do because I love helping--and fund raising brings me a huge amount of personal joy. The success of this event has helped garner gobs of publicity for Hickok Cole Architects as well as numerous national marketing awards--and a grateful organization and community of artists.

Client: Hickok Cole Architects
Art Direction: Marilynn Mendell
Graphic Design: Noel Carson

SMPS Special Event 1st Place Award

The phrase it's better to give than receive actually does ultimately add enormously to a company's bottom line. In a service industry it can look as though spending time on non-billable hours isn't driving energy towards cash flow, but the ROI while apparently unseen, ultimately generates gigantic rewards. Endorsements and donations go beyond the concept of an advertising campaign. 

Thank you once again to the Art Angels who have helped bring in more that $525,000.00 to support the WPA. 
Great Speaking Engagements:


I'll be sharing the limelight with Anice Hoachlander at Hoachlander Davis Photography to help people in our industry create better photo shoots and get terrific media coverage for their projects.



For a business development fast track course please join me on November 1st and 8th George Mason University

Thank you,   

