Overcome your financial fears this Halloween season! October 2016 Newsletter
Fair Credit Foundation  |   In Utah: (801) 483-0999; Toll-free: (800) 351-4195  |  FairCredit.org
Don't be shy about asking for help. It doesn't mean you're weak. It only means you're wise.

From client to financial coach: Meet Miranda Vance

Miranda Vance was once a client in AAA Fair Credit's Individual Development Account program, learning the importance of saving money for future goals. 

Now, she is a financial coach for the agency, encouraging others to do what she did: learning the importance of financial control and saving to achieve their dreams.

Learn more about Miranda - and AAA Fair Credit - by clicking on the video.

Need more cash? Try a part-time job

Unlike part-time jobs in the past, which used only the help of teenagers, these opportunities today need your skills, adults!

Speak more than one language? Type at the speed of light? Love to talk about fashion? A part-time job may exist that is looking for you.

And if you're looking to increase your income, a part-time job may be just what you need. Read more
Go to class to improve your finances

AAA Fair Credit offers free classes to help you improve your finances.

Whether you need help learning how to match your income with your spending habits or how to improve your credit, free classes are available in the Salt Lake City metropolitan area to provide what you need.
Credit vs. Debit: When to use them
They may look the same, but credit and debit cards are definitely not the same.

While one affects your credit history, the other impacts your bank account, keeping you either on your financial path or off in another direction.

Learn more about the differences between the two cards and how best to use them.  Read more
For help with credit, debt, or spending plans,
contact us:

In Salt Lake City: (801) 483-0999 ; Toll-free: (800) 351-4195 | FairCredit.org