How to join our live discussion now

We are just starting today's Edchat Interactive with Rodney Turner.

Please log on to the Shindig application at 

Please be prepared to participate in the discussion in a polite professional manner.

Technical Information (this is new, please read)

You must be using the Chrome browser or, if on a tablet the Shindig App. 
We are using the Shindig platform, and their new release does not yet work with other browsers.

Don't forget, these are interactive, we are really looking forward to your participation, not just attendance. Please have a webcam and microphone on your computer, and allow Shindig access to both, as we will be interacting with each other via video.

If you would rather use a tablet, there is a "Shindig" app available at the Apple app store and on GooglePlay

If you have technical issues, you can reply to this email or text Mitch's cell at 914-527-5674.

Looking forward to talking with you about this important topic,


Mitch Weisburgh
Edchat Interactive
2 Boulder Brae Lane
Larchmont, NY 10538
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