March 22, 2018
This Sunday at Christ Church
Faith & Practice

Palm Sunday 
8:00AM Holy Eucharist
Blessing of Palms
9:30AM Choral Holy Eucharist
Blessing of Palms
Coffee and Conversation after the Service
Parish News
Thursday Evenings in Lent 2018
Genesis Matters:
Five Moments in Genesis that Anticipate
Jesus Christ and Why Every Christian Should Know Them

TONIGHT - March 22  
"Joseph Part II "  
Joseph ends up feeding his family during an extended famine and is reunited with father and brothers in the process. When Jacob dies, his brothers are sure that Joseph, the #2 man in all of Egypt, will dispense justice swiftly and finally. Come see how Joseph is the one who finally embodies the deep work of a Savior as he tends to the wounds he endures by his brother's hands.

(Yes-You're welcome to attend even if you've missed the others) 
Taught by The Rev. Christopher Powell

We begin with Compline at 6PM, followed by supper at 6:15PM in the McClain room and the program portion of the evening from 7:00-7:45PM in the Lea Room.

Holy Week: Palm Sunday - Easter Schedule

Thursday, March 29: Maundy Thursday
7:30PM Choral Holy Eucharist
& Foot Washing

Friday, March 30: Good Friday
Good Friday Liturgy with Communion
12:00 Noon

Saturday, March 31
Easter Eve 
7:30PM The Great Vigil
Choral Holy Eucharist
Celebration follows in the
McClain Room
"Bring a Dish to Share"

Sunday, April 1: Easter Day
9:00AM Choral Holy Eucharist
11:00AM Choral Holy Eucharist

Children should bring a basket to participate in the
 Easter egg hunt following the  9AM service.
"Bring a Dish to Share"
Saturday, March 31
Easter Eve Vigil

Our Easter Vigil Party is the first celebration of Easter. Join us after the 7:30PM service in the McClain Room. "Small bites" style foods and appetizers are preferred, such as (but not limited to) mini quiches or meatballs, smoked salmon, sushi, deviled eggs, bruschetta, smoked meats and cheeses or stuffed mushrooms.

Please email [email protected] or text 847-922-8053 Darlene and let her know what you will bring. Simply drop it off in the kitchen before the service.
See you there and thanks.
Easter Flower and Music Memorials - Deadline March 21 
In the spirit of Resurrection and new life, Easter allows us the opportunity to support these beautiful ministries and at the same time honor and remember loved ones and others who have been important in our lives. To send your information to us  online click here  or fill out this form  Easter Memorials and Thanksgivings 2018.pdf and send it to the office.  

The deadline to donate and have it in the bulletin is March 21 at 5PM.  
Egg Hunt with a Twist
We are trying something a little different for our Easter Egg Hunt this year! Don't worry, there will still be plenty of candy! Here's how it will go.
  • Inside the eggs will be "Bunny Money."
  • The children will bring their eggs to a table in the churchyard to put their Bunny Money in jars that are marked for three different children's charities that Christ Church already supports. The children will decide which one(s) they wish to give their money to. There will be simple descriptions of the charities on the jars.
  • The children then select their candy from a big basket of a variety of delicious candy.
  • Eggs are recycled into another big basket.
  • Christ Church will make an Easter donation to the three charities.
We hope you like the idea, and please let your children know about this in advance! We will also be telling them in the classrooms.
Save Your Grand Easter Receipts       
The Grand Food Center (Winnetka & Glencoe) has agreed to sponsor our mission trip and you can help!  Save all your receipts and place them in the labeled collection cans in the Prevost Cloister and church office. The Grand will give us 3% of all money spent at their store (before taxes). We appreciate your support! 
Invitation to Join March for Our Lives on March 24
This  Saturday, March 24 , on the eve of Holy Week, Episcopalians near and far will join in March for Our Lives events, led by families from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. A group from Christ Church will walk together with Bishop Lee and scores of other churches in the  downtown Chicago event Please join us by meeting at the parking lot behind 470 Maple Street at 9:15 a.m. on the 24th! We'll carpool from there, to  meet up with  the bishop and other Episcopalians before the march from Union Park.  Email Charlotte  to let us know you're coming, and if you can drive, or need a ride. 
2040 Vision Committee Update
Christ Church has always had the spirit and focus to meet any challenges or service opportunity. We do it best by planning and thinking ahead. Our continued vitality is no different.  The 2040 Vision Committee was created to discuss the critical question of; "What do we have to do to encourage vitality at Christ Church in 2040?"... click here to continue. 
Youth & Children's News
Peer Ministry Training for grades 7-12
  • April 8: We'll have fun with balloons while we talk about how we help others without carrying the burden ourselves.
  • April 22: (Note: make-up session not listed in the calendar) we'll have fun with paper airplanes and then discuss our values and learn how they can help with making decisions.
  • May 6: (Note: added final session not listed in the calendar) this will be our FINAL session until the fall where we will invite Chad Senuta to come back and facilitate a discussion on how we can put into practice everything we have learned. We will also play ping pong bingo!! 
CCD: Coffee, Christ, and Donuts 
Calling all high schoolers. The next CCD is Wednesday April 11, 7:15AM at the DeBlasio home at 480 Elder
Lane,Winnetka. Your host is Frances DeBlasio and maybe a surprise guest too! New Trier is just a short walk away. 
Opportunities to Serve 
VOLUNTEER - Saturday, March 24

We need 3 more servers.

If you are not going away for SPRING BREAK, please consider
serving/cooking for A Just Harvest on Saturday, March 24.

Save the Date

  • Christ Church Art Show - April 21-29  
  • Gordon Ingwersen - Memorial Service is Saturday, May 5 at 11AM
  • Joe Varley - Memorial Service is Thursday, June 7 at 3PM
Thursday Weekly News - Deadline is Tuesday at Noon  
Email Rena Kowalski at [email protected] 

Sunday Bulletin Announcements - Deadline is Tuesday at Noon
To have information listed in Sunday's Bulletin, send to Charlotte McGee [email protected].

Christ Church Website
Our website is constantly evolving. Please share your ideas. Send changes or updates to [email protected].

Christ Church Episcopal
Worship: Church on the Hill
784 Sheridan Road, Winnetka, IL

View on Instagram
Offices & Mailing Address:
470 Maple Street
Winnetka, IL 60093

Tel:  (847) 446-2850
Fax: (847) 446-8640

© 2014 Christ Church Winnetka. All Rights Reserved