February 1, 2018 
16th of Sh'vat, 5778

The Wexner Foundation
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Wexner Leads

Holocaust Education at the Super Bowl? Yes!
WHP Alum Marcia Cohodes (Minneapolis) suggests that football fans, and others, passing through St Paul/Minneapolis airport visit the "Transfer of Memory" photo exhibit to see portraits and stories of Minnesota Holocaust survivors.  "From Europe to Minnesota, these survivors came here with hope for a better life."

Heard Round Wexworld:  Super Bowl Inspiration
Football fans from Philadelphia and Boston Wexner programs share stories about leadership lessons learned from the Eagles and Patriots teams.  Enjoy the Super Bowl and these stories that have inspired Wexner alumni.

Pride, Partnership and Pluralism
WHP Alum Eric M. Robbins (Atlanta 10) travels to Israel with a contingency of Jewish leaders from Atlanta to reflect on 21st century Judaism and cutting-edge social innovations, seeking to be inspired and to inspire in Israelis a vision of even greater Jewish unity.  

The views expressed in WexnerLEADS do not necessarily reflect those of The Wexner Foundation.