GREETINGS                                 FEBRUARY 1st, 2018
It's easy at times to get led by the nose: the nose of our own desires,
preferences, wishes and wants. Or, we get led by the nose of someone else's desires, yens, quirks, or even ... demands, because we want so much to please them.   Faith cuts a different path. Jesus once put it quite starkly:
"Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." (Matthew 7:14)                                                                     
Faith cuts a path away from anything determined by or desired by Ego (our own, or someone else's);  a path that still calls us to love ourselves so that we are free to love others and other causes without conditions.  And Jesus is right, it ain't easy.   Rev. Ted Loder noted it by creating this journal entry: "The Narrow Way of Trust":
"God, give me courage to confront myself honestly, shuck the pretense, strip to the real; 
to act justly with those close to me, advocate justice for those at some remove;                                              
to work to heal what is injured in my life and celebrate the wondrous rest.                                                    
O God, lead me in the narrow way of trust for wide is the way of distrust,                                                    
painful the destruction it twists to.
Lighten the baggage I load on myself and others when I behave           
as though I were surer of my choices than I am, or ever can be.
Ease my anxiety about being wrong or exposed as a fool, for I am always at least a little of both and all the more when I deny I am either.      
Deepen my trust that together we can unravel the snarls of my life, the knots I tie myself into,
that, so relieved, I might help untie the knots I tie others into.            
Then go with me into awe or ache so deep I am force to sort out what matters,                                                
and to be buoyed by it, in this illusion-flooded world
Empower me to be a bold participant, rather than a timid saint in waiting,                                                            
in the difficult ordinariness of now;
to exercise the authority of honesty, rather than to defer to power, or deceive to get it;                                    
to influence someone for justice, rather than impress anyone for gain;                                                          
and, by grace, to find treasures of joy, of friendship, of peace           
hidden in the fields of the daily you give me to plow."
                                                                       (Wrestling the Light, 1991)
O, yes, let us go a-wandering walking by faith and not by sight.
In our thoughts and prayers are Judy van Duzer, Connie and Keith Kuntz,  DIane Paton and Patricia Bradshaw's grandson, Daniel.



United Church Observer
It's time for our renewal and new subscriptions.  This award winning magazine is noted for its attention to current topics and problems. With its quality of writing, its varied content, its colourful presentation and its humour, it is an easy way to become aware of the work of our church at home and around the world. The observer remains one of Canada's best magazine bargains at $25 for 11 issues. Please make cheques payable to Marshall Memorial Church re: Observer". New subscriptions are very welcome......Patty Cheshire

Annual General Meeting - February 4th
There will be one service THIS Sunday, February 4 which includes worship and Marshall's Annual General Meeting (AGM).  Similar to last year, there will be a social time starting at 9:30 a.m. with coffee/tea and pastries.  At 10:00 a.m. we will have a joint time of worship in the Fellowship Hall, followed by the AGM.  During the business portion of the meeting, church committees will make short presentations outlining their plans for the coming year, as we align with our vision and core values.  Heather Franca will provide Sunday School and activities for the kids following the children's time.  This should be an enjoyable and informative morning.  Please make a special effort to come and be a part of this time together.
Ancaster Community Food Drive
Anyone interested in assisting with the Ancaster Community Food Drive is invited to join the Marshall team.  We will be given several routes to take care of, probably in the vicinity of the church.  On the morning of Saturday, February 24 we will distribute flyers to our routes (1-2 hours).  On the morning of Saturday, March 3 we will do a door-to-door pickup of food donations for deliver to the Ancaster Fairgrounds (2-3 hours).  The activity involves walking and carrying food bags.  Also, some drivers will be needed.  This is a very worthwhile cause and is a good opportunity for us to serve in our community.  If you would be willing to help, please sign the volunteer list in the Foyer, or contact Dave Putnam at [email protected].
Tax Receipts
Please pick up your 2017 tax receipt from the box in the foyer.

Parlour Renovations
We will be renovating our church parlour in a major way in the coming months.  Before we start our renovations on DEMO DAY, Monday February 26th, we will be selling off most of the items in the room via a silent auction process. From today and until Sunday February 18th, we will take bids for the items listed on the sheets placed in the foyer and parlour.  The highest bidder will win the item and must have it taken away from the premises before Friday Feb. 23.  Good luck and may the highest bid win!

Time Out With Jesus
"Time out with Jesus" will resume in the church parlour  in February, Tuesdays at noon (until the renovations begin).
On Line Support
On-line help and support for a variety of needs and personal development interests is available at Check out over 690 videos on a wide range of topics such as: Shifting your mindset to wealth, Thriving through Change, Weight management, Retirement, Couples Relationships, Conflict Management, Addressing Anxiety head-on, etc.
Living Rock
Next week we will be delivering groceries to the Living Rock.  Your donations are greatly appreciated.


Luncheon & Cards
Come to the hall on Friday February 9th at noon.  Just come for lunch if you wish or stay for euchre/bridge.  Bring your friends. There are prizes and the tickets are on sale today for $15.  Rides are available.  Everyone is welcome!

Bistro Nights
The last Bistro Night gathering will be this Saturday, February 3 from 8 to 10 p.m. This will be a licensed event, $5.00 gets you in and a free drink to start; $5.00 per drink after that.   Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks provided. Proceeds after expenses will be contributed to the Community Assistance Fund to help persons in need in our community. At this gathering we will reflect on the poetry and music of Leonard Cohen.
Ash Wednesday
Join in the sanctuary on Wednesday, February 14th at 12:30.

Ancaster United Churches - Lenten Study
During Lent four Ancaster United Churches (Marshall, Ryerson, Bethesda and Jerseyville) will participate in a study of the Book of Mark.  The study will be held each Thursday starting February 15 at 1:30 pm.  It will rotate between the four churches, with leadership provided by the ministers of each church.  The first two weeks will be held at Marshall with Rev. Harry Disher as the discussion leader.  This is a wonderful time of preparation as we approach Easter and an excellent opportunity for us to get to know others from neighbouring United Churches in our community. 

                                                      MARK-ing TIME
A Six-Week Travelling Bible Study sponsored by Ancaster area United Churches
WEEK 1:   "Preparation for Lent"                             Psalm 27          
Thurs. Feb. 15   1:30-3:00 p.m.                                 Marshall Memorial United Church  
WEEK 2: "Introduction to a Gospel"                    Mark 1:1-15                                           Thurs. Feb. 22   1:30-3:00 p.m.                                 Marshall Memorial United Church
WEEK 3: "Looking Forward with Vision"            Mark 8:22-10:52
Thurs. March 1   1:30-3:00 p.m.                                      Jerseyville United Church
WEEK 4: "Teachings and Object Lessons?"       Mark 11:1-13:37                                         Thurs. March 8   1:30-3:00 p.m.                                     Bethesda United Church
WEEK 5:   "Dinner, Distress, Denial"                       Mark 14:1-72                                         Thurs. March 15   1:30-3:00 p.m.                                     Ryerson United Church
WEEK 6:   "Darkness Descends"                           Mark 15: 1 - 47                 
Thurs. March 22   1:30-3:00 p.m.                                   Ryerson United Church