January 26, 2018

Prepare for Lent
Focus on Mass Incarceration
Inquirers Class
2018 Per Capita
smallgroupsPrepare for Lent
Amazing Grace Book
Small groups study "Vocabulary of Faith"
Lenten small group sign-ups continue.  We will read  Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith by Kathleen Norris and examine key words of the Christian church that have puzzled, intrigued, and inspired seekers and followers for centuries. 

Skilled congregation and staff leaders will guide us as we meet others, find deeper community, and expand our relationship with God.  Weekday evening, daytime, and Sunday groups are available. See the schedule and find your group. 
Lenten Devotional
To help strengthen, inspire, and connect our community of faith, the Adult Education Committee has gathered reflections for Lent, written by members of the Nassau congregation. 

Contributors have written a meditation and prayer for each day from Ash Wednesday, February 14, to Easter Sunday, April 1. Each meditation focuses on select verses from a lectionary text of the day.

Pick up a book in Fellowship or follow along online - details on the  Lenten Devotional page
mass-incarcerationFocus on Mass Incarceration
Adult Education Series
This February you are invited to participate in the Adult Education series on mass incarceration - classes will expose its cruelty, advocate for change in our criminal justice system, and reveal the humanity of those incarcerated. We are also extending a special invitation to the general public to join us for these classes. Bring a friend. All are 9:15AM in the Assembly Room.

Among the class leaders are professors Mark Lewis Taylor of Princeton Theological Seminary and Ruha Benjamin of Princeton University and members of our Mass Incarceration Task Force.

Feel helpless to bring any meaningful change to such a monumental and complex problem? Come and learn how you can. 
Noon Discussion on Race
Race plays a major role in the problem of mass incarceration. Is your heart calling you to explore the concept of biological race? Understand how institutions shape and create race? Ground your exploration in Scripture?

Join a group watching Race: The Power of an Illusion and reflecting together on what this means for addressing racism in our time, Sundays, February 4, 11, and 18, 12:30-2:30PM, at the church. Free lunch provided at noon.

Sign up by emailing Lauren Yeh (lyeh@nassauchurch.org). Best to come to all, but individual session attendance allowed. Sponsored by Nassau's Adult Education and Mission and Outreach committees.
Adult Education

This Sunday, January 28, is the last bad (hard) Bible story in our January all-ages series "The Worst Bible Stories." Eric Barreto helps us with the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5.  The class is 9:15AM in the Assembly Room. The all-ages series is for youth, middle-school-age and up, and adults. 

Also at 9:15AM, George Hunsinger continues our 1st Corinthians In-Depth Bible Study in Maclean House. 
Mark Edwards Rock Climbing
Rocks for docs. After preaching his sermon "Rock Climbing" this past Sunday, Dr. Mark Edwards sent us some photos of his greatest climbs. Take a look and read his meditation on Psalm 62. 

By the way, the summer youth trips deadline is Sunday, February 4. It's not too late - youth, come along for one of the adventures with Mark and company. 
inquirersInquirers Class
Come explore the meaning of Christian faith, church membership, and the foundations of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in classes on Sundays, February 11, 18, and 25. Classes are held 9:30-10:30AM in Niles Chapel. 

The Inquirers Class is open to anyone wanting to discover more about our church and required for those who wish to become church members. Your presence and membership mean everything to us!
percapita2018 Per Capita
The per capita assessment for 2018 is $33.21 per member (Confirmation and above). Per capita represents the denomination's costs related to the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast, and New Brunswick Presbytery. The funds are utilized for both mission and administrative expense.

Please consider donating your or your family's per capita assessment to help defray this cost, which totals $35,302 for Nassau Presbyterian Church.