March 8, 2018


BLACKBERRIES:  California will gradually ramp up over the next 2-4 weeks.

BLUEBERRIES: California production is expected to slowly ramp up toward the end of March to the beginning of April. Florida will start by the end of the month and Georgia will get going in April. Chilean production will start to slow down.

RASPBERRIES:  California will gradually increase over the next 2-3 weeks.

STRAWBERRIES: Mexico and Florida's seasons are winding down. California's growing areas, Salinas and Watsonville should start by April.
ALERT!  Cauliflower
The cauliflower market remains active with limited supplies from all growing regions. Salinas, CA has started, but this will not be enough to affect the market. We are still looking at two weeks from better supplies.
Chili Peppers
Good supplies are available on most varieties. Quality is mostly good on all hot peppers. Growing conditions have been favorable with very few areas
experiencing light rain and cooler temps.
ALERT! Cilantro
Cilantro supplies have decreased significantly. Cold weather in Mexico and Yuma has decreased supplies. Oxnard, CA is unable to fill the void. As a result, the market is active. Supplies are also diminishing in Yuma as the season finishes up. Quality is fair at best due to recent freezing temperatures in Mexico and Yuma.
The kale market is steady with ample supplies; quality is excellent.
ICEBERG:  Bad weather conditions in Arizona, coupled with lighter availability has made this market stronger compared to past weeks. Southern California has
been out of production the whole week. The availability in the desert is moderate to light. The situation is not as drastic as romaine, just to be clear. Expect production to be up and down for the next few weeks, minimum. The weights are averaging  40-44 lbs.

ROMAINE:  D emand exceeds supplies, and this will continue throughout this week. Escalated pricing is in effect on contracts as well as value added items. Light supplies are expected for the next two weeks minimum on romaine followed up by
inconsistent production for the rest of March. The weather in California has been rainy and cold while Yuma has had cool temperatures as well. Production in all growing regions has been altered due to weather conditions.
Stone Fruits
Availability of Chilean peaches, nectarines, and plums continues to be light. Quality will remain good for the remainder of the Chilean season.
Florida is experiencing a bit of a slow down as a result of bloom drop six weeks ago. With slightly less coming out of the fields, markets have increased against
steady winter demand. Overall the market is higher this week but with crews getting back into fields this week prices should begin to ease off again by
mid-month. Pending a detrimental weather event, supply is expected to remain steady through Spring.
Supplies will start to decrease over the next few weeks. Much colder temperatures in all growing regions have currently affected supplies. The market will trend
higher as we experience this supply shortage. Quality this week is really.
Avoid use; Substitute with Asparagus or Brussels Sprouts.



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