Vol. 8, Iss. 9 |
March 8, 2018
Dear Parents,
If you've read BFA newsletters the past few weeks, you'll clearly see the positive influence our Science Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee has at BFA. Year after year, they expand their efforts to enrich our already rigorous STEM curriculum.
Through their many programs, students learn the mechanics behind simple machines, they're encouraged to test scientific theories, solve problems and take measured risks. Our STEM committee is dedicated to helping students flourish, and is continuously coming up with new avenues for our students to learn about STEM fields as well as offer opportunities for them to be successful using their unique talents and gifts.
Although, they are by no means done with their work this school year, I thought it appropriate to highlight some of their accomplishments to date:
Continental Math League - STEM purchased the registration for this advanced math program because it offers fun math challenges for participants in grades 3-8.
The program gives students the opportunity to work through difficult math challenges and find new ways to discover solutions--teaching them problem-solving strategies needed for all areas of life. BFA students can compete in six meets throughout the year, and see how we compare to other schools in the state and nationally, as well as how we compare individually.
Math Olympiad Club/Competition - Ms. Svensen, and STEM volunteers Abhijit Sur and Dee Duncan run a Math Olympiad Club that meets once a week for students who want to further challenge themselves in Math. Last month they organized our first fifth through eighth grade Math Olympiad problem-solving event where 26 students from BFA competed against 15 kids from Platte River Academy (PRA). This was a fantastic opportunity for kids who excel at math to have a friendly competition with their peers and be recognized for their problem-solving skills. They'll be another competition in early May.
STEAM Expo - This event is designed to expose K-8 students to the subjects of science, technology, engineering, arts and math in a fun and experiential way. Kids have a chance to see real world applications of what they learn about in school, and are exposed to potential STEAM careers they could pursue. This year, more than 900 BFA students enjoyed visiting 28 stations, with nine vendors and many, many parent volunteers.
Fruit Toss Club - BFA Board at-large director and STEM liaison, Matt Keillor, led an after school club to teach kids how to build an accurate trebuchet. Participants developed their engineering and math skills while working with professional Punkin Chunkin champion, John Heffelfinger. The club went on to compete in the Colorado Punkin Chunkin event, winning third place in the youth category.
BFA Punkin Chunkin - This school-wide STEM event is a favorite of both staff and students. This year, kids were able to see the award-winning trebuchet, Red Lightning, in action as several students and teachers launched 5-pound pumpkins toward Tom, the blow-up turkey target 200 feet away. Kids had a blast while learning how simple machines work and the principles of basic physics.
Hour of Code Weeks - While our teachers do a fantastic job of planning for Hour of Code weeks, they are happy to have the support of our STEM Committee. This year, STEM purchased two Osmo Coding kits for Mrs. Ward's K-2 students to provide an introduction to basic coding concepts.
Middle School Science Fair - STEM volunteers organized the science fair from start to finish. They handled event logistics, coordinated with Mrs. Molnar, and provided guidance in the form of assigning mentors, organizing/training judges, and conducting the science fair event. They selected the top 20 science fair entries, then helped the kids understand how to compete at a regional level. STEM also funded registrations for the four kids that chose to participate in the regional science fair. They are currently working on the K-5 Science Fair, which will be held on April 12.
Destination Imagination (DI) -
DI is a fun, hands-on system of learning that fosters students' creativity, courage and curiosity through open-ended academic challenges in the fields of STEAM, fine arts and service learning. This program is led by parent volunteer managers; and we're happy that six BFA teams are participating in the regional competition this Saturday (see article below).
Green Team - All the staff and students appreciate the recycling efforts of our Green Team! This student-led program is sponsored by Ms. Svensen and supported by STEM volunteer Tiffany Beffel. Watch for more to come from this group in the future, as they are investigating other ideas to keep BFA GREEN!
Math Counts State Competition - STEM also helped pay for the Math Counts State Competition this April. We'll be sending a fifth grade and a sixth grade team to compete.
Thank you to our STEM Committee and all the volunteers who support their efforts! What you do each year makes a significant difference to our students.
Diana Simpson
Following is a message from Bryan Molen, secretary, BFA Board of Directors...
The Ben Franklin Academy (BFA) community is seeking leaders, who are passionate about, and committed to, BFA's mission and vision to serve on the seven-director BFA Board of Directors (Board). In the coming weeks, our community will elect one (1) director and the Board will appoint one (1) director in accordance with the Board of Directors Election Policy. Each seat is for a 3-year term.
We are very fortunate this year to have several very qualified BFA community stakeholders that have accepted a nomination.
Information on each candidate is now available on the BFA website.
Please take the time to read about each one and attend our Candidate Forum/Q&A Session from 5 - 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 13, in the Dana Library.
Voting by the Parent Voting Group for the one (1) open, elected seats will take place electronically beginning on
Friday, March 30, and continue through Monday, April 9. Each family within the Parent Voting Group can vote for one candidate. Results of the election will be announced, and the appointment by the Board will made, on
Tuesday, April 17, at the regularly scheduled Board meeting. All Board nominees are encouraged to be present at the meeting for the results of both (1) the election and (2) the appointment.
Your involvement in our school is the key to our continued success. Please take the time to review the qualifications of each candidate and actively participate in the selection of our Board.
This week, BFA's student council is sponsoring
Charity Week! The BFA Student Council has elected to raise money for the American Cancer Society with a Penny War and a variety of other activities. It's been a FUN week, for a GREAT cause--and, it's not over yet!
Students have
one more day to purchase a ribbon (50 cents) for the bulletin board in honor of a loved one,
and/or buy a 'BFA Fights Cancer' bracelet ($1). They'll be a table in the main hallway from 7:45 - 8:10 a.m. tomorrow so kids can purchase ribbons and bracelets.
In addition, this is your
final opportunity to win the PENNY WAR! Kids are having a blast sabotaging other classes with silver coins, while adding pennies and bills to their own classroom jars.
As of yesterday, we've raised $1345.54. Remember--the class with the highest average amount of money raised per student will win a popsicle party!
e student council planned lots of other activities, including:
- Today, March 8 - Attend the social after school from 4 - 6 p.m. at Skate City in Littleton. Admission is $5, skate rental is $2.50 and there will be food available for purchase. Half of the admission will be donated back to BFA for the fundraiser.
- Friday, March 9 - Spirit Day: Students can wear their Spirit Wear T-shirt, a field day T-shirt from a prior year or a BFA Fun Run T-shirt with regular uniform bottoms.
For more information, see the flier on charity week and the penny wars. We're looking forward to a fantastic charity week!
Support the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip at their bake sale on
Thursday, March 15. Goodies will be sold from
7:30-8:10 a.m. and
during second recess. Please send in those quarters (
goodies will be sold for $0.50 - $2.00) and support their efforts!
Earlier this week the
fifth/sixth grade B team battled in the semifinals against Cougar Run. It was a tough battle, but the
B team won their battle 51 to 40 and will move on to the final round.
Now it's time to
cheer on the A team as they battle Northridge Elementary at 6 p.m. tonight, March 8, at the James H. LaRue Library in Highlands Ranch (9292 S. Ridgeline Blvd). The winner of this battle will move on to the district finals next week.
Come enjoy a delicious dinner and support BFA! Mici Handcrafted Italian (9245 S. Broadway, Highlands Ranch) will generously donate 20 percent of all dine-in, delivery, and carry-out purchases between 3 - 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13. Just be sure to mention BFA.
Help us make this evening a success by sharing this great opportunity with your family, friends and colleagues!
Come cheer on your BFA Destination Imagination (DI) teams at the South Metro tournament THIS Saturday, March 10, at Englewood High School (
3800 S. Logan St, Englewood, 80113).
BFA has six elementary and middle school teams competing throughout the day. Our teams will be demonstrating their problem solving skills in the following categories:
Technical Challenge: Maze Craze
- 9:30 a.m., Middle School Gym - The Pirate Parrots
Engineering Challenge: Drop Zone
- 9:54 a.m., Main Gym - Magnificent Mangoes
- 1:12 p.m., Main Gym - Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
- 3:36 p.m., Middle School Gym - Awesome is Our Middle Name
Scientific Challenge: Unlikely Attraction
- 1:36 p.m., Band Room, BFA BEASTs
- 3:24 p.m., Library, Colorful Creative Kangaroos
The teams would enjoy your support and to see BFA faces in the audience rooting them to victory! Everyone is welcome. The entire tournament schedule is available by clicking here.
Thank you to the parent manager volunteers and team members for your time and dedication to this year's participation in DI. The students have put in countless hours to devising creative solutions for their specific challenges, and the team managers helped guide them along the way. The teams are as follows:
Team Name/Challenge:
Awesome Is Our Middle Name, Drop Zone, Engineering, Middle Level
Team Members:
Kaitlyn Blum, Mary Kodenkandath, Sahithi Mathukumilli, Sreehitha Sajja and Luke Trotter
Team Managers:
Doug and Kimberly Blum
Team Name/Challenge:
BFA BEASTs (No picture available),
Unlikely Attraction, Scientific, Middle Level
Team Members:
Evan McDermott, Tyler Sunahara, Siva Sundaresh, and Anson Washeck
Team Managers:
Amy Sunahara and Missy Washeck
Team Name:
Colorful Creative Kangaroos, U
nlikely Attraction, Scientific, Elementary Level
Team Members:
Evan Heitman, Bryn McDermott, Caleb Olson, Téa Sunahara and Makenna Washeck
Team Managers:
Amy and Jason Sunahara
Team Name:
Fire Breathing Rubber Duckies
, Drop Zone, Engineering, Elementary Level
Team Members:
Cooper Akin, Kiefer Bale, Madeline Blum, Deagan Clendening, Trevor Debellis and Matthew LaSelle
Team Manager: Darick LaSelle
Team Name:
Magnificent Mangoes
, Drop Zone, Engineering, Elementary Level
Team Members:
Tristan Bettis, Rohan Mansingh, Aidan Murphy and Matthew Thiessen
Team Managers:
Jessica and John Thiessen
Team Name:
The Pirate Parrots (No picture available),
Maze Craze, Technical, Elementary Level
Team Members:
Audrey Debellis, Megan Heckwolf, Benjamin LaSelle, Anna Mundackal and Jacob Ringkob
Team Manager: Lynda Laselle
Good luck to all of BFA's DI teams!
All middle school girls interested in playing soccer for BFA are required to attend an
nformal meeting with Coach Elliott from 4 - 5 p.m. on Monday, March 26, on the turf.
Tryouts for Girls Soccer will be from
4 - 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, on the turf. There are 20 spots open and team placements will be offered on Wednesday, March 28. If you accept the placement, registration is required to be completed by Friday, March 30.
Parents, please attend the first 15 minutes of tryouts on March 27 for an informational meeting about the upcoming season.
Register ONLY after your player has been offered placement on the team, and you have accepted it with the coach. Please go to the BFA web page and click on "
make a payment" link for registration. The cost for a season is $90. Please also complete "Medical Form" and "Authorization to use Private Vehicles" and bring to the first practice. Team drivers will be needed for away games.
The spring Moms Night Out has been scheduled at Hacienda Colorado! You deserve a relaxing night out so please join us from
5 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, at Hacienda Colorado
(5066 S Wadsworth Blvd). The PTO will provide a nacho bar, so
please RSVP to let us know you're coming!
As a school community, we have the opportunity to come together to support one of our own.
In the fall Trey Sieradski (pictured here), a BFA graduate and the son of our eighth grade Language Arts teacher, Mrs. Sieradski, was diagnosed with Stage II Burkitt's lymphoma. Burkitt's lymphoma is a fast-growing cancer of the lymphatic system (where your immune system does its work). Trey has been battling this cancer for three months, and HE IS WINNING!!
In honor of Trey and for his courage and strength, I want to get a group of students and others together who will raise awareness about childhood cancer by shaving their heads and fundraising.
Imagine how hard these past months have been for the Sieradski family and especially for Trey. Imagine how hard Trey has had to work to battle this cancer. He has missed school, faced horrible fears and pains, and lost his hair. Let's show Trey that he isn't alone. Trey has finished his treatment, so we can all grow our hair back together!
Please join me in the St. Baldrick's head-shaving event between 4 - 9 p.m. on Friday, March 16, at Snooze in Lone Tree (10002 Commons Street, Suite E1, Lone Tree). I have set up a team called "KCA for Trey." Click here to join us!
Are you interested in helping BFA while connecting with other parents who are passionate about our school? If so, they hope you'll consider becoming a member of the PTO team! When you join the PTO, you make a real, meaningful difference at BFA and build lasting friendships with other BFA parents.
The PTO is an integral part of Ben Franklin Academy. Since it began serving BFA, the PTO has raised funds to provide all sorts of items needed by the school, including playground equipment, library books, a climbing wall as well as tools and resources needed by the teachers, staff and administration. They also organize social events to bring together the entire BFA community.
This year, there are several Officer and Committee Chair positions up for election by the school community, and many Committee Manager positions that are selected by the PTO Board. If you are interested in becoming a PTO Executive Officer, Committee Chair, or Committee Manager, please submit the following information to the PTO co-secretaries by April 2, 2018. (For all elected positions, the information provided will be posted on the election ballot.)
- Your Name
- Number of children enrolled at BFA
- Grade of each child
- How long your family has been at BFA
- How many PTO Meetings you have attended in 2018-19
- Why are you interested serving on the BFA PTO?
- Why do you think you would be a good fit for this position?
- Is there any other information you would like to share?
With approximately 30 open positions, there's a role for most all skill-sets! Please see the recent news article for a list of open positions, visit the PTO page on the BFA website and look under 'important forms' to view a description of each, or contact
Mollie Anderson, PTO president.
Please note, if you are elected for multiple officer/committee manager positions, you may only serve in one position.
Ben Franklin Academy is happy to announce that we will offer an exciting Summer Camp program again this year.
Do you need full-time daycare for the summer? Or perhaps you want to schedule something fun for your kids once a week while you run errands. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids and enjoy fun, summer social time? Whatever your situation,
our Summer Camp is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained. And, the best part is--the program is staffed by people you know and trust!
Program Details
May 30 - Aug. 10 (closed the week of
July 4th)
7 a.m. until 6 p.m.
Monday through
Summer Camp is open to any BFA student age 5-years-old and above.
Program Costs
Registration: There is a $35.00/per child one-time registration fee. All registered campers will receive a camp T-shirt and day pack.
Daily Tuition: The cost of the camp is $35/day/child for non-field trip days and $50/day/child for field trip days.
Registration is now open.
If you have any questions to please
the Summer Camp team.
Hockey fans--get tickets to see the Colorado Avalanche vs. Nashville Predators at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 16. Tickets start at $25, and a portion of every ticket will be donated to school of your choice. Click here to get your tickets!
Mark your calendar! The BFA boys and girls summer volleyball camp will be the week of July 9 in BFA's Thunder Gym. The camp is for incoming fifth through eighth graders who are new or experienced players. We are also looking for high school players who are interested in earning required volunteer hours to help. If you have questions, email Coach Haufschild.
The PTO's online store is now open
through April 15. What does that mean to you? This is your chance to get that coveted T-shirt, hoodie, or other spirit wear items before the school year ends. Please visit the
store to check out all the terrific items for sale. If you have any questions, please
Rachel Molieri, PTO spirit wear coordinator.
Did you know you can earn money for BFA each time you shop at King Soopers and Safeway? Buy groceries, gasoline at fuel centers, lottery tickets and postage stamps while helping BFA at the same time! (Safeway gift cards also can be used at Albertson's locations.)
order a dedicated BFA King Soopers and/or Safeway gift card from the BFA Store, and use it to buy your groceries. Then, re-load your King Soopers or Safeway gift card at Customer Service or at the register before you scan your first item.
Online shoppers can use grocery cards too! Shoppers using Safeway's online service can make purchases with their Safeway grocery card, while King Soopers online shoppers can pay using their grocery card when they pick up their order.
Ordering your King Soopers and Safeway cards is easy!
Just go to the
BFA Store, click on 'Grocery Cards' and order yours today. The cards are pre-loaded with $5. When ordering, be sure to include your FIRST/LAST NAME and FULL MAILING ADDRESS. Your King Soopers/ Safeway card(s) will be mailed directly to the address provided. Once the order is received, please allow five business days for processing.
Need a new card?
If it's been a while since you used your card, and it's been left with a zero balance, your card will expire! Please
order a new card through the store, as the zero balance card will no longer give rebates back to BFA.
The King Soopers and Safeway fundraising programs donate five percent of your purchases back to the school. BFA raised more than $5,500 through this program last year!
For more information or questions,
Rachel Molieri, PTO spirit wear and grocery card coordinator.
Buy yourself something the entire family will enjoy--a coupon book containing discounts for some of our favorite places, including:
Pierre Michele French Bakery, Indulge, Mici's, Cuba Cuba, Cold Stone, Honey Baked Ham, Gigi's, Timbuk Toys, Arts on Fire, Pirates Cove, Dart Warz and Junglequest.
Coupon books are only $35 each and is a gift that you or a loved one can use all year! The paper coupons can be used once, and with the app, you get the discount AGAIN with duplicate coupons. Also, this year your purchase includes a small card good for multiple uses at five businesses.
To purchase,
email Erin Fierro, D.C. Fundraising Committee Manager.
Hurry and get these valuable coupon books today before they're all gone!
Send them a Birthday Bag!
Celebrating birthdays at BFA just got more fun! Order your child a Birthday Bag for just $10, and s/he will receive:
- A bag full of goodies such as erasers, pencils, bouncy balls, etc. (no food or candy will be in the bags);
- A birthday certificate good for a free bake sale item at the next bake sale;
- A personalized note from you, if requested; and
- A 'Happy Birthday' serenade by the eighth graders who deliver the bag to your student's classroom.
Did your child already celebrate their birthday or do they have a summer birthday?
We also will deliver "Un-birthday Bags" for students who have already celebrated their birthday, and "Half-birthday Bags" for summer birthdays.
You can purchase Birthday Bags online through the BFA Store.
The Parent Teacher Organization highlights a volunteer each month who has gone above and beyond in his/her contributions to the school. This volunteer receives recognition in the school newsletter and on the school website. S/he also has the privilege or parking in the reserved volunteer of the month parking space.
For the month of March, Kristen Haufschild has been selected as the Ben Franklin Academy volunteer of the month. Kristen is being honored for the countless hours she puts in volunteering at BFA in so many different capacities. Most recently, she assisted in updating the school's website by taking new photographs. The pictures look TERRIFIC, and reflect the incredible BFA community.
The Haufschild family has been at BFA since opening day in 2011 and "fondly" recalls that first day of carpool. Kristen and her husband, Wade, have been married for almost 20 years and have three children - Ava in seventh grade, Tyson in fifth grade, and Levi in second grade.
Kristen is a recovering CPA who now prefers to tackle home remodeling projects and taking care of her clan. As a family, they enjoy skiing, biking, camping, road trips to any national park, and any excuse to get to the mountains. Kristen has served at BFA volunteering in classrooms and science lab and is the middle school BFA girls' volleyball coach. Go Lady Bolts! The Haufschilds consider BFA to be a second family and have appreciated the diverse education and opportunities their kids have received while attending.
Congratulations, Kristen! And, thank you again for all you do for our school!
Thursday, March 8 and Friday, March 9
This week, BFA's student council is sponsoring
Charity Week! The BFA Student Council has elected to raise money for the American Cancer Society with a Penny War and a variety of other activities,
- Thursday, March 8 - Attend the social after school from 4 - 6 p.m. at Skate City in Littleton. Admission is $5, skate rental is $2.50 and there will be food available for purchase. Half of the admission will be donated back to BFA for the fundraiser.
- Friday, March 9 - Spirit Day: Students can wear their Spirit Wear T-shirt, a field day T-shirt from a prior year or a BFA Fun Run T-shirt with regular uniform bottoms.
For more information, see the flier on charity week and the penny wars. We're looking forward to a fantastic charity week!
The Finance Committee is meeting from 5 - 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 8, in the Dana Library.
The BFA A team will
battle Northridge Elementary at 6 p.m. tonight, March 8, at the James H. LaRue Library in Highlands Ranch (9292 S. Ridgeline Blvd.)
Friday, March 9, is a Spirit Wear Day. Students can wear their Spirit Wear T-shirt, a field day T-shirt from a prior year or a BFA Fun Run T-shirt with regular uniform bottoms.
Come cheer on your BFA Destination Imagination (DI) teams at the
South Metro tournament THIS Saturday, March 10, at Englewood High School (
3800 S. Logan St, Englewood, 80113).
BFA has six elementary and middle school teams competing throughout the day, from 9:30 a.m. until 3:24 p.m.
Mici Handcrafted Italian (9245 S. Broadway, Highlands Ranch) is hosting a spirit night and will generously donate 20 percent of all dine-in, delivery, and carry-out purchases between 3 - 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 13. Just be sure to mention BFA.
Please attend the
Board of Directors Candidate Forum/Q&A Session
5 - 5:30 on Tuesday, March 13, in the Dana Library. Then, stay for the BFA
Board of Directors meeting held from 5:30 - 8:30 in the Dana Library. If you can't attend the BFA Board meeting, you can listen in by using the conference number listed on the top of the agenda.
Be sure to bring in your clipped Box Tops in a plastic baggie on Wednesday, March 14! Don't forget to label the bag with your student's name and classroom.
Support the eighth grade Washington, D.C. trip at their bake sale on
Thursday, March 15. Goodies will be sold from
7:30-8:10 a.m. and
during second recess. Please send in those quarters (
goodies will be sold for $0.50 - $2.00) and support their efforts!
All are welcome to attend the PTO meeting from
6:30 - 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, in the Sanders Science Lab.
Students who have not received two uniform violations since the last regular Dress of Choice day can wear
Dress of Choice on Friday, March 16.
Ben Franklin Academy 2270 Plaza Drive Highlands Ranch, CO 80129 |
Fax: (303) 974-1738
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, and literacy. We will be a data driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering the arts, sports, nature, and character.
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.