March 9, 2018

Dear Friends,

The County Council is working to stay connected with residents and help constituents remain engaged with us as we move the County forward together. 

I n an effort to heighten public awareness and civic engagement, this Council has launched "Council Connection" a weekly e-newsletter providing subscribers with an overview of Council actions, initiatives and events. Council Connection highlights the Council's weekly activities, and provides important links to upcoming meetings and events posted to the Council website.

Beyond a summary of our work during the week, we include links that lead readers to additional information that may be of interest. Council sessions, standing committee meetings, briefings and community meetings are also highlighted. I encourage you to subscribe and get a closer look at how we are working together to strengthen our communities.

Read past editions of Council Connection here. Subscribe to receive Council Connection directly here.

As always, don't hesitate to reach out to a member of my staff or me if we can assist you in any way.

Together Strengthening our Community,
P.S. If you are active on social media, you can engage with me on Facebook and Twitter, too. Thank you for helping me reach more than 1,000 likes!
Like me on Facebook
 Follow me on Twitter
Contact your D3 Team

Wanda Brooks 
Citizen Services Specialist
Alvinia Kelly
Office Manager & Scheduler
Thomas Mayah
Citizen Services Assistant
Aimee Olivo 
Chief of Staff
Alina Smith
Latino Liaison
Alesha Wilson
Community Outreach & Special Projects Coordinator
[email protected]

If you have received this e-news from someone other than my office, and are interested in receiving this update directly, please email or call (301) 952-3060.