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Ideas to Improve Your Performance
  • If you say you want innovation in your company or team, then you'd better back it up. That means setting parameters for what is permissible, defining what constitutes acceptable failures or degrees of freedom people have, and establishing what risks are appropriate. Without these borders, people will stay within a shockingly tight range.
  • Once you've created the boundary conditions for the three areas listed above, ask yourself if you are really creating an environment where innovation can thrive. That's how you'll find opportunities to  to accelerate the creativity your people apply to business issues.

The Reason Cross-Selling Efforts Fail

The strategic priorities for many of the CEOs I work with are successfully launching new products/services, integrating mergers and acquisitions, and expanding their customer base. As a result, cross selling (e.g. selling add-on services, new lines, etc...) emerges as a hot topic.
I think that's misguided.
Because if there is a cross selling problem, then the real issue is that you have a selling problem. Many leaders are loath to admit this, but here's what I mean.
Selling when it is successful, is about understanding a potential client's circumstances and objectives, and matching what you offer in an effort to improve their situation. Solve a problem; enhance performance, and the like. This makes identifying opportunities for new offerings quite natural. When I investigate further, I invariably find that sales professionals are still in pitch mode. Telling, not selling. There isn't a cross selling problem. It's a selling problem.
That distinction is important because it informs how leaders address the issues of growth for their business and success of mergers. A selling problem isn't likely solved with some training-a response that rarely achieves its desired result. This is a leadership issue. A leadership issue that requires a crystal clear strategy, a culture that supports collaboration with sales, and measuring leading indicators predictive of strong results in addition to revenue and profit.
The revenue growth of a business is a job for the senior leaders. What are you doing to ensure the right kind of growth for your company?  I've written an article about this titled Why Cross-Selling Efforts Fail if you have more interest in the topic.
A slice of life balance             
  • Stress is a popular way to say fear. If you feel like you have too much stress, as many of you reading do, ask yourself what you are afraid of happening. In most cases, the thing we are afraid of isn't nearly as bad as we think. This can help center your thoughts on productive actions you need to take-which too much stress tends to disable.