National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc.

Rev. Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr., DMin, President

Rev. S.C. Dixon, General Secretary

NBCA's Response to President Trump's Racial Statement
On January 11th, only a few days into the new year of 2018, much of America has been braving severe cold weather. From blizzards to the north, snow flurries through mid-American borders and   unusually cooler weather in the State of Florida, winter has left its mark on all of us.

Much the same could be said of the White House and the cold and frigid comments which ring almost daily from the lips or fingers of Donald Trump. This unthoughtful and racist rhetoric further divides a nation and continues to erode our national presence on the world stage.

With the apparent natural presence of winter upon us, much preparation has been put in place to make this season as bearable as possible. But what's being done about the unusually winter of words brought about from an American president? How has America prepared herself to curb and reduce the chilly statements that most times pit Blacks against whites, Democrats against Republicans and males against females. How are we combating this brutal winter from the White House with its policies and racist statements flowing from this president? Silence seems to be the stance of most Republican leaders and complacency by the rest.

Complacency, amongst oppressed people, may feel "safe" but is this narrative "fake news?" There comes a time when we must self-evaluate-as American citizens, as individual Believers in the Christian doctrine of the Trinity and as a collective faith-based Body-to determine where we stand and what we stand for.

We know that we live in a country with a long and deep-seeded history of racial and cultural injustice. Before the Civil Rights Movement of the '50's and '60's, people from African countries dealt with and continue to deal with the effects of the animalistic treatment suffered during slavery. Contrary to what some may think, slavery continues to exist in this country and we are still entrenched in a Civil Rights Movement.

Many of us were hopeful with the election and re-election of #44, President Barack Obama.  It was easy to "take a break" and/or relax from the tedious social justice matters which continue to present as obstacles for those of us having ancestors from African countries. Celebrations of "progress" were high-lighted, only to see the current Administration rollback and attempt to rollback affirmative action policies, climate and water rules, policies of travel and business with Cuba, healthcare legislation, legislation on immigration --- to name a few.

We have an issue of race in this country that makes most citizens uncomfortable. The silence and avoidance of this topic continues to benefit its perpetrators similar to that of a bully on a childhood playground or that of a slave master on a mid-19th century plantation.  

NEWSFLASH: Today, African immigrants are being publicly sold in Libya. Be mindful that to some, to "Make America Great Again" means such repetition of history RIGHT HERE.

We are living in a time where journalists are cursing regularly and routinely to accurately quote the United States President's description of Haiti, El Salvador and African countries and in turn those born there because of his frustration with immigration discussions. No one should be surprised. His actions clearly and accurately introduced him prior to these insults.
For example:
1. In regard to the death and devastation left by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico, Trump said that the victims were lazy and brought it upon themselves.
2. Trump attacked NFL players for their peaceful kneeling protest.
3. According to the New York Times, Trump said Nigerians live in huts and all Haitians have AIDS;
4. Trump said that there were "very fine people" on both sides of the Charlottesville rallies.
5. Trump spearheaded the Birther Conspiracy against President Obama, accusing him of not being a citizen.
6. While campaigning, Trump said that Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers.
7. Trump wanted to ban all Muslims.
8. Even House Speaker Paul Ryan called Trump's behavior textbook "racist" when Trump denounced an American-born, Latino Judge as being unable to judge a case fairly.
This is only a snapshot of who the individual currently residing in the White House is. We cannot become desensitized to this UNACCEPTABLE behavior. We, as a church Body, must boldly demand more on issues affecting our communities, inclusive of those which are racially-motivated against us. We must actively participate in the political process-both in and outside of campaign seasons. We must boldly support those, elected and not, who work to advance our cause for racial justice.
The days of complacency are over. Jesus was bold about His agenda. We must be likewise.
Today, NBCA joins the growing outrage around this President's latest comments and, as stated by Dr. James C. Perkins, President of the Progressive National Baptist Convention, call for all our member churches, along with other black denominations and individuals across America, to strongly condemn the latest racist comments made by Donald Trump in reference to immigration. To refer to Haiti and African countries as "sh**-hole" countries whose people should not be allowed to immigrate to this country in favor of Norwegians is nothing short of overt unabashed racism.
Furthermore, we ask that every NBCA member call their legislator and demand they take a stand by requesting that President Trump issue a public apology to all Americans, the 54 African countries and the nation of Haiti offended by his statement. Now is the time for us to become fully engaged as suggested during our annual session.
Lastly, we ask that we join forces with our brothers and sisters of the Progressive National Baptist Convention in galvanizing our communities to participate in upcoming midterm elections to prevent Trump from passing more dangerous policies as we elect people to Congress who have our best interests at heart.
Sure of Eternal Life,
Reverend Samuel C. Tolbert, Jr., President
National Baptist Convention of America Int'l, Inc.
Reverend Brian K. Brown, Chairman
Social Justice Commission
National Baptist Convention of America Int'l, Inc.

To download a copy of this statement, please click on the NBCA's Response to President Trumps Statement link below.
NBCA's Response to President Trumps Statement 
National Baptist Convention of America International, Inc.
National Headquarters - Simmons College of Kentucky
1000 S. 4th Street
Louisville, KY 40203
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