A Backward Glance Plus
All That's New at the Gallery

Take a brilliant journey t hrough new works of 
Juliette Vos

"Representation of Repousse Painting on Foil"
Workshop explores creating koi fish images  with
Lolita Dickinson

To register for additional workshops by Lolita, please stop by the Gallery or call 228-875-1218

Creating away in 
After School Art Class

To register for classes
 please stop by the Gallery or call 228-875-1218

Bruce Seabolt
Works on a piece from his exquisite portrait series inside 
The Pink Rooster Art, Education and Exhibit Center

Violinist Johnny Sweat 
of Florence, Mississippi, makes a return visit to entertains at
The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo

In the Art Zone
Longtime student of Bruce Seabolt,
Jan Clark gets comfortable with her acrylic painting

At last, spring is on its way!

The Pink Rooster/Gallery Garbo
622 Washington Ave.
Ocean Springs, MS  39564