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National RTAP Welcomes Four New Review Board Members
National RTAP is pleased to announce our newest Review Board members, whose term will begin at our Spring Meeting in May 2018:
- Amy Rast, Public Transportation Coordinator, Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans), Montpelier, VT
- Glen Baum, Transit Coordinator, Standing Rock Public Transit, Fort Yates, ND
- Julia Castillo, Executive Director, Heart of Iowa Regional Transit Authority (HIRTA), Urbandale, IA
- Tim Geibel, Executive Director, Crawford Area Transit Authority (CATA), Meadville, PA
Review Board members serve for a term of three years, provide in-depth expertise and local perspectives, and guide and inform the development of our products and services.
Thank you to all the candidates who applied, those who nominated them, and to our partner organizations who participated in our Review Committee: Rachel Beyerle (NADTC), Richard Price (AASHTO) and Kristen Joyner (SWTA).
National RTAP Workshop Webinar Series: Website Builder - Start to Finish
During this webinar series on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 PM ET through March 15, Technical Support Staff will walk participants through the process of setting up a transit website using National RTAP's Website Builder tool.
Each Tuesday lesson will be accompanied by an optional Q&A session on Thursday. By completing each session's "homework," the user will have a completed site by the end of the series. Learn more and
today for the one or more parts of the webinar series.
National RTAP Disaster Preparedness: In the Eye of the Storm Peer Call Recording Posted
The second installment in the
Disaster Preparedness Peer Call Series, In the Eye of the Storm,
co-organized with
the South West Transit Association (SWTA),
was held
on February 21, 2018 and has been recorded. Participants learned about
what role they can play in helping their community respond to fires, floods, and other disasters and what they need to do you do to protect their vehicles. PowerPoint presentations from the Peer Call are also available.
Searching for Policies or Procedures?
Are you drafting or updating a policy or procedure for your agency or organization? Rather than start from scratch or wade through thousands of potentially irrelevant hits on the Internet, why don't you try National RTAP's How To Find (Almost) Anything Toolkit's
Policies and Procedures page? We just updated it, and you'll find an array of policies and procedures from rural and tribal transit agencies on topics like drug and alcohol, Title VI, and more. If you'd like to submit your own agency's policies for inclusion on this page, please contact us at
Updated RTAP ProgramsTopic Guide
US DOT is holding an Energy-Efficient Adaptive Cruise Control for Electric Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
Webinar on
March 8 from 1-2 PM ET. The webinar proposes an Energy-Efficient Electric Driving Model for electric, connected, and autonomous vehicles.
FTA has published FY 2019 Budget Estimates. $659 million is requested for rural and tribal areas to support planning, capital needs and transit operations.
Resources and News
The Transportation Research Board will conduct a free
webinar on Monday, March 12 from 1:00-3:00 PM ET that features research from the Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP)'s Web-Only Document 70: Improving the Resilience of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters.
The National Center for Rural Road Safety is hosting a
webinar on March 20 from 1:00-2:30 PM ET. Creating a Regional Transportation Planning Organization to Help on the Road to Zero, featuring case studies from successful RTPOs and FHWA fact sheets.
No Human Trafficking on Our Roads Act, H.R.3814 was introduced in Congress. This bill would direct the US DOT to disqualify from operating a commercial motor vehicle for life any individual who uses such a vehicle in committing a felony involving a severe form of human trafficking.
The Shared Use Mobility Center (SUMC)
seeks proposals from public transportation providers to receive technical assistance to develop mobility-on-demand projects. The On-Ramp program, in partnership with FTA, provides opportunities for transit providers to expand on-demand mobility and receive expert assistance to develop business plans and strategies. Selected participants will engage in a year-long process that could involve supported engagement, peer mentoring, research, and other activities.
The 23rd
National Conference on Rural and Intercity Bus (RIBTC) is scheduled for September 30-October 3, 2018 in Breckenridge, Colorado. Student participation is being encouraged by offering students the opportunity to take part in a research paper competition. Two essay winners will receive cash prizes as well as travel funds to attend the conference. Access guideline forms for
undergraduate students and
graduate students.
How are Local Agencies Using GTFS Builder?
National RTAP posted a
new document about GTFS Builder local agency user experiences. Read about how Mary Gaston of St. Joseph Transit; Michael Lachman of HAPCAP/Athens Transit; and Jaime McKay, formerly of Maryland's Center for Mobility Equity, have used the tool to improve their transit systems and user experience. The document also includes sample trip plans for each agency.
GTFS Builder is National RTAP's free tool to help you create GTFS files to post on trip planning sites like Google Transit.
March 18 is Transit Driver Appreciation Day
While every day is an important day to recognize the hard work, skill and dedication of our nation's transit operators, March 8 is a special day on Social Media to recognize their contributions by using the hashtag #tdad on Transit Driver Appreciation Day. TDAD is officially Sunday, March 18, but it's also being celebrated on March 16. If you follow National RTAP on Facebook and/or Twitter @nat_rtap, tune in on March 16 and join our #tdad conversation.
National RTAP's Resource Selections from the America Walks Safe Walks Twitter Chat
National RTAP participated in an engaging and inspiring Twitter Chat on #safewalks hosted by @americawalks on February 20. We were introduced to a host of resources on livability and walkability from many organizations, including:
Upcoming National RTAP Q&A Webinar on our 2019 Technical Assistance Conference Local Host RFP
We will be holding a Q&A
Webinar on
April 2, 2018, 2:00 PM ET to answer questions about the 2019 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference Local Host Request for Proposals. The target audience for these webinars is State DOT Staff and State and Regional Transit Associations.
If you'd like to have a copy of the RFP, please contact
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
National RTAP
Website Builder - Start to Finish
February 6-March 15
Tuesdays and Thursdays,
2:00 PM
Energy-Efficient Adaptive Cruise Control for Electric Connected and Autonomous Vehicles
March 8, 1-2 PM
Mobility as a Service (MaaS): Concept and Practice
March 8, 2 PM
Improving the Resilience of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters
March 12, 1-3 PM
2018 National Shared Mobility Summit
Chicago, IL
March 12-14
AASHTO Re:source Technical Exchange
San Diego, CA
March 12-15
Travel Training Assessments: Determining Student Competency
March 14, 2:00-3:30 PM
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
Seattle, WA
March 13-14
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Seattle, WA
March 13-14
Using the Transit Economic Requirements Model (TERM Lite)
Orlando, FL
March 13-14
2018 TAM Workshop/Webinar
March 14, 2-4 PM
Modeling the Relationship Between Vehicle Speed and Fuel Consumption
March 14, 2:00-3:30 PM
Procurement for Small & Medium Transit Systems
Johnson City, TN
March 14-15
GIS for Transportation Symposium
March 19-22
Little Rock, AR
Procurement II: Risk Assessment & Basic Cost or Price Analysis
Atlanta, GA
March 19-23
National Center for Rural Road Safety
Creating a Regional Transportation Planning Organization to Help on the Road to Zero
March 20, 1:00-2:30 PM
TAM Webinar: Major Capital Replacements
March 28, 2:00-3:00 PM
National RTAP
2019 Conference Local Host RFP Q&A Part 2
April 2, 2:00 PM
Spring Conference and Expo
Newport Beach, CA
April 3-6
Project Management for Transit Professionals
April 4-5
Houston, TX
Statewide Transit Conference
Tucson, AZ
April 8-10
Ohio Needs Transit Conference
April 9-11
Columbus, OH
Implementing Rural Transit Technology
April 19-20
Denver, CO
Connecticut RTAP
Spring Conference
Newington, CT
April 25
Virginia Transit Conference
Richmond, VA
May 22-23
Expo 2018
Pittsburgh, PA
June 10-14
National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Sept 30-Oct 3
Breckenridge, CO
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Risk Management Resource Handbook
Contact us:
5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:
718 7th Street NW
, Washington, DC 20001