A Reconciling in Christ synod
When first elected presiding bishop, I was often asked what it meant to be the first woman entrusted with this call. I didn’t like that question then. I’m still ambivalent about it now.
Why, in the 21st century, did my gender matter? Why, in 2013, was the election of a woman historic? I didn’t understand all the fuss. My parents had raised me to believe that if I worked hard enough I could be whatever I wanted to be when I grew up...
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Celebrating Women's History Month
Throughout March, ELCA Advocacy will be highlighting Lutheran Women who have faithfully served in bringing about change and peace.
Leymah Gbowee is a Liberian Peace Activist, Lutheran and one of three 2011 Nobel Peace Prize Recipients. She led a Women's Peace movement that helped end the Liberian Civil War in 2003.
SAVE THE DATE! Church Together Sunday (or Saturday!) April 28 and 29
Resources will be sent out mid-March!
Mark your calendars for the weekend of April 29th as we
celebrate being the church together prior to gathering as the Church Together at Assembly!
Plan to include these things in your weekend's worship:
- Litany of Commissioning for Voting Members
- Prayer Petition
- Church Together 101- both in PowerPoint and paper forms.
Office of the Bishop Eucharist, Wednesday, March 14
Our monthly Eucharist will be held at the Lutheran Center on Wednesday, March 14 at 11:30 a.m.
All are invited to join in this 30 minute worship.
RMS Prayer Cycle
MARCH 2018:
Week of March 11
Atonement - Boulder, CO
Chad Kohlmeyer
Stacy Payne
Cross of Christ - Broomfield, CO
Kathleen Armstrong
Phil Kettering
"Le Christ jaune"
Paul Gaugin, 1889
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, March 11
Third Sunday in Lent
Prayer of the Day
O God, rich in mercy, by the humiliation of your Son you lifted up this fallen world and rescued us from the hopelessness of death. Lead us into your light, that all our deeds may reflect your love, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
In God's Hands: Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
Family Promise of Denver in Need of Two Partner Congregations
Family Promise is a national organization that provides shelter, meals, and hospitality to families experiencing homelessness. We currently have 24 dedicated congregations but are in the need of 2 more to continue to serve families experiencing homelessness.
Contact Courtney Jensen at 303-675-0713, or by
email, or visit the
website to learn about our organization and how your support could make a world of difference to these families. Together, we can end homelessness, one family at a time!
Organizing to Thrive: Congregations in Action
Friday, March 16, 2018 thru Saturday, March 17, 2018
March 16: Registration 6:00 p.m.
Training: 6:30-8:30 p.m.
March 17: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Lunch Provided
Cost: $10.00
This is a workshop for congregations to learn the value of Community Organizing and Advocacy, and how it can contribute to the renewal of your congregation. This workshop will focus on teams from congregations and empowering them to begin the work of community engagement. No prerequisites to attend. Topics for the Workshop include:
- Charity vs. Justice
- Relational Organizing
- Structural Change
- Identifying an Issue: Practical Exercises
The 24th Gallery of Living Art
Friday, March 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 17 at 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, March 18 at 3:00 p.m.
Join First Lutheran in celebrating the 24th year of the Gallery of Living Art. As the audience sits in the sanctuary, the story of Christ’s Passion and Resurrection unfolds through live reproductions of 14 sacred works of art staged by a 75-member cast, narrative scripture, and music sung by First Lutheran choir. The art includes the well-known
Christ in Gethsemane by Heinrich Hofmann,
The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo’s
The public is cordially invited to attend this inspirational presentation. Admission is free and childcare is provided. For questions contact, Joan Kuehn, First Lutheran Church, at 719-632-8836.
Congregation Land Campaign Launch Breakfast!
March 23, 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Saint Francis Apartments
Top Floor
Please join the
Interfaith Alliance of Colorado for this launch breakfast on the top floor of the recently completed St. Francis Apartments at Cathedral Square, built on land owned by St. John's Cathedral. Seating is limited so please
In partnership with Radian|Placematters, Colorado Community Land Trust, and Cecil Developments, we are championing the use of land owned by faith communities to create new housing that will address our crises of homelessness, gentrification, displacement, and unaffordability. Limited land availability and soaring costs are one of the leading barriers to building affordable housing across Colorado.
Come to get inspired, to hear stories from community leaders already engaged in these projects, and to learn more about how we can help your congregation make an impact.
Guardian Angels - ELCA AMMPARO Training
Friday March 23, 4-6:30 p.m.
Would you like to be a Guardian Angel? We need people who are interested in providing spiritual and physical accompaniment for unaccompanied migrant children and their families as they go through the immigration court process in Denver. Guardian Angels provide spiritual support and prayer at court hearings, are a visible sign of the church in immigration court as they watch and document the court process, and if requested, they provide information about local resources to assist migrants in their transition to life in the United States. If this sounds like
you, please contact Alena Lamirato at
pastoralena@yahoo.com or 720-256-3007 to register for the training to become a Guardian Angel.
School of Celtic Consciousness retreat with theologian John Philip Newell
Friday, April 13 through Sunday, April 15
"Love the Earth Youth Challenge" in Region 2
WE ARE God's beautiful creation, and its called caretakers too.
What ideas do the youth of your congregation have to act on this vocation this
Earth Day
Let's work together to support their passion. We encourage youth to sprout a project of their choice any day until 30 April to celebrate creation-- whether to serve together in a community garden, start a compost project, feed the hungry, host a yard sale to promote reusing items... the options are endless. Creativity thrives in our youth!
Send a 30-second to 2-minute video clip of your youth in action, and we'll stitch them together to present at the 2018 National Youth Gathering.
Let's support our youth inspiring God's love of creation. Download the poster
The Summit - Youth Ministry Retreat
Monday, April 16 through Wednesday, April 18
Join Rainbow Trail and speaker, Tammy Devine, Deacon and Wellness Manager for the ELCA, for some time in the mountains with fellow youth ministry workers! The schedule includes time for learning, Holy Yoga, fellowship, and exploring. This retreat is for any ministry professionals working with children, youth, and/or families. Better yet, the event is FREE for anyone working within the Rocky Mountain Synod! Register NOW for your retreat in God's creation.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
RMSWO February/March Newsletter -
Views from the Rockies
Here's Your Stewardship "Toolkit" for March 2018!
Here's a "
Stewardship Toolkit" from the Lower Susquehanna Synod for March 2018. It's a Word file that has brief RCL-based "bulletin blurbs" relating to stewardship for every Sunday, plus a newsletter article folks can cut-and-paste into their congregational publications. There are also links to online resources to teach, do, lead, preach about and think about stewardship.
Joy Lutheran Church is offering a Lowry Venus Organ
A well-loved Lowrey Venus Organ with Genie feature. In great working order. Includes matching bench. This organ needa a new home or church home. Great for a small setting. Send
email or call John at 720-975-4474 for more information. Thanks, and God Bless.
Leader of Faith Formation Ministries
Saint Peter Lutheran Church - Greenwood Village, CO
Saint Peter Lutheran Church is looking for a Faith Formation Ministries Leader. This faithful and creative leader will hold a one-half to three-quarter-time position on our staff. Areas of responsibility will include creating new opportunities for people of all ages to grow in faith, and serving as a resource for leaders of existing ministries as they seek to do the same. More details
Interested parties are asked to submit a resume and a cover letter describing your vision for how you would go about this work, and what you believe you can contribute to this ministry, to
FaithFormation@stplc.org. Applications will be accepted up to and including
Friday, March 16.
All Non-Rostered Positions
Leader of Faith Formation Ministries
Saint Peter Lutheran Church - Greenwood Village, CO
Office Administrator (part-time)
Lord of the Hills Lutheran Church - Centennial, CO
Early Learning Center Director
St. John's Lutheran Church - Thornton, CO
Early Learning Center Assistant Director
St. John's Lutheran Church - Thornton, CO
Early Childhood Teacher
St. John's Lutheran Church - Thornton, CO
Director of Early Learning Center
Augustana Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Office Manager (part-time)
St. Andrew Lutheran Church - Arvada, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- In-office appointments
- Ascension, Colorado Springs
- Staff Development Retreat
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- Lutheran Center Administration
- Growing Home
- Finance Task Force
- Staff Development Retreat
Ruth Hoffman
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Health Action NM
- Peace Lutheran Church, Las Cruces
- Staff Development Day
Peter Severson
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- Urban Servant Corps Day at the Legislature
- All Families Deserve a Chance Coalition
- CO Social Legislation Committee
- Staff Development Retreat
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
- Cristo Rey, Denver
- New Beginnings Prison Ministry Board
- King of Kings, Pueblo, Colorado
- Developer/ Redeveloper evaluations
- Staff Development Retreat
- Behavioral Interviews
Deacon Erin Power
- Synod Assembly Planning
- Growing Home
- RMS Communications
- Colorado Council of Churches
- Staff Development Retreat
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Congregational Transition
- Leadership Development
- First Call Theological Education
- Staff Development Retreat
Pastor Leslie Welton
- Region 1& 2 Campus Ministry Gathering, Sacramento, CA
- Campus Ministry Committee
- Discernment Retreat, Las Cruces, NM
- Peace, Las Cruces
- Staff Development Retreat
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Articles for eConnection are due noon Monday for the issue the following Wednesday.
Event announcements are included for about two weeks then copied to the
Events & News Web Page,
and may be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.