720 N Broadway
Escondido, CA 92025
JANUARY 31, 2018


Stress. Do you have stress in your life?

In last month’s message we looked at goals. I mention this because a favorite mentor once said to me that stress is the result of not doing what you should be doing every day.

Once you have made your goals and produced a workable plan, follow your plan every day and viola – no stress, right?

Turns out, tuning into a news report or reading the daily paper can be enough to bring stress into your life. This world can seem unspeakably vast, teeming with millions and millions of people, where life seems to have become too big, problems insurmountable and the future menacing.

“Every time I pick up a paper, I always read bad news” –John Lee Hooker

What is the solution?

“Blow up your TV, throw away your paper, go to the country, build you a home” –John Prine

Great lyrics but not for everyone.
Vincent P. Collins suggests
Acceptance: The way to serenity and peace of mind.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the

SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change;

COURAGE to change the things I can; and

WISDOM to know the difference-

Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace.


Kevin S Svetich, CLU
Escondido Chamber of Commerce
| February 6, 2018 | 4PM - 5PM
Escondido Chamber of Commerce
| February 8, 2018 | 12PM - 1PM
Escondido Arts Partnership
| Febuary 8, 2018 | 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Escondido Chamber of Commerce
| February 12, 2018 | 12PM - 1PM
Bellamy's Restaurant
| February 21, 2018 | 11:30AM - 1PM
J & M's Family Restaurant
| February 23, 2018 | 7:15AM - 9AM
Speaker: David Zumaya
So it Begins...
Under the guise of protecting the people from those they elect, a group of individuals billing themselves as concerned citizens have announced a petition drive to take planning decisions out of the hands of the Board of Supervisors and the professionals who vet them and put those decisions into the hands of voters by forcing all county projects to strictly adhere to the County General Plan...


"Over the past 65 years, Georgia’s School of Dance has become a part of the fabric of the city.
From grandparents to grandchildren, the dance studio has maintained its presence through good times and bad. Now, owner Sue Gilson is searching for alumni to be part of the studio’s 65th anniversary recital on June 22 and June 23 at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido.
Gilson was gifted the studio after founder Georgia Copeland died in 1998. Gilson, who had already worked for Copeland for 25 years, said she was in utter shock upon hearing Copeland left her beloved studio in Gilson’s name.
Dancers range in age from 18 months to adults, while the disciplines include ballet, jazz, tap, hip hop, Pilates, jazz funk and contemporary, to name a few.
“They are here to learn to dance, learn respect for each other and have fun,” Gilson said. “We work around everybody’s schedule. I think everybody in Escondido has been through Georgia’s at one time or another.”
Alumni who want to participate are urged to contact Gilson at georgiaschoolofdance@gmail.com."

Feb. 21, 2018 | 3:30PM

Visit  Website
Feb. 22, 2018 | 4:00PM

Go2grow is having a Grand Re-Opening!
326 S. Kalmia 
Escondido, CA 92025

Visit  Website
Want to be a part of an energetic and dynamic group of people at the Escondido Chamber of Commerce?
The Ambassador Committee would like to meet you. Apply today and save February 1st for the Ambassador orientation breakfast.