Guidelines for Billing

Quarterly Progress Su mmaries

There is a requirement to show progress toward established goals for most students receiving services.  Some providers add progress notes in the comments of a service log that is entered into the Service Portal.  The progress notes should summarize the service comments and indicate the student's progress toward IEP goals, changes in medical status, and changes in treatment plans with rationale for change.

Progress n young_kids_learning.jpgotes can also be added quarterly as a non-billable log. Non-Billable logs are created using the Service Log Wizard.  Instead of choosing a service code, choose NoProc NonBillable from the drop-down menu.  Progress notes can then be added.  A more detailed explanation of how to create a non-billable log can be found here.


Evaluations can be billed for a student only once each year per service type.  This can be tricky since most evaluations occur over several days and sessions.  Before adding an evaluation to the service portal, wait until the evaluation is complete, a primary disability has been determined, and the IEP finalized.   The total time for an evaluation should be logged for the final evaluation day.  Specific dates and session times can be included in the comment section of the log.   
Medicaid Annual Notice
Parents that give consent to bill Medicaid should receive an annual notice.

A parent needs to sign the Consent To Bill Form only once while a student is in the district.  The annual notice should be mailed or given to parents that have signed the consent form.  This annual notice does not need to be signed.

SWMSS likes to get copies of these forms too as proof of compliance with this regulation.  We keep track of the annual notice in the student records file in the service portal.

You are awesome at what you do
Make sure to log your services. 

If you don't log your services, your district or coop doesn't get reimbursed for Medicaid eligible services.  If you need help with the portal, please email the SWMSS office for help with passwords and other questions.  We can also set up a personalized training where we can utilize a shared screen to help with logging services. 

If you need to log services for a student that isn't in the system, please fill out the Student Information Sheet and fax it to the SWMSS office.  Students must have an active IEP before they can be added to the Service Portal.

Need a Little Logging Help?
Expect to spend a little extra time at first

Logging services in the portal takes a little practice.  If you are new to logging services or want to see the updated manual, please choose from the following:

Bookmark the Service Portal  The Client ID is SWMSS.