Debbie Dadey, Children's Author

Issue # 112 - January 2018

Whoo-hooo! We made it to 2018! That in itself is pretty awesome. My new year's resolution is not to waste my time, talents, or money. What's your's? Just think of the fabulous things we can accomplish. Maybe something we do-a smile or a simple thank you-will make a huge difference in someone's life. It could happen this year and we might not ever know it. Here's wishing you much happiness and many blessings this year!
Multicultural Children's Book Day is January 27th. It's a great time to look at our school libraries to make sure they reflect our diverse communities. Every child likes to see someone like themselves on the cover of a book. #ReadYourWorld

World Read Aloud Day is February 1st.  Let the fun begin! #WorldReadAloudDay


Free Writing Workshop: 
If you know someone who is interested in writing, I hope you'll let them know about the upcoming Glen Rose Literary Festival. My friend, Rick Starkey, and I will be giving a free
workshop (three rolled into one) on writing for children, but other programs are available for those interested in writing for adults. Check out the schedule here. The event is in Sevierville, TN-which just happens to be a great place to vacation!  
Favorite pictures from this month's social media:
Have you seen the new Jumanji movie? I thought it was
pretty awesome. It's hard to find a funny movie that's
appropriate for kids and I think this one hit the mark.
It sounded pretty cheesy when I read that it was about kids
caught in a video game, but it works really well and is
easy (for even me) to follow. 
Also coming up (Feb 23rd) is Robert Kimmel Smith's The War with Grandpa (with Robert De Niro, Uma Thurman, and Jane Seymour)  and A Wrinkle in Time (with Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon, and Chris Pine) will release March 9th. Perhaps it is time to reread those classics!

Shhh, it doesn't come out until next year-
but the cover is so adorable I had to share!
This is the cover art for Mermaid Tales book #19, name still to be determined. I just love Tatevik's illustrations! You may have
guessed that this book is about narwhals, but it's also
about secret codes (which were super fun to learn about).