Nicklaus Children's Hospital Annual Pediatric Postgraduate Course
Miami, FL
Feb 22-25, 2018
Breast feeding in low prevalence areas
While the benefits of breast feeding on an infant's health and development have been frequently outlined and discussed, prevalence is low (<40%) in many communities.
A study which involved 10,010 mother-infant dyads examined whether a financial incentive (shopping vouchers worth $50 offered five times over a six month period dependent on infant receiving any breast milk) or usual care, indicates that an incentive for breast feeding results in a modest but significant improvement in breast feeding prevalence.
JAMA Pediatrics
Impact of minimally invasive surfactant therapy (MIST) in preterm infants 29-32 week's gestation
"Most preterm infants born at 29-32 weeks gestation now avoid intubation in early life, and thus lack the usual conduit through which exogenous surfactant is given if needed". In-hospital continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) occurrence was compared using MIST (surfactant administered via a catheter placed directly in the trachea and then withdrawn) in infants with respiratory distress syndrome vs. standard surfactant administration.
92% of preterm infants 29-32 weeks gestation with respiratory distress who receive surfactant via MIST thin catheter insertion avoid CPAP with substantial reduction in pneumothoraces.
In-bedroom electronic devices (ED) in young preschoolers
A cross-sectional study of 556 young preschool children (mean age 5.46 years) who had either a television or game console in their bedrooms, examined their effects on school readiness.
ED placement in a child's bedroom (particularly in lower socioeconomic status families) significantly reduces social competence and lowers school readiness. Parental restriction is suggested.
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What parents need to know about the risk of lead exposure in children
The risks of lead poisoning have been known since the Roman Empire and it is thought that Hippocrates described a case in 600 BC.
In spite of lead being removed from paint and gasoline in the 1970s at least 4 million households have children living in them who are being exposed to high levels of lead with approximately 500,000 children being below the age of five years when they are most mentally and physically vulnerable. Other sources of lead intake include contaminated air, water, soil, toys, traditional medicines, batteries, solder, pipes, pottery, roofing material and some cosmetics and while there is treatment for lead poisoning some precautions can prevent harm.
Parents need to be aware of the following:
- Housing built before 1978 should be tested for lead
- In older homes undergoing repairs working areas need to be sealed off
- Children should be prevented from playing in bare soil
- Lead should not be brought into the home (feet need to be wiped on mats and clothing changed if work or hobbies involve lead).
- When mixing formula, drinking or cooking with tap water, water should be allowed to run for a few minutes before using
- If in doubt about lead exposure the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has further information
- Have your young child tested for lead
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP): New guidelines for pediatric hypertension
Changes in recommendations from 2004 include:
- For healthy children, blood pressure measurements to be taken once a year
- Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is now recommended to confirm the diagnosis of hypertension in a child or adolescent before further workup or treatment
- Echocardiogram is now delayed until medication is indicated
Video Feature
New guidelines for pediatric hypertension
Shared reading quality and brain activation during story listening in pre-school-age children
A study which examined brain function (by functional magnetic resonance imaging) in 22 healthy, 4-year-old girls from low socioeconomic households during story listening, followed by videotaped observational mother-daughter reading of the same age-appropriate picture book, indicates that maternal shared reading quality positively correlates with brain activation supporting complex language, executive function, and social-emotional processing and demonstrates the importance of mothers' reading to children and enabling them to become storytellers. These activities enhance healthy brain development.
A one-step immune-chromatographic Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) stool antigen test
A non-invasive, immuno -chromatographic H. pylori stool antigen test for detecting infections (compared to a referenced method) in 15 child with digestive symptoms suggesting upper gastro-intestinal tract disease indicates that the stool antigen test has a 91.3% sensitivity, 97.0% specificity, is consistent, reliable, quick and specific for detecting H. pylori infection in children.
Nicklaus Children's Hospital Recognized for Excellence in Patient Care
Facility boasts more inpatient units recognized with Beacon Awards than any other children's hospital in the nation
American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) has designated
Nicklaus Children's Hospital as a premier institution for patient care, bestowing two more unit-based
Beacon Awards for Excellence that bring the hospital's total number of Beacon Awards to six, a distinction no other children's hospital in the nation currently holds. The newly awarded units include 3 Northeast (the dialysis and infusion unit), with a gold-level Beacon Award, and 2 East (the pre- and post-surgical unit) with a silver-level Beacon Award.
Take the Quiz
Can you describe what causes in toeing in otherwise healthy children?
What are the tyes of Pneumothoraces in children?
Asthma in childhood: Can medication adherence drive better outcomes?
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