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THERE'S STILL TIME! We have had an enthusiastic response to The Gathering -- and there's still time to sign up! Go to to complete the 2 minute form. The Gathering is our first stepping-stone to knowing the names and faces of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you to all who are participating!
Tell Your Friends and Neighbors

Friday, February 16, drop off your kids (fifth grade and younger) at the church and enjoy a date night! Fun will start at 5:30pm to 8:30pm. The kids will eat dinner, play games, and watch a movie. 

If your kiddos need bottles or diapers (or have dietary restrictions) you will need to provide for those specific needs. 

Email with questions!
Get Ready to Smile!

Volunteers with cameras will be available to take photos of you or your family to add to our digital and print directory -- photographers available all Sundays in February!

No need to sign up - just bring yourself and your smile!
Open House and Training

Cornerstone has a flourishing, devoted lay-counselor ministry. We are getting ready to train a brand new class of Stephen Ministers, and would love for you to attend our 

Stephen Ministry Open House on Thursday, February 1, at 7pm.

Fill out the form at be connected to a minister, sign up for training, or just to learn more before making a commitment!
On Sunday, Sheldon continued our series, Running from God, in Jonah chapter 3. Our view of God shapes our response to Him. God is neither a grandfatherly figure who shares platitudes from deck chairs, nor is he an angry father who is always ready to punish you for failing. We must have a clear view of God if we are to live out the relationship and purpose he has called us to.

You are Christ's ambassador, his image-bearer, his spokesman. You are called to help people abandon their idols. God sees the worst of us and says, "Here I can bring salvation." He delights in showing mercy. If you would receive mercy, you must believe God and turn from sin. God is not safe, but He is good. 

Join us on Sunday when Sheldon continues the series with "When We're Angry with God" at our Traditional and Modern worship services. 

Upcoming Events: (Click the link for more info!)
Valor & Virtue Conference, Saturday, February 3, 8:30am-3:30pm, at Abundant Life Church in Lee's Summit
(link emails Natalie Mallare for more information or to join!)
New Youth Music Rehearsal Times:  (email Jordan for details!)
Sundays:  Handbells: 3-3:45pm; Choir 3:45-4:30pm 
Adult Handbells would love you to join them!
Thursdays, 1-2pm.  No experience necessary. 

Cornerstone Prayer Requests
If you would like to receive the prayer concerns of Cornerstone in your inbox, sign up by emailing or filling out the form on our webpage HERE. If you have a prayer request you would like shared with the group, you can email the same address or use the same form online.