Texas-Louisiana Gulf Coast Synod
A network of growing, Christ-centered, outwardly-focused congregations 
passing the faith to the next generation

Weekly News and Announcements
March 6, 2018
Synod News SynodNews
Nominations and Resolutions for Synod Assembly
All resolutions for consideration must be submitted by April 14.

There are a number of important leadership opportunities within our synod. If you know of a qualified candidate, who is a person of integrity, passionate about the work of the church, and a voting member of a congregation in our synod, please submit the corresponding nomination online form. All nominations are due by April 14:
At this time, there are no positions up for election with the discipline or consultation committees.
Administration  Administration
Register for Synod Assembly

Synod Assembly is May 17-19 , at the Hilton Houston North. We will be focusing on FAITH5 with our speaker Rich Melheim. Rich founded FAITH5 to promote the FAITH5 practices for families (and also used by churches) that help grow in faith in all aspects of our lives. The FAITH5 practices are: Share, Read, Talk, Pray & Bless.

 Whether or not you are already using FAITH5 to encourage these Christian practices in your home or church community, this will be an opportunity to learn more about the whys and hows of FAITH5, and share your own experiences.

Early Bird Prices End April 20, Registration Closes May 4. 

Register separately for hotel room(s) by April 25 with our group rate - all booking info and group rate codes available on our Synod Assembly page:  Schedule, Hotel Info and Registration
LEAD's New Annual Roadmap, Faith Formation Edition
LEAD just added a faith formation edition of the Annual Roadmap on the website. The original congregational version and the new faith formation version are each available individually for $125 or you can get both for $150. Such a deal!
Events Events
Save the Date: Regional Conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians
Calvary Lutheran, in Richland Hills, TX, (Dallas/Ft. Worth metroplex) is hosting a regional conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians  July 19-20. Save the dates, and there will be more information soon!
God's Work, Our Hands Sunday - September 9
"God's work. Our hands." Sunday  is an opportunity to celebrate who we are as the ELCA - one church, freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. 

The suggested date for the 2018 dedicated  day of service is  Sunday, September 9. Mark your calendars today! If your congregation cannot participate on this date, please consider another day.

Service activities offer an opportunity for us to explore one of our most basic convictions as Lutherans: that all of life in Jesus Christ - every act of service, in every daily calling, in every corner of life - flows freely from a living, daring confidence in God's grace.

You work every day to make your community a better place. Let us continue doing this work together in 2018.  Read More.
Children & Youth  childrenyouth
Kindred Collecting Clear Plastic Bottles for Youth Gathering
KINDRED is one of the service sites for the Youth Gathering this summer and participants are going to make a beautiful piece of public art!

Only thing is....they need the raw materials.
Can you bring every clear plastic bottle you can find between now and then?  Bring them from home, get your office involved, or make it a neighborhood thing.

Drop offs are welcome at the KINDRED OFFICE:
Monday-Wednesday, 10am-4pm
Gulf Coast Synod Training for Adult Leaders
The synod's Gathering Synod Coordinator will be holding training for adult leaders. The second training will be held on April 22. Please RSVP with Kristen, if you plan to attend.

April 22
3:00 - 5:00 pm
Kinsmen in Houston

If you would like to receive regular communication from our Gathering Synod Coordinator, please notify Kristen Schulze with the name and email of your congregation's primary adult leader for the Gathering.
Job Openings  jobopenings
Director of Discipleship at Living Word, Katy
Living Word Lutheran Church in Katy is looking for a Director of Discipleship. Read the  job description to learn more.
Churchwide News Churchwide
Bishop Eaton to stand for Presiding Bishop again in 2019
Bishop Eaton was elected as the ELCA's fourth presiding bishop at the 2013 ELCA Churchwide Assembly, for a six-year term.

She announced to the Council of Bishops that she will stand again for Presiding Bishop in 2019, at the end of her current term.

Eaton's four emphases for the ELCA are: We are church. We are Lutheran. We are church together. We are church for the sake of the world. These four emphases are fundamental to identifying who the ELCA is.

In this Issue

Prayers for communities dealing with flooding from the Ohio River, especially in Kentucky and Southern Illinois.

Prayers for families who are dealing with grief and loss, or preparing for a death.
Calendar at a Glance

March 27
Synod Chrism Mass

April 3 - 19

April 22

May 17-19
TLGCS Assembly

June 24-27

June 24-27

June 27-July 1

September 9

January 28-30, 2019
Tri-Synodical Theological Conference

Quick Links

Do you have news or announcements to share?
Please submit them to the synod office  for consideration for our next publication.

Announcements are published for two weeks based on relevance and
at the discretion of the
Director of Communications.

Don't forget to include
a picture or logo!