Star Word: Flexibility

In worship on Sunday, the children and youth of our congregation passed out star words for 2018. These words are meant to be a guide, daily devotional, or a quick reminder of how we might discover God's presence in our daily lives throughout the year. 

 My star word for 2018 is flexibility. As someone who has trouble touching his toes, I had a moment of panic when I read my word. I was aware of how this word made every muscle in my body tense up and become rigid. Then I began to think about how the rigidity in my life - in my mind, body, and spirit - limits how I experience God working through me and how I encounter God in this place and this time. This star word guides my journey to have a flexible mind, body, and spirit. It inspires me to encounter people where they are and to welcome their perspective into a beloved conversation where all are heard and all have a voice around the table. It allows me to have an open mind to new ideas, to taking risks, to not knowing the answers. It gives me the strength to witness the power of God deep within the core of my being working through me and within me to bring love, justice, and hope to our world. It also inspires me to find ways to improve my flexibility in each part of myself. 

This year how does your star word guide you in your journey? How does it inspire you to witness God's love working through you? How does it inspire you to encounter God who is living among us in this place and at this time?

~Kevin Lowry

Miss worship last week and want a star word to guide your journey this year? 
Contact us at [email protected].

"And there, ahead of them, went the star that they had seen at its rising, until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy." Matthew 2:9-10

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Open to the World
11205 Euclid Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44106