T O U C H S T O N E  -  A  M i d W e e k  B u l l e t i n

Fourth Sunday After Epiphany     
January 28, 2018    

Our Core Values: 
Spiritual Growth. Welcome. Justice-seeking



BWS Jan 19

We will be serving at the Bad Weather Shelter this Saturday Jan. 27th, weather permitting. See article below for details. Volunteers needed!
Reflection for Worship . . .

Mark 1:21-28
In Mark's Gospel, it gets straight to the action! No birth narratives to start things off; just John the Baptist preparing the way and then Jesus appears. by the 21st verse of the first chapter Jesus is already teaching and healing with such authority that people take notice. Whoa! Who is this? We must pay attention to him! We too are invited to see Jesus for the trailblazing truth-teller and healer that he was back in his day. If our response to the words of Jesus is just "meh," are we really listening to his words - of inclusion and challenge and insistence on building the God's community of love here on earth? Let's look again and hear who Jesus is and what he says. See you in church on Sunday!

-   Rev. Marlene W. Pomeroy

Also on Sunday

Krysty, Jeff, Roberta and Grace will be leading the church school combined class this Sunday. They will be taking our children and  youth on a tour of our wonderful building - up to the heights and maybe even down to the depths! Jeff and Roberta will be able to share some memories with our children as they tour. Simple snacks will be offered after the tour in the youth lounge while the adults attend the Budget Forum.

Announcement of Budget Forum and Winter Business Meeting 2018

Our Budget Committee will present a draft of the 2018 budget at a forum after worship this Sunday. You will also be able to review the finances for 2017.
Please plan to come to a forum on Sunday Jan. 28th after worship to hear the proposed budget for your review and input; that will then be voted on Sunday Feb. 4th at the Annual Winter Business Meeting. If you have not yet turned in your 2018 pledge, please contact one of the pastors or Treasurer Barb Bonzo. 
We will have our Winter Business Meeting on Sunday, February 4, 2018 following worship. We will begin with a potluck brunch at 11:15 AM and our business items will include: the approval of minutes from June 4, 2017 Spring Business meeting, a year-end report for 2017, updates from our leaders on our ministry, the sale of our building and the 2018 budget to be approved . All members are encouraged to attend the meeting in the East parlor. Please bring healthy finger food to share.
Childcare will be available till 1:00 PM in our church nursery. Older children may relax in our youth room. 

Opportunities for Service:

Needed items for Bad Weather Shelter: Socks, umbrellas, disposable pouches, twin size sheets, and all sizes of men's underwear and undershirts are urgently needed. Please bring to church and we will transport to FID. Many thanks!!

See below for articles related to a local Habitat build site, Union Station meals and the Bad Weather Shelter dates coming up.  See article below for 2018 LA Women's March. 

Worship Leaders 
Rev. Marlene W. Pomeroy       
Rev. John H. Pomeroy
Brian Brandenburg  
Pianist & Music Director 
Connie Washburn  
Church School Teachers
Combined class for elementary & youth class - teachers are: Krysty Leckrone/Jeff Tyler, Roberta White/Grace Rinck.  
Church Nursery (for infants - K) :
Jaquelyne Rodriguez and Lu Burd 
Nursery opens at 9 :15 a.m. for early birds and then everyone comes to worship at 10:00 and stays through the Children's  Time and then heads to the nursery with caregivers and parents.   

Nina Kung   
Visit us at:  uccpasadena.org

Sermon Podcast
D id you miss a worship service and want to hear the sermon? Please visit uccpasadena.org and select 'podcasts' from the menu on top of the home page or click below

Office Hours
  Mon. - Thurs.
9:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Lunch Hours
12:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. 
Tel. # 626.795.0696
Fax. # 626.795.0698

Like us on Facebook

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2018 February  

2018 March
Google Calendar
In this Edition . . . 
Lamplighters 1/31 
Lent offerings - Church School Plans for Lent, Adult Book study
Opportunities for Service - Bad Weather Shelter, Union Station, Habitat Build
Budget Update and Forum
Announcement of Winter Business Meeting

Lamplighters Planning Meeting
Lamplighters will have a get together and plan their activities for the next several months at Carrows Restaurant on Wednesday, January 31st, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. Please RSVP to Regina Meyers.
Everyone is welcome! See attached flyer for more information
Lenten Offerings 2018
On February 14th the season of Lent begins! We will be the host for the Area Ash Wednesday Worship Service this year. Rev. Kristin Philipson will be our preacher and we will also involve pastors and Members in Discernment (candidates for ministry in the UCC) in the service. We will begin with a potluck in our parlors at 6:00 p.m. A combined choir will practice at 6:30 and then worship will commence at 7:00 in our sanctuary. Connie Washburn will be planning and leading the music for the evening.
We have selected the book Chasing Francis by Ian Morgan Cron as a community book for our church to read during Lent! Copies will be made available after worship in the next few weeks and we will have sign ups for small groups to gather and discuss the themes. The cost is $10/book.  It is a modern tale for someone in a faith crisis, set against the story of St. Francis from the early 1200's. Makoto Fujumura, artist and author says of him, "Ian Cron paves for us a path of grace, humility, and ultimate joy, even through our 'ground zero' darkness. This is a life-changing work. I now find myself 'chasing Francis' in my life as well as in my art."
Our Church School Teachers are planning several special events and outings during Lent (Feb. 14 through April 1st) for our children and youth. These will include: a building tour and luncheon with Jeff Tyler, Cookie baking fund-raiser to support a Lenten outreach offering, a Palm Sunday egg hunt and picnic in a local park, and a very special outing after Easter if we reach our fund-raising goal of $200 (all of which will be sent to an organization which the children shall select). Look for updates in our Touchstone each week. Thank you teachers for organizing such interesting and fun activities!!

Bad Weather Shelter is THIS SATURDAY!

Bad Weather Shelter - Bob Rinck has stepped up and agreed to provide the meal for our first BWS meal which is scheduled for Saturday Jan. 27th! Please sign up with John Gamber-Thompson and get your Hep A shot in advance of the 27th! We should know by Friday if the shelter will be activated on Saturday so please be in touch with Pastor Marlene or John. We will prepare the meal, set out cots, check folks in and help folks have a clean, safe place to sleep that evening. Thank you Bob!!!!

Union Station - we serve the meal the first Sunday of each month in teams. The Bravo team will be serving on Monday Feb. 5th. We always need subs and extra hands. Please contact Nina in the church office if you can assist.
Union Station 2017

  Habitat for Humanity - a few FCC folks are trying to go a few days each month for the local build right underneath the Colorado bridge called the Desiderio Homes Construction. If you want to join them, you must sign up online at https://sgvhabitat.volunteermatrix.com/e
  habitat april 28, 2012
Once you get to the site you can register as a New Volunteer. After you've registered, go back into the Volunteer Matrix, find the date you're interested in, locate the Desiderio Homes (Construction) line item and pick a time slot. Lu Burd can assist you with signing up!
Elizabeth Lanski and Lu Burd will be working next on Wednesday Jan. 31st from 8-11:30 a.m., if you're interested in joining them.

Service Installation of Rev. Kyle Sears at La Canada Congregational
Church as their settled pastor

2018 Flower Chart  
We have many openings to bring flower or "flour" for Sunday worship. If you sign up and give Nina $40 a beautiful live bouquet will be ordered for you. Or you may opt for the "flour" option which means that your $40 donation will be sent to a local hunger organization (LA Regional Food Bank) in your name and our wheat display will be on the altar. Please let Nina know when you sign up which option you would like.