
Monday, 1/8

2:15PM - 3:15PM
Dismissal from front door at 3:15

Student Council
2:15PM - 3:15PM
Dismissal from 
front door at 

Tuesday, 1/9

Social Studies Midterm

Nature's Classroom Parent Meeting
Fifth Grade Parents
School Library

Male a Difference Club
2:15 - 3:15
Dismissal from the front door

Wed., 1/10

Math Midterm

 2:15 - 4:30
All students must enter and exit through the back door of the school

Thurs., 1/11

Full Cast
 Play Practice
2:00PM - 4:15PM
Students will be dismissed at front door at 4:15PM

Programming Enrichment Course
2:15PM - 3:15PM

Enrichment classes will dismiss from the front door at 3:15.

Friday, 1/12

Grade 3 - 5 Mass
Dress Uniform

Religion Midterm

Full Cast 
Play Practice
2:00PM - 4:15PM

Dismissal front door at 4:15PM

Monday, 1/15

Martin Luther King Day

Tuesday, 1/16

HSA Meeting

ELA Midterm

Wednesday, 1/17

Student Voices Lunch
11:30AM - 12:10PM

Friday, 1/19

Middle School Parent Coffee
Gr. 6 - 8


Looking Ahead...

Monday, 1/22

Grade 3 - 5 
Parent Coffee
7:30AM - 8:15AM

Wednesday, 1/24

Early Dismissal


Teacher Professional Development 

Thursday, 1/25

End of the Second Quarter

Friday, 1/26

Grade K - 2
 Parent Coffee
7:30AM - 8:15AM


Thanks to all of our parent volunteers for the delicious Pancake Breakfast.

These parents cooked, decorated and served the students and teachers with love and smiles!

Committee Chair,
Jonell Hopkins


Jeff Burr
John Klein
Joe Formato
Jim Sansonetti

and the supporting cast in a variety roles...

John Cartwright
Valerie Jeannot
Grace Joergensen
Raquel Jones-Jefferson
Natacha Joseph
Valerie King
Kisha Mann
Michelle Margo
Judy Mena
Mary Moon
Yves-Marie Morisset
Liz Olow
Lisa Recine
Carlos Santa
Sandra Santa
Charles Shivers
Danielle Spataro
Christine Stafstrom
Marianne Velasquez
Cesar Vertiz
Katherine Villanueva
Jemine Wayman
Roshelley Woodson


After School
Student Support

Parents of students who need extra support will be contacted by the child's teacher.


S tudents must remain home when they have a fever or vomiting. 

Students cannot be given medicine and then sent to school because they will infect their 
classmates and teachers.

Students need to be fever free and not vomiting for 24 hours before they are allowed to return to school.

If a student is sent home sick with either fever or vomiting, he/she may not return to school the next day.

PARENTS must call in all absences to the office before 8AM.

Absences of three or more days require a doctor's note.

January 7, 2018


The mission of St. Ann Academy, as one of the four campuses of Catholic Academy of Bridgeport, is to provide a Christ-centered, academically rigorous learning environment where cultural diversity is welcomed, Catholic values taught and all faiths celebrated.  Students are nurtured, encouraged and challenged in preparation for a successful life of leadership and service.



Dear Parents and Guardians,

The first week back to school brought weather related challenges which I am sure that each of you, like the faculty and staff, are happy to have behind you.  Transitioning back to a schedule after a ten day Christmas break is a challenge in and of itself and one which our school community did quite well with.  And then came the blizzard!

On January 2nd, there was a warm sense of 'coming home' to be with good friends as we began '2018' together.  The excitement to be back at school was evident in the broad smiles and the greetings heard in the hallways and classrooms among students and their teachers!  It is my hope that we are able to recapture this enthusiasm and sense of excitement again this week.

Students in our middle school are entering into midterms this week starting on Tuesday.  The updated schedule for midterms was sent in a parent email on Friday.  The change to the schedule gives students Monday to transition back and time to ask clarifying questions of the teachers before proceeding. 

Students in grades 4 - 8 have been busy creating Buncee presentations to demonstrate their learning in ELA, Science and Religion.  At the upcoming grade level parent coffees, teachers will be demonstrating the use of this technology, share student work and take questions about the integration of Buncee as part of our blended learning environment.  Miss Spoldi will be working with students and teachers in grade 1- 3 to bring Buncee into the primary grades.

Thank you in advance for sending your child back to school dressed appropriately given the frigid temperatures outside.  Even if a student is driven to school or on the school bus, they should be dressed warmly because at any time the vehicle may breakdown and leave a child at risk.  Until the temperatures are safe, students will be having indoor recess.

Enjoy the rest of today.  I look forward to seeing your children tomorrow morning.

Mrs. Griffin


Important Announcement

Today at all parish masses a letter from Bishop Frank Caggiano was read announcing the new pastor for St. Ann parish.  Fr. Elio Sosa, who has been the Administrator of St. George in Bridgeport since 2013, has been appointed by Bishop Caggiano as the next pastor of St. Ann effective January 22, 2018. 

There is an article about Fr. Sosa in the December issue of the Fairfield County Catholic. Google Fairfield County Catholic and click on the December 2017 to read the article on Fr. Sosa.  In the words of someone who knows Fr. Sosa well, "he is dedicated, joyful, and a holy priest."

St. Ann Academy looks forward to welcoming Fr. Sosa into our school community and working with him in the formation of our students.  

Please join us in praying for Fr. Sosa in the coming days as he transitions from St. George to St. Ann.  Let us also remember in prayer,  the community of St. George which Fr. Sosa will be leaving to assume his role at St. Ann.



Significance of a Christmas Song

At the recent Christmas Around the World performance, our students sang the Twelve Days of Christmas with great enthusiasm.  They hit every note and almost raised every poster of the twelve gifts on time and yet they may not have understood the real significance of the gifts and how they are linked to our faith.

Today is Epiphany Sunday and it falls twelve days after Christmas.It is most often referred to as the Feast of the Three Kings.  In this Sunday's bulletin Monsignor Powers has given new meaning to the song.  The connection of the song to our faith will be shared with students this week to ensure that they understand and appreciate the meaning of the gifts that they so eloquently sang about.

In Monsignor's words, "What do those 12 gifts really mean?" 
  • A partridge is the symbol of Christ, because a partridge will go to great lengths and even endure death to protect her defenseless nestlings. 
  • Two turtle doves symbolize the Old and the New Testaments. 
  • Three French hens represent the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love.
  • The four calling birds are the four Gospels written by Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Five golden rings. There is a change in the melody at this point during the focal point of the song. 
  • The five rings represent the five wounds of Jesus Christ on the Cross, Our Redeemer, who died for our sake. 
  • Six geese a-laying represent the six days of creation.  
  • Seven swans a-swimming are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the seven sacraments.
  • Eight maids a-milking are the eight Beatitudes.
  •  Nine ladies dancing are the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.
  • Ten lords a-leaping represent the Ten Commandments. 
  • Eleven pipers playing signify the eleven faithful Apostles. 
  • And twelve drummers drumming are the twelve tenets of the Apostles' Creed.

As we celebrate the twelve days of Christmas, from the Nativity of the Lord to the Epiphany, which we celebrate this Sunday, may we be thankful for our Faith and never take it for granted."


From all of us to all of you...

May the new year bring you and your family peace, joy and good health.

 Faculty and Staff of St. Ann Academy



Shop for everyone on your gift list this holiday at http://smile.amazon.com/ch/47-3496968 and Amazon donates to Catholic Academy of Bridgeport. #YouShopAmazonDonates

If you have an AMAZON account, you will need to register as a Smile Account user and designate Catholic Academy of Bridgeport as your choice.  Each time after the original set-up, you will need to use the smile.amazon.com for shopping.  There is no effect to your Amazon account other than your purchases will benefit us at St. Ann Academy.

Please continue to designate your Amazon purchases to the Catholic Academy of Bridgeport.  Every little bit helps!  Thank you!



Come cheer on the WILDCATS!


JV Girls
Monday, January 8th at 6:45PM

Varsity Boys
Monday, January 8th at 7:45PM

Varsity Girls
Sunday, January 14th at 4:00PM

Varsity Boys
Sunday, January 14th at 7:00PM

JV Boys
Wednesday, January 17th at 6:45PM

JV Girls
Thursday, January 18th at 6:30PM



Mrs. Patricia Griffin -pgriffin@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Mrs. Diane Marsillo - dmarsillo@catholicacademybridgeport.org

PK - Mrs. Lisa Ciarnella - lciarnella@catholicacademybridgeport.org

PK - Mrs. Deborah Redmond - dredmond@catholicacademybridgeport.org

K - Mrs. Tara Petrino - tpetrino@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 1 - Mrs. Sally Pierro - spierro@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 2 - Miss Emily Rauser - erauser@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 3 - Mrs. Jude Baldwin - jbaldwin@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 4 - Miss Julia Jennings - jjennings@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 5 - Miss Lina Fraccaroli - lfraccaroli@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 6 - Mr. Michael Tomasko - mtomasko@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 7 - Miss Shannon Maloney - smaloney@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Gr. 8 - Miss Angelina Cardoso - acardoso@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Math/Sci - Miss Michele Titus-mtitus@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Spanish - Mr. Ciro Romero - cromero@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Tech Integrator - Miss Emily Spoldi, espoldi@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Music - Mrs. Janet Hampton, jhampton@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Art - Mrs. Elizabeth Fontana, efontana@catholicacademybridgeport.org

Please remember that Mrs. Griffin must be cc'd on all emails to teachers.





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