January Data Center Update
Happy New Year and congratulations on successfully managing our first 2018 snow-pocalypse! Data Center send you our warmest thanks for your commitment to shelter and housing for all. We look forward to supporting your data needs for this year. 
Prepare for the Point in Time Count (PIT) and Housing Inventory Count (HIC)
The Data Center is supporting your CoC with the sheltered PIT and HIC for January 24, 2018. HMIS Participating Agencies will run reports in HMIS, clean the data for accuracy, and submit these reports to this online form by February 21, 2018. Just like last year, each agency will need to submit separate reports for each project in HMIS.

Different reports are required based on the project type. Click here for a preview of which reports will need to be run and submitted for your projects.
NC County of Service - Now Required
If you collect or enter data for projects in HMIS, listen up! We need your help to accurately submit data for the PIT and HIC, and also to better track clients for System Performance Measure outcomes. HUD needs to know where the client is being served, and with increasingly tight housing markets, many agencies have to house clients outside of their agency’s county. Whether it’s a hotel/motel voucher, apartment or a property your agency manages, we need to report accurate client totals in each county.
Beginning January 2018, all agencies using HMIS are expected to enter and update an NC County of Service for clients. What is this question and how does it differ from the other location questions in our Entry Assessment? I’m glad you asked! Introducing the…
Client Location Questions Guide
This guide breaks down the five places in HMIS that refer to your client’s location. Only the Project Location in HMIS, the CoC, and NC Count of Service are required.

Make Sure HMIS Matches Your 2018 Funding
That’s right - Awards have been announced and now your agency needs to keep track of who is or can be served. If you know your agency had funding that has recently ended or began, the Data Center needs to know! Projects in HMIS are separated by the funding source, so that you can report about the outcomes for those dollars at the end of the year.

Help out your future self and begin the year with accurate projects!  Please contact the Data Center with these updates.

What should you contact the Data Center about?
HUD Announcement
During the last part of December, HUD announced a round-up page with a ton of ESG resources! Tools and webinars that touch on eligibility, data collection/reporting, and how ESG funding fits in to the larger CoC. Whether you’ve received ESG funding for several years, are thinking of applying this year, or are a new grantee, you may find these resources as a good home-base for research.

NC HMIS Statewide Update
Last year, many agencies had questions about the colors used on the HMIS Assessments and this had real implications on the data. (Approximate start date of homelessness is a great question from HUD to help us quantify unsheltered lengths of time homeless. I promise, it’s great!)
So beginning this month, MCAH has modified the state-wide assessments in HMIS to revert back to a standard black font. For example, the Homeless History questions (or those that help determine chronic homelessness stays) used to look like the first image. Now the questions look like the second image below.
Each agency should know what questions are required, and for which household members, before entering data into HMIS. It’s much easier to enter the required data if you (or your colleagues) already know what’s required when that information is collected.

Have questions or need a list to send to the boss? Contact us at the Data Center.
Make sure you have these events and deadlines on your calendar!

If you'd like training specifically for you or your agency, please submit a request with a two week window and what type of training you need here: Data Center Training Request Form.
January 24 th Point in Time Count

February 8 th Entry/Exit Training for New HMIS Users (or a refresher for veterans HMIS users)

February 15 th ESG CAPER submission deadline for State ESG Grantees during Jan-Dec 2017

February 21 st Deadline to submit clean PIT/HIC reports to the Data Center

February 22 nd Next Durham HMIS Users Meeting
Our best wishes for you in the New Year are not limited to much joy and success, but also fewer headaches, greater understanding, and more than a little bit of pride.

Let us know your questions!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |