Provincial Update - January 2018

We are pilgrims and strangers in this world,
serving the Lord in poverty and humility.
St. Francis of Assisi, Rule of 1223

We  know that the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus, the patron of new beginnings.  Of course, it was fitting that Janus was depicted with two faces- one looking forward to the future, the other looking back to the past.  
As Christians and Franciscans, we too look to the future as well as to the past. We look forward to the many opportunities we will have, not only in 2018, but in the future, to grow closer to God, to become better disciples of the Lord Jesus, and to more closely follow in the footsteps of St. Francis. We also look to the past- the wonderful things God has done for His people, the love that God shows us through Jesus, His Son,  and the proud heritage we have as followers of St. Francis, the Mirror of Perfection.
Much of the Christmas story is about journeying- Mary and Joseph journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem; the shepherds leave their flocks to journey to the stable to worship the Lord of Lords; the Magi journey, following the star in search of the newborn King. Even the angels journey from heaven to earth to announce the coming of the Messiah.  And, of course, we have our God, who journeys from heaven to earth to be born as Jesus Christ and take His place as one of us.  
So too, now, we journey on to Lent, as we follow Jesus the Lord to His passion, death, and resurrection.  We journey together as people, as Christians, as Catholics, and as Franciscans. We know that where Jesus has gone, we too desire to follow.  Let us continue to walk in the footsteps of Christ and Francis, seeking perfection in our lives.  

                                                                  Wishing you blessings and peace.  

Fr. Robert Campagna, OFM
Provincial Minister

St. Leonard's Church in Boston Reopens 
after Multi Million Dollar
Cardinal Sean O'Malley, OFM, Cap. 
Rededicates Church
Consecrates New Altar
Hundreds of parishioners and devotees came together on Sunday, December 17th as Cardinal Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap., the Archbishop of Boston,  joined the Franciscan Friars to reopen the historic church of St. Leonard of Port Maurice in the North End of Boston, and consecrate the new altar. Assisting were Fr. Antonio Nardoianni, OFM, Pastor of St. Leonard's, and Fr. Claude Scrima, OFM, Associate Pastor, and dozens of local clergy along with a standing room only crowd at the restored church that recently underwent a renovation project that cost more than three million dollars. 
The renovation touched nearly every aspect of the historic structure, including the refurbishment of the stained-glass windows, the gilt ceiling and frescoes throughout the church. New lighting fixtures make the church brighter along with a white porcelain tile floor. Handmade cherrywood pews were custom designed and are now arranged around the center aisle. The marble altar, which was once located downstairs in the Saint Anthony Chapel, has been completely restored. Also, a new Baptismal font and podium are made out of white marble. Also, the church has been upgraded with accessibility features and new restrooms.
At the conclusion of the Mass, a special presentation was made by members of the St. Joseph Society of Boston toward the restoration of the church. Benefactor Nick Ferreri challenged Boston's business community toward a $1 million donation and matching program. Following the Mass and presentations, a reception was held complete with a cake in the shape of St. Leonard's Church.

Newly-Restored beautiful St. Leonard's      

Fr. Antonio welcomes His Eminence   
Baptismal Font     

        A packed St. Leonard's for the dedication Mass                                                   

Cardinal Sean O'Malley and Fr. Antonio Nardoianni receiving the one million dollar donation from the St. Joseph Society. 
St. Leonard Church receives a tremendous gift from the 
St. Joseph Society of Boston- 
One Million Dollars!
A wonderful tribute to the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate Conception Province and the Friars of the Church of St. Leonard of Port Maurice in the North End of Boston by the St. Joseph Society, was given as an expression of gratitude for the many years of service the friars have given to the people of the North End.  The Society gave a donation of one million dollars toward the renovation of St. Leonard Church.  This is how they described it:
How do you say, "Thank you" to people who have stood by you, in good times and bad, for more than 100 years? That's the question pondered by the Society of St. Joseph of Boston when they became aware that St. Leonard of Port Maurice Church was in the middle of an extensive restoration project. In fact, the St. Joseph Society could think of a million reasons, both spiritual and practical, to support the good Franciscans who administer St. Leonard's. It was to say "thank you" for the past as well as to preserve the future, that the Society of St. Joseph voted to give one million dollars, the largest gift ever received by the parish,  to cover the remaining costs of the church Restoration Project.

The St. Joseph Society reflected on the record. When the deadly flu pandemic struck the North End in 1918, leaving hundreds of orphans, it was the Franciscans of St. Leonard's that established the Italian Home for Children in Jamaica Plain to care for them.
When thousands of poor and illiterate Italian immigrants crowded the North End at the turn of the 20th century, it was the Franciscans of St. Leonard's that established St. Anthony's Elementary School as the first step in insuring a brighter tomorrow for young Italian Americans. 
As the need for education became clearer, it was the Franciscans of St. Leonard's that established Christopher Columbus High School for boys and Julie Billiart High School for girls.
Beyond all of that, the St. Joseph Society reflected on so many calls in the middle of dark nights when the Friars responded to the sick. They also remembered how many times the Friars administered the sacraments, from baptism to the Sacrament of the Sick.
So it was decided. In the name of the countless thousands of people whose lives have been touched by the Friars, the St. Joseph's Society agreed that their one million dollar gift was not only a way to express their gratitude for the past, but an investment to secure the future of the Franciscans of St. Leonard of Port Maurice in the North End for the next hundred years.

Christmas Photos from our Friars

Provincial Curia 

Provincial Curia Outdoors
Curia Chapel 

St. Anthony Outdoor Creche NYC after a snowfall 
with newly-constructed stable.  Beautiful.  

St. Anthony Catskill 
St. Anthony Catskill

St. Anthony Catskill Chapel
St. Anthony Catskill front entrance

Our Lady of Peace, Brooklyn
St. Anthony NYC

St. Leonard Church, Boston
St. Thomas Aquinas Derry
St. Leonard Church, Boston
Peace Garden   

St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay 
St. Mary Star of the Sea, Onset
Padua Friary Christmas Creche
Padua Friary Christmas Staff Lunch

Padua Friary Tree

An Update from the Postulants

Happy and Blessed New Year, Brothers!

We arrived back in Boston on January 5th after a two week Christmas Vacation spent with our families. Since our return, we have resumed our weekly schedule.
This month, we want to write about a major part of the Postulancy year, the Apostolate. Every Tuesday and Thursday, we go to the Little Sisters of the Poor Nursing Home in Somerville, MA. Our ministry covers many different aspects. First, we each spend an hour on Tuesdays to assist the Sisters and Staff in a specific department. Jack works in the development office, which handles the fundraising for the home.  Brian helps out in the kitchen, and Carl and Daniel assist the nurses on the third floor, which is the acute nursing care floor. The second aspect of our ministry is to pray with the residents. We serve at the Mass on Tuesdays, and on Thursdays, we participate in scripture study, led by two resident priests: Fr. Pat and Fr. Joe.
While these two aspects of our ministry are very important, the most important part of our apostolate is to simply be present to the residents. A majority of our time at the Little Sisters every week is spent visiting with, praying with, and caring for the residents, especially those who do not have a lot of family or friends. It is a great feeling to be able to bring joy to the residents and staff, and it has been extremely fruitful and rewarding for us all. The Little Sisters, who also embrace a Franciscan spirit, have been very hospitable toward us and the residents, and we look forward to the rest of our time at our Apostolate. We ask everyone to keep us in their prayers as we continue to grow in our formation, and also to pray for the residents, staff, and sisters of the Jeanne Jugan Residence, as they carry out their mission to care for the elderly.

Peace and all good to you,
The Postulants: Brian, Carl, Dan, and Jack

The Postulants discuss this Sunday's readings with residents at Scripture Studies.

Postulants Daniel and Jack pose for a photo with a resident at lunch.
Postulants Daniel and Carl chat with residents at lunch after Mass.  

Postulants serving Mass with Friar Ronald
The Postulants pose for photo with Sr. Patrice, LSP, who helps to oversee their ministry
                     Postulant Daniel with residents

Friars of the Future

St. Anthony Messenger, a monthly magazine published by Franciscan Media, a ministry of the St. John the Baptist Province located in Cincinnati, Ohio, in its January 2018 edition, featured a cover story called 
"Friars of the Future".  This article, written by editor John Feister, is about four friars in initial formation living at St. Joseph Friary in Chicago, and studying at the Chicago Theological Union.  The article focused on the challenges of preparing for Solemn Vows, their goals and dreams, and the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed.  The four friars interviewed for the article are Friar John Boissy, age 24, St. John the Baptist Province; Friar Abel Garcia, age 36, Holy Name Province; Friar Jim Bernard, age 51, Holy Name Province; and our own Friar Joshua Critchley, age 23, Immaculate Conception Province.
Friar Josh comes from Connecticut, and has been a friar for five years.  He studied in Rome, and now is continuing his formation with the other U.S. provinces in Chicago.  Friar Josh sees as a key to Franciscan life and ministry the necessity of collaborating with the laity.  The challenge of reduced numbers makes collaborating even more imperative.  As each friar must come to terms with his own identity as a Franciscan, he must also try to balance the call to live in fraternity with ministry- something that the order has been dealing with for centuries, but also something new for each generation of friars.    Friar Josh said he would consider ministering in a parish, but sees our call for a preferential option for the poor as a necessity.  Congratulations to the four friars featured in the article, and especially to our own Friar Josh. 
(Photos by Karen Callaway, used with permission.  Article is from St. Anthony Messenger, written by John Feister.) For complete online article:   Friars of the Future article
Friars featured in St. Anthony Messenger

USA Provincials Release Statement 
At the Anniversary of Roe v Wade

January 19, 2018 
As Franciscans, our approach to social issues is always to seek deep solidarity with those who are vulnerable or on the margins of society. This stance was embodied by our founder, St. Francis of Assisi, who ignored the norms of his society and made direct encounter with the most despised and vulnerable of his time a priority. When we embrace our world, we seek to repair broken relations that lead to a variety of social issues and maladies: turning away the stranger/the immigrant; the challenge of climate change; lack of care for the elderly and disabled - both physically and mentally; a dis-ease with the dying process; the death penalty; and, as we mark the anniversary of the 
Roe v. Wade decision, a particularly tragic one, abortion. Our approach is in line with the leadership of the Catholic Church in that we utilize the rubric of the consistent ethic of life.
Some criticize this approach, claiming that the consistent ethic of life "waters down abortion" so that it becomes just one of many issues, or that its use does not pointedly challenge persons who might be called "pro-choice." These criticisms may be fair in some circumstances where the consistent ethic of life is not held in its entirety and, therefore, does not see and respond to attacks on life at all its stages. Nonetheless, the consistent ethic of life teaching is central to the way our Church leadership engages with the world.
The consistent ethic of life is the methodology utilized by the U.S. Catholic Bishops in their "Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities." In the plan, they quote Pope St. John Paul II and insist,  "Where life is involved, the service of charity must be profoundly consistent. It cannot tolerate bias and discrimination, for human life is sacred and inviolable at every stage and in every situation; it is an indivisible good. We need then to 'show care' for all life and for the life of everyone." 
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis also uses the consistent ethic of life in his teaching as reflected in  Laudato Si. He writes:
The culture of relativism is the same disorder which drives one person to take advantage of another, to treat others as mere objects, imposing forced labor on them or enslaving them to pay their debts. The same kind of thinking leads to the sexual exploitation of children and abandonment of the elderly who no longer serve our interests. It is also the mindset of those who say: Let us allow the invisible forces of the market to regulate the economy, and consider their impact on society and nature as collateral damage. In the absence of objective truths or sound principles other than the satisfaction of our own desires and immediate needs, what limits can be placed on human trafficking, organized crime, the drug trade, commerce in blood diamonds and the fur of endangered species? Is it not the same relativistic logic which justifies buying the organs of the poor for resale or use in experimentation, or eliminating children because they are not what their parents wanted? This same "use and throw away" logic generates so much waste, because of the disordered desire to consume more than what is really necessary.  (emphasis added by provincials)
Our own "Franciscan stance" also reflects the consistent ethic of life in that we ground all our action in the radical interconnectedness of all creation. In authentically following Francis of Assisi's embrace of the most vulnerable, we must view all the various "issues" we face in the context of this connectedness. When we address abortion, the death penalty, euthanasia, immigration or climate change, we are first speaking out against harmful and sinful activity and, from this stance of naming the injustice, we move to work for social change and transformation - a transformation that seeks to repair broken relationships and move a world to embrace our interconnectedness and interdependence rather than living the fiction of radical individualism.
At this anniversary of  Roe v. Wade, we, like many people, pay particular attention to the challenge of abortion in this world. Abortion - like so many other life issues - is a complex one. However, we share our Holy Father's contention that it stems, to a great degree, from a culture that ignores our interconnectedness and focuses on the individual. This "cultural norm" leaves women with unplanned or unexpected pregnancies isolated and feeling that they have few options. We must resist the culture's overemphasis on the individual and embrace the other. This stance must be held with all issues of life: abortion, euthanasia, health care, war, immigration, racism, climate change, etc. If we consistently take a stance of radical encounter and embrace, we can bring some order to our society; overcoming the culture's tendency to ignore our dependence upon one another and all of creation. In addition, when we embrace the most vulnerable, we discover-much like Francis of Assisi in his time- that the "other" has always been our sister or brother, and that our fears and/or rejection were terribly misguided.
In our Franciscan ministries, we call upon our communities to:
Speak out boldly about and not shy away from the complexity of the consistent ethic of life.  Care for those who have felt no choice but to seek an abortion, through programs like Project Rachel.  Address attacks on life across the entire spectrum and all stages of life through direct care for the individual and local community and through public advocacy.  Approach the issue of abortion and all social issues in a way that clearly speaks out against the sin and injustice, but does not add to the polarization rampant in our society.

Our world is hungering for connection.  We pray that all can embrace the stance of a consistent ethic of life and, in doing so, answer God's invitation to relationship with God, one another, and all creation.  

Robert Campagna, OFM  (IC), David Gaa, OFM (SB),   James Gannon, OFM  (ABVM) , Kevin Mullen, OFM (HN), Thomas Nairn, OFM (SH)   Jack Clark Robinson, OFM  (OLG), Mark Soehner, OFM (SJB) 

Canadian Friars Celebrate Memorial Mass for Matilda Zammit   
The friars of Toronto came together to celebrate the memorial Mass for Matilda Zammit, mother of Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM.  It was a time of prayer and fraternal support, for which Paul and David Zammit, brothers of Friar Jimmy, also expressed their appreciation.  


Saint Bonaventure's Journey into God
A Centennial Franciscan Retreat Experience
August 9-17, 2018
Mt. Alvernia Retreat House    Wappingers Falls, NY
Friar Andre Cirino, OFM and  Josef Reisch, OFS

Within the present decade of this new millennium, the eighth centenary of the birth of one of the most distinguished friars of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition has occurred: Giovanni di Fidanza, later known as St. Bonaventure. Although scholars have different opinions concerning the actual date of St. Bonaventure 's birth, many have settled on  1217. While we are within this decade of the new millennium, we invite you to celebrate the eighth centenary of the birth of the Seraphic Doctor, St. Bonaventure, by attending a retreat on his masterpiece, Itinerarium Mentis in Deum, his Journey into God.

Jean Gerson (+ 1429), chancellor at the University of Paris, St. Bonaventure's alma mater, said that the  Itinerarium is "more valuable than all literature whic h had ever been written," and confessed that he made the  Itinerarium his "chosen reading for 30 years, without ever ceasing to obtain great fruit from it." And more recently, Lawrence Landini OFM (+ 2005) called this writing "a religious classic, theology  rooted in experience!" And Zachary Hayes OFM (+ 2014), a Bonaventurian scholar himself, said that "virtually the whole of Bonaventure's theology is present in the few compact pages of the  Itinerarium. 

In 1259, St. Bonaventure, wanted  "to satisfy the desire of (his) spirit for peace. " So around the time of the thirty-third anniversary of the death of the saint, he wrote:  "I was moved by a divine inspiration and withdrew to Mount LaVerna since it was a place of quiet. " And there he experienced his JOURNEY INTO GOD.
The retreat opens with a presentation on the life of Bonaventure in order to provide a context for reflection on his work. Each of the eight days of the retreat is then dedicated to one of the chapters of THE JOURNEY. Each day is a balance of instruction on the text, periods for reading and personal and communal participation in eucharist, morning and evening prayer. The liturgical and para-liturgical prayer is especially designed by the presenters to disclose the profound themes in a contemporary experience.

A typical day would be spent in the following manner. After morning prayer, time is provided for reading the chapter of THE JOURNEY under consideration, then, an input session on the same chapter followed by quiet time. Only the Eucharist is celebrated in the afternoon, the remaining time for reflection and quiet. Evening prayer is followed by optional sharing on the chapter of the day.
Each retreatant will need two book:  Journey into God (Raischl and Cirino);  and
the songbook, Love Holding Love, both available from Tau Publishing, Phoenix, AZ.

Registration and Event Information
Starts  Thursday evening, August 9, 2018
     to  Friday August 17, 2018, after lunch.
  Please send registration and check 
       made out to :
 Mt. Alvernia Retreat Center 
       and mailed to : 
P.O. Box 858 
Wappinger Falls, N.Y. 12590.
Fees (8 days, all options include 24 meals):
      Single ocupancy room                              $800
Double ocupancy room, each person    $700
Commuter                                                   $500  
Early Bird registration :
Pay in full by Marchl 1, 2018 and save $50.
After March 1, 2018 :
Pay $200 with registration, non-refundable.     
Balance due by July 23, 2018
Initial registration payment applies to total.
Cancellation :
Prior to July 23rd, $200 non-refundable, 
     anything over will be refunded. 
After July23rd, no refunds.
       Emergency cancellation on individual basis.
Francis of Assisi and the Logic of the Gospel
St. Francis Friary, Burlington, Wisconsin
March 12-15, 2018
Friar Michael Blastic (Holy  Name  Province)  is the scheduled presenter at the second interprovincial retreat offered this calendar year.
The event is slated for St. Francis Friary (former site of the interprovincial novitiate), Burlington, Wisconsin, March 12-15. The complete title of the retreat is "Francis of Assisi and the Logic of the Gospel: Relinquishment, Fraternal Life, and Misison." Michael is presently on the interprovincial novitiate team at Old Mission Santa Barbara, California. The event, sponsored by our confreres of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (ABVM) province, is free of charge to friars. Those who are also participating in the R + R interest groups are welcome to stay an extra night (meals included) in order to do their work.  Deadline for receipt of registration is February 28. 
Download, complete and mail (snail mail!) the application form on the flyer. 
Retreat Flyer

Reconstructed New York City Park honoring 
Fr. Richard Fagan, OFM, reopens

Anyone who has been stationed at one of our 
three friaries in Soho, Manhattan, should be familiar with "Father Fagan Park."  This small urban park sits at the corner of Sixth Avenue and Prince Street (near St. Anthony Convent). The wedge-shaped property was created by the extension of Sixth Avenue beginning in 1925 and the re-mapping of the southern terminus of MacDougal Street.
The park was named for Father Richard Fagan, OFM, who was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1911 and was ordained as a Franciscan priest in 1935.
He served as an associate pastor at St. Anthony of Padua Church beginning in 1936 and lived at what was then the rectory at 151 Thompson Street (Padua Friary). In the early morning of November 4, 1938, a fire broke out at the friary. Though Father Richard managed to escape, he went back into the building twice to rescue two other friars, Father Louis Vitale and Father Bonaventure Pons. With the fire out of control, the badly burned Father Richard leaped out a window onto the roof of the adjacent Settlement House. After being discovered, he was taken to the hospital where he died of complications five days later at the young age of 27.
In a letter written shortly after the fire and the death of Father Richard Fagan, Fr. Anicleto Silvioni, O.F.M., the Provincial Minister of the Province of the Immaculate Conception, and Fr. Virgil Liucci, O.F.M., Pastor of Saint Anthony 's, wrote these words:
"What happened to our Monastery and Church on the morning of November 4th
is known to all.  A horrible tragedy that will not easily be effaced by time.  The Monastery destroyed.  Three lives lost.  Two of these were religious-  Brother John Chiazza, sexton, faithfully serving Almighty God and His Church to the best of his ability, and our well known and loved Father Richard Fagan, whose acts of mercy and charity extended from the babe in the cradle to those breathing their last on the death bed.  He was indeed an Apostle, Missionary, and Martyr of Christ.  No one can ever deny his keen interest in our parochial activities, and the outstanding heroism which culminated with his untimely  death  truly a lasting memorial of unselfish Christian love and sacrifice in the history of St. Anthony 's Parish. This Father Richard did:  he risked his life that others might live.  His was the death any Franciscan Friar might envy.  He knew and felt he was slated to die, but he did not fear the Angel of Death.  He lived an heroic life as a follower of St. Francis and died an heroic death, carrying into the Other World with him those virtues and traits that made him so beloved by all- qualities that characterized him wherever he went and that endeared him to old and young alike."
The park also commemorates three firefighters of Ladder Company 5 and Engine Company 24, Battalion 2, located a half-block up Sixth Avenue, who responded to a fire at 62 Watts Street on the night of March 28, 1994 and died after being trapped by the flames. That same year, three callery pear trees were planted and three bronze plaques were installed to commemorate these heroic men.  This forever linked the already formed relationship of the parish of St. Anthony's with the local fire house.
In recent years, the park had become run down through neglect and misuse.  The city had also proposed making the park a local docking station for the Citi-Bikes program, which would have had some 30 bike docks located on the property.  The local friars and parishioners opposed the project, and through the help of local City Council Representative Christine Quinn, the plan was cancelled.  As a result, at a  meeting of the local Community Board 2 with the New York City Parks Department, residents came out to discuss a plan for the reconstruction of the park with government officials. The room was full of interested community members who each took turns contributing their ideas for the future of the park, which included preserving the large number of benches provided in the park and hopes for more greenery.
One of the suggestions at the community board meeting was to recognize the sacrifice of Father Richard and the three firefighters in the reconstruction of the park, which was estimated to cost about $1.5 million, allocated by the City Council. Most residents hoped that the open space "piazza" feel of the park would be preserved and that lighting would be improved. Above all, the park is loved as a place where residents, workers and tourists alike enjoy their lunch or some time off their feet and where children enjoy the rare urban experience of outdoor communal playtime.
After several proposals and much discussion with the various city agencies, a design was presented and finally completed.  Unfortunately, the Department of Parks did not come through with a new memorial honoring Fr. Fagan.   The "Friends of Father Fagan Park" are lobbying for the addition of this memorial.  
Newly reconstructed Father Fagan Park


(Recognize Anyone?)
Troy Seminary circa 1968

Christmas Photo of the Novitiate Class FIFTY YEARS AGO-  December, 1967. St. Anthony Friary, Catskill NY

Some Photos submitted by our Friars in Central America during their recent retreat.  

Please send any articles, photos, or other information to:
Friar Joseph Lorenzo, OFM
St. Anthony Friary
24 Harrison Street    PO Box 487
Catskill NY 12414
Cell 917.337.9833
Friary 518.943.3451 xt. 314

Recently Deceased Friars
                                                           Friar Lucius (Mario) Annese, OFM, age 86, passed into 
eternal life during the early afternoon of Saturday, January 20, 1980.  At the time of his passing, Fr. Lucius was affiliated with the community of St. Christopher Friary, Boston, Massachusetts, while in residence under the hospice care of the staff of Kaplan Family House, Danvers, Massachusetts. 

Fr. Lucius was the son of the late Antonette (Forgione) and Antonio Annese.  He was born in Grottamarinarda, Italy on November 12, 1931.  He is survived by his sister Jean B. Annese, of Somerville, Massachusetts.

The viewing is scheduled at St. Leonard of Port Maurice Church, Hanover Street, Boston, on Thursday, January 25, 2018, from 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM.  A Mass of Christian Burial was scheduled immediately following at 10:30 AM.  Interment was at Calvary Cemetery, Winchester Massachusetts.  May his soul and the soul of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen.

Friar Juniper O'Connor, OFM
Friar Louis Diego DeTomasso, OFM
Friar Mark Brown, OFM
Friar Francis de Sales Paolo, OFM
Bishop Sylvester Magro, OFM, (Province of Malta)
He was Bishop Emeritus of Benghazi, Libya, 
 and died on January 20.
Friar Donald Miller, OFM (St. John Baptist Province) 
who died December 12
Friar Raphael Bonanno, OFM, (Holy Name Province) 
 who died December 15
Friar Miguel Lozano, OFM, (St. Barbara Province) 
 who died December 3
Friar William Spirk, OFM, (St. John the Baptist Province) 
 who died December 19
Friar Paul Walsman, OFM, (St. John the Baptist Province) 
 who died December 13

U.S. Friars who have died in 2017
Assumption Province:   (7)   Gregory Stasinski,   Blase Karas,      Bronislaus Jaskulski,   Jerome Zawada, Nathan Jaskulski, Ted Tokarz, Bert Pepowski
Holy Name Province: (6)  Guy Morgan, Stanislaus Widomski, Felix McGrath, Michael McDonnell, Aubrey McNeill, Raphael Bonanno
Immaculate Conception Province: (10) Luke Storino, Edmund Ansaloni, Donaldo Salazar, Roch Ciandella, Norbert DeAmato, Louis Pintye, Francis de Sales Paolo, Mark Brown, Louis De Tommaso, Juniper O'Connor
Our Lady of Guadalupe Province: (2) Wayne Gibbeaut, Ulric Paz
St. Barbara Province: (6) Stephen Tan Nguyen,  Ervan Beers, Efrem Trettel, Gavin Griffith, Rob Young, Miguel Lozano
Sacred Heart Province: (13)  Larry Brummer, Bernadine Hahn, Claver Boerner,   Blane O'Neill, Charlie Payne, Eugene Michel, Robert Pawell, Theodore Bracco, Tom Vos,   Louis Antl, Patrick Shea, Roch Pfeifer, Edwin Albers
St. John Baptist Province: (12)  Theobald Hattrup, Valens Waldschmidt, Simeon Cleves, Xavier Gedeon,   Bernard Jennings,  Paul Desch, John Turnbull, Francis Wendling, Luke Simon, Paul Walsman, William Spirk, Donald Miller

Recently Deceased Family
Grace Alfano, mother of deceased Friar Savio Alfano, OFM
Victoria Dewine, twin sister of Friar Roderick Crispo, OFM, 
who died January 3, 2018.
Carmen Imbrol, sister of Friar Gregory Imbrol, OFM, 
who died January 5, 2018.
Friar Gregory died May 10, 2014.
Min Rossman, sister of Friar Paul Guido, OFM,
who died December 26, 2017
Matilda Zammit, mother of Friar Jimmy Zammit, OFM, 
who died  December 11.
Guillermo Ruiz Lopez, father of Friar Orlando Ruiz, OFM, 
who died  November 24.
Marian Intromasso, sister of Friar Paul Rotondi, OFM, 
who died  November 20.
Richard Caprio, brother of Friar Robert Caprio, OFM, 
who died November  22.

Dian Petrillo, wife of Carl Petrillo, who died on January 19.  
The Petrillos have been generous benefactors of our 
Province and in particular our Missions  
They have had a special relationship 
with Valle De Los Angeles in Guatemala.

Frank Campanelli, long-time parishioner of St. Anthony's in NYC.  
Frank was instrumental in running the St. Anthony Feast for many years.  
His son Vincent was a friar in our formation program
for several years, and his son Anthony owned Joe's Dairy, 
next door to St. Anthony Friary on Sullivan Street.


Let us pray for  our infirm friars:
Friar Albert McMahon (Stomach aneurysm)
Friar Flavian Mucci (Kidney Transplant)
Friar Flavian had his successful transplant on January 20.
Friar Claudio Moser (Hip replacement)
Friar Charles Soto
Friar Romano Almagno
Friar Robert Artman
Friar Clement Procopio

For our friars in skilled nursing facilities:
Friar Philip Adamo, OFM
Friar Giles Barreda, OFM
Friar Francis Hanudel, OFM
Friar Lawrence Stumpo, OFM

For our infirm family and friends:
Joseph Almagno
(brother of Friar Romano Almagno)
Astra Fernandes (mother of Friar Conrad Fernandes)
Gloria Salinas (mother of Friar Octavio Salinas)
Marie Caprio Sicuso (sister of Friar Robert Caprio)
Sheila Washburn (mother of Friar Thomas Washburn)
Please pray for all friars, families, friends, and benefactors,  living and deceased.