beyerdynamic Introduces FOX Professional USB-C Studio Microphone
beyerdynamic introduced a new USB-C microphone at the 2018 NAMM Show in Anaheim, CA. Ideal for music recordings, YouTube videos, Podcasting, and more, the new beyerdynamic FOX combines a large condenser capsule with a preamplifier, AD converter and headphone amplifier, all connected through the latest-generation USB Type C connector and interface, which makes it possible to deliver the necessary power specifications, impossible to achieve with previous USB standards.
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IsoAcoustics Launches New ISO Series Line of Acoustic Isolation Stands for Pro Audio Speakers and Subwoofers
At the 2018 NAMM show, IsoAcoustics announced the launch of an entirely new line of acoustic isolation stands, the ISO Series, designed for professional audio speakers and subwoofers. The new models, which include the ISO-130, ISO-155, ISO-200, and the ISO-200SUB, feature a new contemporary design, a lower profile, and all new isolators - offering the acclaimed acoustic isolation performance that the company is known for.
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Bose Professional Debuts S1 Pro Multi-Position Smart Portable PA System
At the 2018 NAMM Show, Anaheim, CA, Bose Professional is debuting the S1 Pro multi-position PA system - an all-in-one PA, floor monitor, practice amplifier and primary music system, and the latest addition to the acclaimed Bose portable professional product line. Above all, the new ultra-portable Bose S1 Pro is a high-performance, and battery-powered smart Bluetooth speaker that musicians will want to use and take everywhere.
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Celestion Unveils the TFX Small-Format Coaxial Driver Range at NAMM 2018
Celestion announced the launch of two new small-format, coaxial drivers at the 2018 NAMM show. According to Celestion, the pressed steel chassis of the TFX0512 and TFX0615, provide a very cost-effective complement to the company's well-established FTX series of coaxial units, for applications including compact, fixed-install sound reinforcement, and cinema audio.
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Sennheiser Teases Music Enthusiasts with New HD 820 Closed-Back Dynamic Stereo Headphones
Sennheiser is again redefining the limits of what it is able to offer in headphone reproduction with its new HD 820 closed-back dynamic stereo headphones. The new model, previewed at CES 2018, delivers astonishingly transparent sound, thanks to a unique glass transducer cover that minimizes resonances - an innovation that ensures an incredibly realistic and natural sound field.
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Harman Unveils JBL 3 Series MkII Powered Studio Monitors
Harman has unveiled its new JBL 3 Series MkII powered studio monitors. The updated series retain the qualities of the original monitors, but now offers better performance with three models for different production environments. Combining the JBL Image Control Waveguide with refined transducers in a new design, the JBL 3 Series MkII offers improved detail in a wider sweet spot, enhancing the critical listening capabilities of any production space.
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Audinate Debuts Dante AVIO Adapter Family at NAMM 2018
In a somewhat unusual move, Audinate introduced Dante AVIO, a family of cost-effective endpoint adapters that enable audio professionals to easily connect legacy analog and digital audio equipment to Dante networks. Starting with an MSRP of only $129 USD, the Dante AVIO series features six new adapters including line-in and line-out analog adapters, a bi-directional AES3/EBU adapter, and a bi-directional stereo USB adapter.
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THAT Introduces 2-Channel Programmable Preamplifier with ADC Driver
THAT Corp. announced three new programmable preamplifiers with integrated ADC drivers. The family includes three products with different gain-step sizes: the 6261, the 6263, and the 6266 at 1 dB, 3 dB, and 6 dB per step, respectively. The new THAT626x family increases integration and lowers power for low-noise, digitally controlled microphone preamplifiers.
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Guest Editorial
ALMA International's Symposium & Expo (AISE) 2018 - First Impressions
This year, ALMA International's Symposium & Expo (AISE) 2018 event moved from the Tuscany Hotel to the South Point Hotel and Casino. While the South Point is a few miles south of the center of the "strip" (Las Vegas Blvd.), it is a new hotel with many restaurants and facilities. By all accounts this new larger venue was preferred to the Tuscany, which is not bad at all. Bigger moves with the Association of Loudspeaker Manufacturing and Acoustics (ALMA) International are in the works with the next (2019) AISE event set to take place at InfoComm in Florida, as reported in the previous edition of The Audio Voice.
AISE 2018 exhibits are the start of the event for all the attendees.
Vanessa Rene, VP of ALMA International pointed out InfoComm (now called
AVIXA, or the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, producer of InfoComm trade shows around the world, and co-owner of
Integrated Systems Europe) "seems to have a genuine interest in our association, where previously CES simply tolerated us." Vanessa sees the potential for greater growth "if we have support from the accompanying monster-sized convention." Time will tell. ALMA International also announced Euro AISE future event is aligned with this concept: InfoComm's European show and AISE.
While I still think the CES is the right show for ALMA to sync with, the timing is so wrong... next year's CES will be closer to New Year's again... Jan 8... Ugh... Sticking AISE in front of this forces the Euro contingent to travel too close to the New Year. And then there's the weather... While our President has already explained to us that climate change is fake news - no one has bothered to tell the weatherman, and too many Europeans and north easterners from the US get caught up in the Atlantic storms, and too many experience delays or miss the event entirely. However, leaving a day earlier may result in an increase in divorces...
While we are on the topic of venue changes, there was some discussion of Euro AISE and dragging Dorit Larsen (Loudsoft) into running this - (I would like to volunteer Dorit for this job!) but instead of Prolight+Sound in Frankfurt the ISE in 2019 in Amsterdam might be the ideal venue - as it attracts both consumer audio as well as pro-audio people - yet it is another weather-wise not so desirable location.
Back to AISE 2018, the South Point Hotel and Casino was well received by most of the attendees and exhibitors alike. The accommodations proved to be a step up from the previous venues and the catering was definitely a few steps above our past venues. I feel ALMA made improvements to the flow of traffic and the venue, therefore, improving the visibility of the exhibitors.
Globe Plastics' booth
Menlo Scientific had a good show and AISE will always be our "passing go in Monopoly." Sadly, there were a number of empty booths where people or their exhibits got snagged by closed airports, a testimonial to the escalating weather changes and need for a change in the timing of AISE. I think we are all looking forward to sunny Florida in June 2019 for AISE - don't forget your sunscreen! We asked our neighbor exhibitors for impressions of AISE 2018, and these are some of the comments we received in time for this edition of The Audio Voice.
Reggie Alphin of Globe Plastics was pleased to see the targeted turn out at the exhibit hall. "The traffic was a bit better at our booth than normal and perhaps this was due to the AcoustaComp phasing plugs. This material has turned out to be a proven winner in the phasing plugs for compression driver market for many of the large OEMs. In addition, the AcoustaComp horns, baffles and waveguides continue to peak interest with the companies that are seeking a performance based material that doesn't impact the performance of their components," he stated.
Vanessa M. Rene, Senior Product Specialist - Ferrofluids at Ferrotec (USA) Corp. and Vice President, Executive Committee ALMA International, proclaimed "ALMA is moving, and we couldn't be happier!" Vanessa continued... "As one of the longest-standing continuous members of ALMA, Ferrotec insiders have been keeping a watchful eye on the changes in the loudspeaker industry, as well as the changes needed to keep this organization alive. Ferrotec has been exhibiting at ALMA for almost 30 years and has been a sustaining member for as long as I can recall. We have watched the numbers at the Winter Symposia stagnate in recent years and have grown alarmed at the possibility of the demise of this very useful resource for so many in the industry. This is part of the reason I accepted a nomination and was elected to the Executive Committee in 2017. I have a vested interest in the health of this organization and the good work that it does in providing education to students and industry veterans alike. 2018 AISE proved to be a difficult meeting for many, between hazardous weather conditions that forced the closing of airports across the eastern seaboard and an influenza outbreak, so the announcement that we are moving to form an association with Infocomm in June (alternating between Las Vegas and Orlando), starting in 2019, was welcome indeed. True, this is a foray into uncharted waters, but I believe this will breathe new life into the membership," said Rene.
"The new venue for AISE in Las Vegas, South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa, is a very nicely appointed facility with excellent, well laid out conference space, comfortable accommodations, and a multitude of amenities. The lunch and dinner offerings, especially for the banquet, were very tasty and well prepared. This is a delight when one is a veteran of convention food and expectations are low. Indeed, the hall was not crowded because of the absence of exhibitors who had fallen victim to the flu, but even if they had all been in attendance it would still have been a very comfortably sized hall. This is decidedly a step in the right direction for ALMA."
"Ferrotec is deeply committed to our loudspeaker customers for their ferrofluid needs. We see the shift in product areas away from simple home audio to smart speakers and improved mobile audio/communications, and we are responding to these new, more stringent requirements with new ferrofluid formulations. Among these are fluids designed for voice responsive audio components and miniaturized components for cellular applications. As long as there are new audio markets to address, Ferrotec will be responsive and at the forefront of thermal control and device stability for the loudspeaker market and beyond," concluded Rene.
Dorit Larsen of LOUDSOFT told us that they had a fantastic ALMA show and observed that it is always wonderful to meet with their American customers and have a lot of fun and serious talking. This year LOUDSOFT presented a new FINE Hardware 3, which will be the platform for a new generation of FINE QC, FINE R+D and the FINE QC/Headphone/Headset system. The hardware has three microphone inputs and it now measures up to 100 kHz, using 48, 96, and 192 kHz sample rates. Also, very high
The impressive G.R.A.S. display, showing the company's new image and motto.
accuracy impedance measurements are possible in HI and LO current modes. Even Bluetooth measurements are possible, either using Windows drivers or a separate Bluetooth transmitter. High-accuracy Intermodulation and Difference distortion will be possible with a coming module.
"We are looking forward to exhibiting in Orlando next year and visit the famous Key West," said Larsen.
Ed Okorn told us that the AISE 2018 was a resounding success for G.R.A.S., and he congratulated the board and organizers. Okorn was especially encouraged by ALMA's sponsorship of student acousticians, as they hold the key to our future. "The small, focused group of attendees showed their passion for advancing the industry by their participation in both the seminars and the exposition. We look forward to participating in ALMA 2019."
G.R.A.S. Sound & Vibration had a lot to show, from its High Resolution Ear Simulator designed specifically to meet the need for reliable and repeatable measurements of personal audio devices at high frequencies. The High Resolution Ear Simulator is precise, consistent, and is available in two versions: the RA0401 Externally Polarized and the GRAS RA0402 Prepolarized. These models are available on multiple test platforms for R&D, production testing and verification with confidence. The 42AG Multifunction Sound Calibrator was designed to fulfill the need for a portable and versatile calibrator for field use. This product is a portable, battery-operated sound source for calibration and check of microphones and sound level meters. It conforms to the requirements in IEC 60942 for a Class 1 sound calibrator.
HEAD acoustics' Jacob Soendergaard also mentioned that they had a fantastic 2018 AISE show. Soendergaard decided once again to support the event by exhibiting and he was extremely busy with presentations and demos. "On display in our booth we had our HMS II.3 full equipped for ANC headphone testing - which we used as an extension of the paper I gave on Saturday morning. Several times during the show, we had people come by for a quick summary of the talk and a demonstration. Additionally, we had a demo laptop in place to show our VoCAS SW solution for Voice Recognition testing. Our latest revision now includes completely automated python based solution for testing the Google ASR tool. With VoCAS controlling the speech out of the HMS II.3 and the exhibit floor providing enough background noise to make the recognition rate really poor, it made for a compelling demo!"
Jacob Soendergaard delivered an interesting presentation on evaluation of active noise cancelling headphones.
HEAD acoustics also booked a suite at the hotel so they could have a private space to invite people to experience the company's latest background noise playback solution - 3PASS. "We would step people through the process of equalization the suite for suitable BGN playback and then have them listen to a few standard noise files (pub/driving/crossroad noise). We even had some fun recording some acted out scenes and playing those back to give our guests an opportunity to see how they could implement their own custom BGN files to test their products with ANC/beamforming/noise suppression/etc. All in all, we had two fun and incredibly busy days!
The South Point Hotel was definitely a step up. It felt newer, cleaner, and more spacious, and served as a good venue for AISE," Soendergaard concluded.