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Upcoming National RTAP Webinar Series: Website Builder - Start to Finish
During this six-week workshop webinar series beginning on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 2:00pm ET, National RTAP Technical Support Staff will walk participants through the process of setting up a transit website for rural and tribal transit agencies who are using or considering using the National RTAP Website Builder tool.
Each Tuesday lesson will be accompanied by an optional Q&A session on the following Thursday. By completing each session's "homework," the user will have a completed site by the end of the series. Learn more and
register today for the webinar series.
Upcoming National RTAP Peer Call: State Allocation of Section 5310/5311 Funds
This Peer Call with be an opportunity for State Program Managers to discuss how they allocate Section 5310 and 5311 funds, including what formula they use, if any, and the application cycle. This issue came up during a roundtable discussion at the 2017 National RTAP Conference, and there was interest in continuing the conversation.
State Program Managers from states including Michigan and Texas will be on the call to speak briefly about what they do, but the call will be most effective if other states participate and share. Register now and join us on February 8, 2018 from 2:00-3:00 PM ET.
National RTAP Disaster Preparedness Peer Call Series
This first installment of the National RTAP Disaster Preparedness Peer Call Series: Getting Ready for the Worst, has been recorded and the notes are available for download on our Peer Calls Page. The series is co-organized by National RTAP and the South West Transit Association (SWTA).
Register now for the second installment to be held
on February 21, 2:00-3:00 PM ET
In the Eye of the Storm
, to learn what role can you play in helping your community respond to fires, floods, and other disasters and what you need to do you do to protect your vehicles.
National RTAP Webinar Recording Available: Drug & Alcohol Fitness for Duty Policies & Procedures
This webinar was a follow-up to the December
webinar which covered the
update to USDOT's drug and alcohol regulation effective January 1, 2018. One key piece of the update was the addition of four new prescription opioids to the drug testing panel.
During this webinar, Robbie Sarles discussed best-practices for policies and procedures addressing an employee's "fitness-for-duty" in the context of the "significant safety risk" determination by an Medical Review Officer following a USDOT drug test. The recording, presentation, and a Q&A document are
available here
National RTAP Hours of Service and Electronic Logging Devices Webinar Recording Available
We posted a recording and presentation download of our Hours of Service and Electronic Logging Devices webinar with industry expert Mike McDonal. The webinar provided guidance to rural transit agencies about the FMCSA Hours of Service and the Electronic Logging Device regulations, including compliance, management, technology, and implementation.
Find out why Mike McDonal calls ELD "Easier Life for Drivers"!
Updated Drug and Alcohol Programs Topic Guide
Drug and Alcohol Programs
Topic Guide
in the National RTAP Resource Center was updated in January 2018. A number of new resources
were added, such as the U.S. DOT Frequently Asked Questions page, CALACT's Drug and Alcohol Resources page, and the recent National RTAP webinar on Understanding the Updated USDOT Drug & Alcohol Testing Regulation.
FTA and USDOT Updates
U.S. DOT's Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) FY 2018
Solicitation closes on March 20. Innovations are being solicited for Virtual and Augmented Reality to Aid Transit Use. Three awards are anticipated. "This is a great opportunity startups with a mobility focus," said Robin Phillips, National RTAP Executive Director.
FTA will host a
webinar at 2 PM ET on January 31 to review how two agencies use decision support tools for TAM efforts and will highlight using the TAM small provider tool and developing agency-specific decision support tools.
FTA seeks public comment regarding
barriers to and the
status of automated transit buses and related technologies. Comments must be submitted by March 2.
Resources and News
The National Center for Mobility Management (NCMM) is hosting a
webinar on February 21 at
1-2 PM ET: Improving Mobility Access through Complete Streets and Mobility Management Webinar.
Rural Performance Based Planning Guidebook from Texas A&M directs the reader through the framework for conducting a rural transportation system assessment based on individual goals and objectives and selected performance measures and weights.
The Department of Justice is accepting applications for the
2018 Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
(CTAS) for comprehensive funding to federally-recognized American Indian and Alaska Native tribal governments and tribal consortia to support public safety, victim services and crime prevention. The application deadline is March 20.
Only Six Days Left! National RTAP is Soliciting Nominations for New
Review Board Members
For 2018, National RTAP is soliciting nominations for two state transit officials and four rural or tribal transit operators for its Review Board.
More information about this great opportunity, the nomination form, and instructions on how to apply are
available here
. The deadline has been extended to January 31, 2018.
National RTAP Q&A Webinars on our 2019 Technical Assistance Conference Local Host RFP
National RTAP will be holding Q&A Webinars to provide information and answer questions about the 2019 National RTAP Technical Assistance Conference Local Host Request for Proposals (RFP). The target audience for these webinars is State DOT Staff and State and Regional Transit Associations.
Look for us at these upcoming conferences!
South West Transit Association (SWTA) Annual Conference, Denver, CO, March 5-7
Michigan Rural Transportation Managers Workshop, Mount Pleasant, MI, April 25-26
- Montana Transit Association Spring Conference, Bozeman, MT, May 21-25
- CTAA EXPO, Pittsburgh, PA, June 10-14
ITS Public Research Data Update
ry 25,
12-1 PM
Orientation to Transit Procurement
January 29-February 2
Chicago, IL
Social Isolation: An Important Health and Public Health Issue and a Significant Cost to Medicare
January 31, 9:00 AM
Transportation Systems Management and Operations Program Plan Development Roundtable Part 2
January 31, 1-3 PM
Decision Support Tools
January 31,
2-3 PM
Transit Bus Exchange
Scottsdale, AZ
31-February 2
Risk Assessment and Basic Cost or Price Analysis
San Francisco, CA
February 5-9
National RTAP
Website Builder - Start to Finish
February 6-March 15
2-3 PM
Understanding ADA
Charlottesville, VA
February 6
Are Autonomous Vehicles Safe? Understanding What's Already Here and What Needs to Happen
February 6
12:30-1:30 PM
Understanding ADA
Savage, MD
February 7
National RTAP
State Allocation of 5310/5311 Funds
February 8, 2-3:30 PM
Cybersecurity Series Part I: The What, Why, & How of Cybersecurity for IT & OT
February 8,
1-2:30 PM
National RTAP
Disaster Preparedness: In the Eye of the Storm
February 21, 2-3 PM
Improving Mobility Access through Complete Streets and Mobility Management
February 21, 1-2 PM
National RTAP
2019 National RTAP Conference Q&A Part 1
March 1, 2-3:30 PM
South West Transit Association
2018 SWTA Freedom Through Transit
March 5-7
Denver, CO
National RTAP
National RTAP Conference Q&A Part 2
April 2, 2-3:30 PM
Project Management for Transit Professionals
April 4-5
Houston, TX
CTAA Expo 2018
June 10-14
Pittsburgh, PA
National Conference on Rural Public & Intercity Bus Transportation
Sept 30-Oct 3
Breckenridge, CO
All event times listed as Eastern Time
Maltreatment Awareness Self-Learner's Guide
Maltreatment Awareness Self-Learner's Guide was developed by Minnesota RTAP and expanded to a national audience National RTAP. The PowerPoint self-guided class is designed for bus operators and discusses maltreatment vulnerability, and how to recognize, report, and prevent accusations of maltreatment. The comprehensive training includes case studies, resources and knowledge checks.
Contact us:
5 Wheeling Avenue, Woburn, MA 01801, 888-589-6821
Washington, D.C.:
718 7th Street NW
, Washington, DC 20001