We welcome you to join us at the
Valentine  Extravaganza
on Saturday,
February 10th!
Hosted by
Deb Beneduci of DeVaughn's Ridge,
along with Lily of
Lily's Apothecary and
Val Masi, Certified Aromatherapist.

We will be taking 1/2 hour appointments for:

1. Topiary Workshop
Learn how to create a long lasting floral arrangement to decorate
your mantel, table or just about anywhere you want to brighten
your home. It'll be sure to impress your friends and family!
2. A Mini-Makeover 
by Lily
Freshen up your look by having
Lily do your make-up. Lily will
start with a Caviar Serum and Moisturizer and have you looking fabulous by applying Diego Dalla Palma Make-up from Italy.

3. A "class" by Expert Aromatherapist Val Masi.
Val will show you why certain oils are used for immunity boosting, energy, calming, discomfort, digestion, respiratory and more!
For $5.00 you can take home an individualized roller-ball blend.


You will spend 1/2 hour with Deb, with Lily and with Val.

The Time: 11:00 - 4:00
We encourage you
to bring a friend! 

The Place: 280 Center Hill Road,
Plymouth 02360

The Cost: $55.00 and reservations are needed.

To RSVP: Email Lily at
[email protected]

We're asking for a $28.00 check to be sent to Deb Beneduci at the address listed above, to reserve your space and pay for the Topiary Materials.

Light refreshments will 
be served.

Click on the images below to read more about these businesses.

This is an Event that 
you won't want to miss!

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