Happy New Year and Welcome Back, TDPS! 
 Monday, January 22, 2018
Happy New Year TDPS! It's cold out, but there's a warm welcome wrapped up in this issue. Check out the upcoming events and productions. Also, read about why one of our amazing professors and alumni made recent news. Congratulations to them both!

There are a lot of opportunities available, so take a minute to see what's listed.

Hope everyone has a wonderful start to the semester!
  In this newsletter:

  • Upcoming TDPS Events
  • News
  • Opportunities - Jobs, Auditions, Internships & Call for Papers
  • Other Events - Local Theatre Productions & FREE Tickets

Want to share your news with the TDPS family? Have a story you want featured? Have suggestions to improve the TDPS newsletter and communications?

Tell us about the creative, collaborative, innovative, and entrepreneurial work you're doing!

Email and share with us on social media.
Upcoming TDPS Events
MFA Dance Deadline Extended
The application deadline for the MFA Dance program
has been extended to Monday, February 12!

For more information on the MFA Dance program, check out the video above.
For more information on the MFA Dance application process and requirements, click here.
MTEA Conference
Theatre in the Now: Performance Art for Impact
February 10, 2018
The Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

The 2nd Annual MTEA Conference will allow attendees to come together and reconnect to their craft, use theatre to bring communities together, address social issues, and create hope through excellent and exciting work! 

Second Season: Tertiary Spaces
February 2-3, 2018
Dance Theatre

The second-year MFA in Dance cohort explores spatial and human relationships in this inclusive and interactive work. Created in collaboration between four diverse performance artists, the piece exemplifies first-hand the power of compromise, connection, and challenge, ultimately bringing the audience and performers together for a shared experience.

February 9-17, 2018
Kogod Theatre

When Eurydice tragically perishes on her wedding day, her groom Orpheus will do anything to bring her back to life. He strikes a deal with the gods of the Underworld, but will he be able to fulfill its terms? This reimagining of the classic myth is told through Eurydice’s eyes, offering a fresh perspective on her journey. It’s one of love and loss, pleasure and pain.The play’s rhythmic language helps rebuild the memories of the characters and highlights the heroine’s impossible choice between life and death. 

"Rhapsodically beautiful. A weird and wonderful new play--an inexpressibly moving theatrical fable about love, loss and the pleasures and pains of memory." -  The New York Times

Jared Mezzocchi Awarded Henry Hewes Design Award
for Vietgone

Congratulations to Professor  Jared Mezzocchi  on being awarded a 2017 Henry Hewes Design Award for his projection design of  Vietgone   at   Manhattan Theatre Club !

The Henry Hewes Design Awards are earned by artists working on, off, and off-off Broadway. Jared won for the category of "Notable Effects," which may include sound, music, video, projections, puppetry, and other creative elements. The Hewes Awards Committee considered more than 200 productions when making its nominations; as of 2017, the Committee has bestowed 303 honors on 195 artists representing 213 productions.

Meghan Abadoo Named One of the "25 to Watch 2018"
in Dance Magazine

Congratulations to Meghan Abadoo (MFA Dance 16) for being selected as o ne of Dance Magazine' s "25 to Watch 2018."

From the article: "MK Abadoo is an  unapologetic activist . The dances she creates speak her truth to power. Her choreography offers a socially conscious take on torn-from-the-headlines issues of racial, social and gender equity."

ARH-U Ready Internship Scholarship
Other Opportunities
  • On Friday, February 2 starting at 11am, Arena Stage will host the 2018 DC Arts/Culture Intern & Apprentice Fair for the leading performing arts and cultural institutions of Washington, DC. There is no fee for participants to attend, but registration is required via Eventbrite.

  • On Friday, January 26, choreographers will be holding auditions the spring MFA Dance ThesisC Concerts from 6-8pm in Dance Studio 2. If you have any questions, please see the audition flyer or e-mail Cary Gillett at

  • The Digital Humanities in Theatre Research working group of the International Federation for Theatre Research (IFTR) are calling for papers for the 2018 IFTR Conference in Belgrade, Serbia (July 9-13). Proposed papers and project presentations should represent the full range of experience theatre scholars and practitioners have with Digital Humanities. Abstracts (up to 300 words) on either a proposed paper or the presentation of a digital project are due January 31 and should be submitted here.

  • TDPS will hold auditions for the MFA Dance program on February 10, 2018 from 9:30am - 5pm. For more information, click here or e-mail Patrik Widrig.

  • This summer, take the Education Abroad course "International Perspectives on Drama and Learning (EDCI)" at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland! This course provides participants with the opportunity to discover how drama can be used as a learning medium in a variety of contexts (communities, schools, theatres, etc.). For more information, please see the course flyer.

  • Imagination Stage is now hiring for its Professional Apprenticeship program! In addition to a stipend, the program offers an opportunity for the Rebecca Rice Community Engagement Grant, a $5,000 grant awarded to one apprentice per season who has background and interest in community engagement work. For more details, please see the program flyer.

  • On Saturday, February 10, the College Park Arts Exchange will host "Page to Performance Mini-Festival: Monologues & Dialogues," a day-long exploration of character and voice followed by an evening performance of the work created during the day. $45 for the full day (10:30 am-7:00pm) and dinner is provided; the evening performance will be free and open to the public. All events will be held at Old Parish House, College Park, MD. For more information, click here

  • American Ensemble Theatre is hiring a stage manager for a one-man musical for Black History Month. Only 4 performances at the Capitol Hill Arts Workshop on Saturdays at 1pm: Feb. 3, 10, 17, and 24. Rehearsal dates: Jan 25-27, plus tech Jan 29 7-9pm and Feb 2 6pm to 9pm. Job pays $350. If interested, e-mail or visit their website.

  • Pointless Theatre is hiring a General Manager to bring efficient and effective systems to increase the productivity of the organization. Qualified candidates will have a strong background in fundraising; exceptional management and leadership skills; and at least a Bachelor's Degree. If interested, e-mail a cover letter, resume/CV, and references to

  • Olney Theatre is opening up applications for their Apprenticeship Program for the 2018-2019 seasonis in the following areas: Artistic and Casting, Carpentry, Company Management, Costume and Wardrobe, Dramaturgy, Education Administration, Electrics, Marketing and Development, Production Management, Props, Sound, and Stage Management. Full details at
  Have an opportunity you want to share?
Please email
Other Events
Silk Road Dance Company. Image courtesy of Joe's Movement Emporium.

  • Round House Theatre is offering FREE tickets to college students with a valid ID for their upcoming production, Handbagged, running January 31 through February 25. They will also host a college night on February 1, featuring a post-show discussion with members of the artistic team and $2 beer for those over 21. Tickets may be reserved by filling out this Google Form, calling 240.644.1100, or in person at the Round House Theatre Box Office.

  • The 4th Biennial Silk Road Dance Festival from the Silk Road Dance Company will take place on February 17th at 7 PM at Joe's Movement Emporium. The festival will feature live performance; the Silk Road Bazaar by Zamani House of Heritage; a Silk Road Silent Auction of costume pieces from the coveted Silk Road closet; opportunities to dress up in traditional robes and headdresses; and the option of pre-concert Silk Road buffet prepared by master chef, Bughda Atahan. A limited number of buffet tickets are available for $40. Concert tickets are $25 in advance and $30 at the door and can be purchased online or by calling 301-699-1819.
Did you know you can get a great deal on dance and theatre
studio spaces through TDPS?

Need space to: work on a fringe show, prepare for an audition,
build a project, or practice for a dance showcase?
We can help! Our state-of-the-art facility has space you can rent.

Your relationship with the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies may allow you to get
3 FREE HOURS of rehearsal space each semester and additional hours for only $15/hr!
Spaces available now through August 2018. 
For more information, contact Jocelyn Callister at .

 Do you have news to share with the TDPS community?
Email and share with us on social media!

The School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies
advances and transforms the research and practice of the performing arts
through a commitment to excellence and innovative education.


Kenia Prophet, Coordinator of Marketing & Communications
Jonelle Walker, Graduate Assistant