A message from the President of the US Section of the
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
President's Corner Banner
C O M M U N I T Y   *   C O M M I T M E N T   *   C O U R A G E   *   C O M P A S S I O N
March 5, 2018

Greetings to you all! Below you will find my "shout out" to our members (sent February 28th via Branch and Disarm listservs) to get involved in any way possible to further WILPF US's stand with our children -- all over the world.. This is ANOTHER opportunity to end the era(s) of the NRA and the US government's gun dealing and manufacturing. We cannot fail our children again. Our Congress cannot fail our children again. The UN cannot fail our children again! Keep up the pressure, our children are our treasure!

As this goes out to you, we are pulling together a banner to be available to order or download from the WILPF US website for the MARCH FOR OUR LIVES.

Please Pass on to Other Activists, Friends, Neighbors, Allies Everywhere!  
February 28, 2018

Dear WILPF US Members:

It will be two weeks to the day when I sent out a few valentine greetings of love. Our own WILPF US Board sent those same greetings to all our supporters who love peace -- yes, "women and peace, the love affair of the century." And it still is, but now, we must remember those loved ones who were savagely killed -- to remember "our" children, not just in Parkland, Florida but in Yemen, Syria, the Congo, Palestine and Israel, and on and on. All over the globe our children are gunned down and lost to fear and hatred.

Standing up with our children to speak truth to power starts right at home: "I told my son that I do not want my granddaughter punished if she leaves her classroom and protests against this insanity. If she wants me to, I'll be there right beside her." That quote came for a friend who rarely ever participates in any political action. And then there were the young girls and boys who were survivors from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and who spoke directly and powerfully to Senator Rubio, particularly the young man who asked if he would stop taking money from the NRA. [1] But what are you moved to do?
In These Times published a thoughtful and provocative article by Adam Johnson, media analyst for Fairness and Reporting, "While Democrats Call for Gun Control at Home, They Push Deadly Arms Deals Abroad." Johnson wrote, "Last week, top Democratic senators, such as Claire McCaskill (D-Mo) and Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) expressed outrage over the lack of action by Congress to stop gun violence in America However these same senators voted against an effort in 2017 to end the U.S. arming of the Saudi Arabian government-a flagrant human rights abuser that has killed more than 10,000 civilians in its three-year siege of Yemen. Virtually all Democratic senators also support arming Israel every year, a country that routinely bombs and subjugates the 4.5 million Palestinians under its charge-46 percent of whom are children. The United States consistently ranks as the  number one arms dealer in the world, with support from Republicans and Democrats alike." [2]
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom/US Section
PO Box 13075 | Des Moines, IA 50310 | 617-266-0999 | www.wilpfus.org