Pope John Paul II Regional
Catholic Elementary School

2875 Manor Road | West Brandywine, PA  19320
Phone:610 384 5961 | Fax:610 384 5730 
Uniting alumni and friends of Pope John Paul II Regional Catholic Elementary School


Kids Spring Outgrown Sale
Saturday, March 24th 
Click here for more info.  

Dash for Cash 
April 30th
Make your pledge here! 

Golf Outing
Tuesday, May 15th 
9am start
Click here  to register online! 

Transfer to PJPII and receive a $1500 
Transfer Grant. 
Click here for more information. 

Come Rise With Us!
Come Rise With Us!

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The PJP II Annual Fund 
"Touch eternity with the gift of Catholic education"
Click here to donate today.  
Thank you for your support!  

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PJP II School! 

Lenten Journey Begins
     Students began Lent celebrating Ash Wednesday mass at St. Peter Church. Several mission activities are planned during Lent including: weekly stations of the cross, a Donut Sale on Shrove Tuesday raised $600 to help local families in need, a Mission Dance for 5th and 6th graders raised $500, and a collection of sundry items to support the retired IHM Sisters at Camilla Hall. In addition, each student created a footprint, following in the "footsteps of Jesus", and wrote on it an act of service or sacrifice they would make during Lent. These are displayed throughout the school. 
Bishop's Tuition Transfer Grant
     Pope John Paul II School was one of twenty schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia selected to participate in the Bishop's Tuition Transfer Grant Program. Students attending a public, charter, home school or non-catholic private school are eligible to apply for the $1500 grant. Families will receive $1000 in year one and $500 in year 2 per student; students must be entering grades 1 through 7 in the 2018-19 school year.  For more information, please click  here
Spring Fundraisers Set
  The annual Dash for Cash kicked off with a school wide pep rally. This year's theme is the Olympics. Each homeroom will represent a country that recently competed in the Winter Olympics. Students will collect pledges to support their "walk" on April 30th.  Fun prizes will be awarded to the top classrooms and students who raise the most money and complete the most laps. For more information regarding sponsorships or to make a pledge, click here: DashforCash.  Thank you for your support! 

   The 7th Annual Scholarship Fund Golf Outing to support tuition assistance is set for Tuesday, May 15th at Ron Jaworski's Downingtown Country Club. The format will be a scramble, offering even the most casual and novice golfers a chance to play. A skee-putt contest, longest drive, closest to the pin, and a chance to win a new car are just a few of the fun activities planned. Following play, golfers will enjoy a barbeque luncheon with all the fixins'. During lunch, raffle and door prizes and course contest winners will be announced.  For more information regarding sponsorships or to register online please click here: GolfOuting. Your support is most appreciated! 

   Looking to update your child's wardrobe for Spring? Don't miss the
Kids Spring Outgrown Sale on Saturday, March 24th from 9 to noon in the school Gymnasium. A wide selection of gently used items will be on sale including: newborn to teens  spring and summer clothing, Easter dresses, First Communion dresses and suits, purses and accessories, baby and kid furniture, car seats, toys, video games, sporting goods and outdoor play equipment, bicycles, inline skates and shoes, children's books, CDs, DVDs, maternity clothing and more! Check or cash accepted. For more information and consignor opportunities, please click here: OutgrownSale
Spelling Bee Winners 
    The elementary spelling bee team(grades 3-5) earned 2nd place at the CASD Bee with individual medals awarded to Addison Benninghoff (3rd place, 3rd grade) and Kendall Smith (1st place, 5th grade). Congratulations to all!  
The top spellers from each 6th, 7th and 8th grade class competed for the opportunity to be the top PJP II speller and move on to the Chester County I.U. Bee. The winner of the 2018 Middle School Bee is Allison Andrey who reached the 3rd round of the County Bee Championship competition,  the furthest in PJP II history. Congratulations Allison!   
Science Fair Winners 

4th grade 
5th grade

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade
Science Fair Judges

   Fourth through eighth grade students earning 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and Honorable Mention ribbons will advance to the next round of competition at the County level.  Many thanks to faculty coordinators, Mrs. Pardoe and Mrs. Bigelow for organizing another successful Science Fair and all our volunteer judges for their inspiration, time and support!  
Choir and Band Awards 
    Five students were selected to perform at the Archdiocesan Choral Concert this year.  They will sing at Archbishop Wood High School on March 15th and also at the Kimmel Center on April 17th. Congratulations!  
Festival Chorus(6th grade)
Lauren D. and Addison E.

Honors Choir (7th-8th grade)
Keira S., Natalie S., and Claire F. 

The following students auditioned and were selected to perform with the Philadelphia Area Honor Band and Archdiocesan Festival Band
Evelyn W., Jimmy P., and Katie H. Congratulations to our trombone players! 

The All Catholic High School Band was well represented by PJP II alumni who currently attend Bishop Shanahan HS:  Jake Guldin, MaxAnthony Hashem, Jacob Hetzke, Sergio Uloa and John Byler. Congrats fellas! 

CYO Awards  
Congratulations to our Cheerleading squad who took 1st place in the CYO Region 17 Large Varsity Division exhibition. 

Brandon Choi(pictured with his parents) was selected to play in the 
Archdiocese of Philadelphia (AOP)
All-Star Basketball Game. This is the first PJP II student athlete ever chosen by the AOP. Congratulations Brandon! 

Maguire Scholarship 

Congratulations to 8th grader, Pat Cregan, who was recently awarded a Maguire Scholarship totaling $12,000 ($3,000/yr.).  Pat will be attending Bishop Shanahan High School in the Fall. 

Bishop Shanahan Jr. Honor Society 
Eighth grader Will L., and seventh grader Brendan S., were inducted into Bishop Shanahan's Junior Honor Society. Students are recommended based upon four criteria: leadership, scholarship, character and service. Congratulations to Will and Brendan! 

Alums Part of Winning STEM Team 

    Alumni brothers Mark Gomba (Class of 2014, 2nd from left) and Michael Gomba(Class of 2015, far right) were members of Bishop Shanahan's STEM team who placed first in the regional STEM competition at the Chester County Intermediate Unit.  The team's winning prototype, DOORA, was created to automatically open doors in response to a fire, allowing firefighters the ability to enter a building more quickly. The group was inspired to invent DOORA after the recent five'alarm fire at Barclay Friends in West Chester.  BĂ­shop Shanahan will advance to the state competition with an additional $750 stipend to improve its prototype. Best of luck to the team in the next round!