Going Green in 2019

Happy New Year! Now’s the perfect time to take stock and assess your life, and perhaps re-evaluate some of your habits. Along with personal health and wealth goals, many people have goals for how to live more sustainably for the benefit of a larger community and the world.

Here are a few changes that you can make to be more green in 2019.

Use eco-friendly cleaners. Some of the benefits of using eco-friendly cleaners include: they make your home safer, protect your health, clean up the indoor air, and helps the environment.

Reduce the amount of paper towels you use. The average homeowner spends almost $600.00 a year on disposable paper towels. Nearly 550,000 trees are used to produce paper towels. Using cloth towels can really make an impact.

Meatless meals may sound over the top - but raising animals for food requires a lot of land, fossil fuel, water, and food. Cutting back on some of the meat you eat is a good way to reduce your environmental impact. It also has great health benefits and reduces your grocery bill.