Ohio Deferred Compensation's employer-focused newsletter "In the Know" provides recipients with the latest news and developments in retirement saving.

Your Monthly News & Updates
The latest news and developments from Ohio  Deferred Compensation for January 2018.
Retirement Outlook is Improving

From 2013-2016, positive economic trends caused noticeable improvements in the National Retirement Risk Index, which measures the percentage of working-age homes that are considered "at risk" in terms of not being able to continue to maintain their current standard of living in retirement. Read more about the study and how Ohio DC can help your employees to achieve retirement income security  here
Fourth Quarter Focus Newsletter is Here

The latest edition of the Focus Newsletter is available on our website here. We're always looking out for the latest information affecting the retirement and savings industries and we pass it along to our employers and participants, to keep you all up-to-date on what's going on. In this issue you can learn about automatic deferral increases, tax reform and the Roth 457 Option.
Deferred Compensation Terms

Basis Points -   Common units of measure when quoting fixed account yields, interest rates and retirement plan charges and expense. One basis point equals .01%, therefore 100 basis points equals 1%.   Visit our participant website to learn other definitions.

Share Deferred Compensation-related Articles with Your Employees 

Ohio DC can provide monthly articles on retirement issues for your newsletter or Intranet. This month's article on the employer website is  Developing a Roth 457 Option.

Download articles on healthcare in retirement, what is deferred compensation, fees, and more.  Learn more.

If you received this email you are on the list for future employer communications. If this was forwarded to you, you can join our list by  contacting us.

Message from the Executive Director: Keith Overly

Saving for Retirement is a SMarT Decision

Ohio Deferred Compensation is a resource for helping to educate your employees about how they can save for retirement and bridge the gap between their pension and what they'll need to live comfortably in retirement. 

One of the best ways we've found for people to save for retirement is to use our SMarT Plan. Using the SMarT Plan, participants can sign up for annual automatic deferral increases to their savings plan. The increase can be set to coincide with annual pay raises, tax season or any other date that's convenient for them. The increase can be adjusted at any time and will help to build on their current savings rate. For more information about the SMarT Plan, take a look here.

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