SBP Discoveries
Dear Colleagues-

Below is the December issue of our Institute newsletter, SBP Discoveries. It's a snapshot—for our staff, friends, and supporters—of the latest science, people, and recent events at SBP. 

We welcome your input. Please drop us a line anytime.

Wishing you all the best for the holidays,
SBP Communications
Sanford • Burnham • Prebys
SBP Discoveries
Monthly Newsletter  •  December 2015
Using "Big Data" to combat the flu
SBP has helped lead an international team of scientists to tap into publicly available large-scale ‘Omics’ databases to identify new targets to treat influenza — the virus that causes annual epidemics and occasional pandemics.

Science News
Spotlight on Melanoma
A sugar found in seaweed may help treat skin cancer

New research from scientists at SBP suggests that a rare sugar found in seaweed, mushrooms, seeds and other foods may be able to help treat skin cancer.

Scientists identify promising new melanoma drug

A new drug discovered by scientists at SBP may show promise for treating skin cancers that are resistant or unresponsive to today’s leading therapies.

Select Media Coverage >>
San Diego Union TribuneMedical News Today
Enhancing drug delivery to tumors: CendR's game

New research shows the uniqueness of a promising technology that SBP scientists are using to deliver large payloads of drugs to tumors. 

Can your heart prevent diabetes?

At SBP, scientists are investigating how hormones released by the heart may help the body burn more calories to prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Our People
Petrus R. de Jong: 
A day in the life of a cancer researcher

With the sun roof open, it is only a short commute to Sanford Burnham Prebys. Along the way I pass miles of Pacific coastline, as well as the sites where decades of scientific discoveries have modernized health care. 

Introducing our new Communications Manager, Kristen Cusato

I have been in television news at stations all over the country for more than 20 years, most recently at KUSI TV in San Diego. Finding and telling stories is my specialty, and I’d love to hear what you think is unique about SBP and the people who work here.

Welcome to our newest and recently renewed President's Circle Members!
A Friends' Foundation  •  Stephen Aselage • Maggi and Alejandro Berho  •  Martin C. Berman  •  Steven Black  •  Susan and James Blair  •  Cindy and Laurence Bloch  • Roberta and Malin Burnham  •  Mary and Adam Cherry  •  Deborah and Paul Cleveland  •  Julie and Gordon Cooke  • Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation •
Jee Yeon Shin and Ted Ebel  •  Olivia and Peter Farrell •  Carol and John Gallagher  • Audrey S. Geisel  •  Hanna and Mark Gleiberman  •  Lynn Gorguze and Scott Peters  •  Zandra Rhodes and Salah M. Hassanein  •  Dodie and Loren Hinkelman • Reena and Sam Horowitz  •  Debra and Scott Huennekens  •  Human Biomolecular Research Institute  •  Debby and Hal Jacobs •  Jeanne Jones and Don Breitenberg  • Barbara and JC Kyrillos and Ray McKewon  •  Erin and Scott McPherson  • Silvana and Alberto Michan  •  Marci and Ronald Morgan  •  Hank and Robin Nordhoff  • Jane and Richard Pickett  • Melanie and William Roper  •  Doreen and Myron Schonbrun  •  University of California, San Diego  •  Kristiina Vuori, M.D., Ph.D.  •  Kim and Carl Ware, Ph.D.  •  Judy and Jack* White  • Patricia and Mark Wiggins  •  Sara Zaknoen, M.D.  •  Emma and Leo Zuckerman 

* deceased
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Your Portal to Sanford Burnham Prebys
If you have ever been curious about what scientists are doing to find cures of tomorrow, and how you can help, Portal is for you.

Portal is published quarterly and is sent by mail or email to those who subscribe or make a gift.                                                  

Subscribe here & read the latest issue >>
You’re invited to a Psoriasis Research Update and Reception

Come join us at Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute (SBP) to learn about the latest research in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis taking place in your community. The Psoriasis Research Update and Reception is jointly sponsored by SBP and the National Psoriasis Foundation

The Future of Neuroscience Workshop

On Tuesday, December 2, SBP held “The Future of Neuroscience Workshop,” an event where SBP faculty shared their findings on what causes neurological disorders and presented their ideas on new directions and approaches to treat brain diseases.

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