Episcopal Church
of the Resurrection
1433 NW R.D. Mize Road
Blue Springs, Missouri  64015
(816) 228-4220
Thursday, March 1, 2018

Server Schedule

Lectionary Page

Diocesan e-Spirit Newsletter

WEMO Youth Activities and News

Resurrection Website

Diocese of West Missouri

Prayer Request 


Beginning at 6:30 pm

Join us for Bingo tomorrow night, Friday, March 2, beginning at 6:30 pm in the Undercroft.  We promise prizes for EVERYONE!  Bring your friends!  Please bring a snack to share.  

This Sunday between Services


Spring is right around the corner!  Join us this Sunday between services in the Undercroft beginning at 9:15 am for our monthly free breakfast.  As normal, we'll be having pancakes, eggs, sausage and bacon with lots to drink.

In keeping with the Lenten theme of self examination and considerations for reconciliation with our neighbors, ...and as we come together to make our corporate confessions on Sunday morning in the Eucharist, I have provided the below words from the teacher St. Augustine of Hypo.  I encourage all of us to take some quiet time throughout our busy days to contemplate on these words.
Confession Self-Examination
From Saint Augustine's Prayer Book
Before self-examination say this prayer:
O Holy Spirit, Source of all light, Spirit of wisdom, of understanding and of knowledge, come to my assistance and enable me to make a good confession to you. Enlighten me, and help me now to know my sins as one day I shall be forced to recognize them before your judgment seat. Bring to mind the evil which I have done and the good which I have neglected. Permit me not to be blinded by self-love. Grant me, moreover, heartfelt sorrow for my transgressions, knowing how deeply they have wounded the loving heart of my Heavenly Father; and help me to make a good confession that all stain of guilt may be washed away in the Precious Blood of my Saviour Jesus Christ. AMEN
Think of yourself as God's child, and of the wickedness of following evil rather than your loving Father. Do not be in a hurry, and do not vex yourself because you cannot remember everything. Be honest with God and with yourself; this is all God asks of you. Do not fret about your sins. Remember, you are trying to recall them in order that you may be forgiven, not that you may be condemned,  A broken and contrite heart, O Lord, shalt thou not despise.
Consider the following examples of areas that distract us from our relationship with God.  We may know them as the seven sins that commonly invade our spiritual wholeness.  Each of these conditions has longer and deeper explanations.  Are we to look them up and see all the conditions under each statement, we can be better informed of the depth of each condition.
PRIDE: is putting self in the place of God as the center and objective of our life, or of some department thereof. It is the refusal to recognize our status as creatures, dependent on God for our existence, and placed by him in a specific relationship to the rest of his creation.
ANGER: is open rebellion against God or our fellow creatures. Its purpose and desire is to eliminate any obstacle to our self-seeking, to retaliate against any threat to our security, to avenge insult or injury to our person.
ENVY: is dissatisfaction with our place in God's order of creation, manifested in begrudging his gifts and vocations to others.
COVETOUSNESS:  is the refusal to respect the integrity of other creatures, expressed in the inordinate accumulation of material things; in the use of other persons for our personal advantage; or in the quest for status, power or security at their expense. Inordinate  Ambition. Pursuit of status, power, influence, reputation, or possessions at the expense of the moral law, of other obligations, or of the rights of others. Ruthless or unfair competition.  Putting self or family first. Conformity to standards we recognize as wrong or inadequate in order to get ahead.  Intrigue or conspiracy for self-advancement.
GLUTTONY: is the overindulgence of natural appetites for food and drink, and by extension the inordinate quest for pleasure or comfort. Intemperance. Overindulgence in food, drink, smoking, or other physical pleasures.  Fastidiousness, fussiness, demanding excessively high standards, or dilettantism.  Condemnation of some material things or pleasures as evil in themselves, attempting to prohibit their use rather than their abuse.  Lack of Discipline.
Negligence in keeping the days of fasting or abstinence, or failure to use other needed means of self-discipline. Neglect of bodily health or not getting sufficient rest, recreation, exercise or wholesome nourishment.  Failure to use or to cooperate with available medical care when ill. Use of sickness as a means of escape from responsibilities.
LUST: is the misuse of sex for personal gratification, debasing it from the holy purpose for which God has given it to us. Unchastity. Violation of the Church's marriage laws. Lack of consideration for one's partner in the use of the marital relationship.  Refusal to fulfill the purpose of Holy Matrimony in the bringing forth and giving adequate care to children, or to take our full share in the responsibilities or work involved.  Unfaithfulness to one's spouse. Sexual indulgence outside matrimony, in thought or act, alone or with others.  Immodesty.
Stimulation of sexual desire in others by word, dress, or actions; or in one's self by reading, pictures, or fantasies. Collecting or recounting dirty stories.
SLOTH: is the refusal to respond to our opportunities for growth, service or sacrifice. Laziness. Indolence in performing spiritual, mental or physical duties, or neglect of family, business or social obligations or courtesies.  Procrastination of disliked tasks.  Busyness or triviality to avoid more important commitments. Devotion of excessive time to rest, recreation, amusement, television, or the like. Waste of employer's time, or shoddy or inadequate work. Indifference.
Prayer after Self-Examination
O my God, how great are my sins! Would that I had never offended thee. If by carelessness or ignorance I have forgotten anything in my self-examination, show it to me now that I make a good confession. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Tuesdays at 6:30 pm
Our current Inquirers Class will continue every  Tuesday from  6:30 to 8:00 pm  until March 20.  This class is a prerequisite for anyone wishing to be confirmed (ages 11 and up).   Area Confirmation will be held on Saturday, April 7, at 2 pm at Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Inquirers Class
Everyone is welcome to come to the class to learn about the Episcopal Church!  Remaining classes are:
March 6:   Book of Common Prayer and Episcopal Tradition
March 13:  Liturgy, Worship and Music
March 20:  Prayer and Meditation
Wednesday, March 7 at First Christian Church Lenten Meal _ Services
The next scheduled Blue Springs Lenten Ecumenical dinner and service is on Wednesday, March 7 at the First Christian Church located at 701 NW 15th Street.  Join others for a simple common meal at 6 pm, followed by a short worship service at 6:40 pm.   All offerings are donated to the Community Services League,serving Eastern Jackson County needs for the homeless and less fortunate.

This year's theme is "Who are we as a church and what does the futur e hold?"   
March 7:  First Christian Church, 701 NW 15th Street
March 14:  All Saints Lutheran Church, 421 SW 19th Street
March 21:  Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church;  3108 SW US Hwy 40
Lenten Discipline
The Outreach Committee is sponsoring a United Thank Offering during Lent (February 14 through March 29).  Please consider taking a UTO box and prayer from the narthex.  The UTO box is intended to hel
p us recognize our many daily blessings.  As you become aware of a simple or great blessing God has provided, you are encouraged t
o say a prayer of thanksgiving and recognize God's grace with an offering placed in your family's UTO box.
The boxes should all be returned to church on Easter or the following Sunday. Funds collected will be used by the Diocese to support ministries at home and overseas.
Services every night Holy Week
  • Tenebrae: Service at 7:00 pm
  • Maundy Thursday:  Agape meal at 6:00 pm followed by 7:00 pm service
  • Holy Friday:  Stations of the Cross at 12:15 pm and 5:30 pm; Good Friday service at 7:00 pm
  • Holy Saturday (Great Vigil):  rehearsal 10:00 am and service starting at 7:00 pm
  • Easter Sunday: one service only at 10:30 am
Mark Your Calendars
Important events and dates
See the  on-line calendar  for updates 

Friday, March 2:   Stations of the Cross at 12:15 pm; Family Bingo Night at 6:30 pm
Saturday, March 3:  Diocese of West Missouri Bishop's Day
Sunday, March 4:  First Sunday Breakfast
Monday, March 5:  KC Nourish at 10:00 am;  Book Club at 7:00 pm
Tuesday, March 6:  Inquirers Class at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, March 7:  Bible Study at 1:00 pm; Lenten Ecumenical Service at 6:00 pm
Thursday, March 8:  Bridge Club at 7:00 pm
Friday, March 9:  Stations of the Cross at 12:15 pm
Sunday, March 18 and March 25:  Adult Forum with Bill Stancil