Thursday, March 8, 2018
8:00 am - 9:30 am

All are welcome! Bring a friend!

St. Mark's Lutheran Church  (Heritage Hall)  
1111 O'Farrell Street at Franklin, San Francisco

(Please do not park in the St. Mark's parking lot as those
spaces are rented to others. Parking is available
across the street at St. Mary's Cathedral at 1111 Gough Street).



Calvin Payne-Taylor, Interfaith Relations Coordinator


Megory Anderson, PhD Founder and Director

Rachel Lovett, Community Engagement Manager

Re:Imagine | End of Life - Join a notable network of Bay area artists, storytellers, health care professionals, innovators, religious communities, and community and cultural organizations coming together to catalyze a citywide conversation about end of life. The week-long experience, April 16 - 22, 2018, expects to engage 5,000 attendees at more than 50 events exploring this taboo topic.

As a new non-profit organization, Reimagine is partnering with the City of San Francisco, through the Palliative Care Work Group, whose members include UCSF, Kaiser Permanente, Sutter Health, Zuckerberg SF General Hospital, SF Department of Aging & Adult Services, Veterans Affairs, Zen Hospice Project and Jewish Family & Children's Services, among others. Our collective belief is that high-quality end-of-life care must be consistent with our wishes and values, and that begins with honest conversations. For 2018, Re:Imagine | End of Life wants to engage the full, diverse spectrum of the San Francisco Bay Area and all cultures represented.

Megory Anderson, PhD , is the Founder and Director of the Sacred Dying Foundation , based in San Francisco, CA. She is a theologian, author, and comparative religious scholar, and her work is known internationally in the end-of-life community. She is the author of Sacred Dying: Creating Rituals for Embracing the End of Life, Attending the Dying , and the Sacred Dying Journal as well as numerous articles on the role of spirituality and religion at end-of-life. She is a Research Fellow at the University of Winchester in the UK, and attends St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church in San Francisco.

Rachel Lovett is the interim Executive Director of Thriving in Place, supporting in-home supportive services for low-income seniors and people with disabilities, and the Community Engagement Manager representing San Francisco via the Palliative Care Work Group and the Department of Aging & Adult Services for Re:Imagine | End of Life 2018, a week-long, City-wide event exploring death and celebrating life. Rachel has more than 25 years of for- and non-profit experience in marketing, communications, fundraising and strategic planning. In San Francisco, she serves on the Tenderloin Equity Development and Amy Seiwert Imagery Dance Boards. Rachel holds a BS and a BA from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and an MPA from the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University.


Tom Nolan, Manager, Special Projects  

To sign up for Conversation Sabbath please visit:  Conversation Sabbath

For additional information on Conversation Sabbath email
Rachel Lovett at

PDF Flyer:  Conversation Sabbath