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Your sexual education starts with the "Black Love Summit".
We love audience participation 
so join us on the call
for our
First Annual Virtual 
Black Love Summit
Thursday, Feb. 8, 2018, 
7:00-10:00 p.m. (CST)
Call (712) 770-4715
Pin Code #243460

Ask a question or make a comment 
about sexual health, love and relationships. 

We will discuss - libidos; prostate cancer; herpes; yeast infections; tightie whities; impotency; Erectile Dysfunction (ED); GMOs and Homosexuality; Why Bald Men Make Better Lovers; High Sex Drives; ED and a Younger Woman; High Blood Pressure, ED and Sex; Testosterone aka "Love Hormone"; Toxic Household Products and Sex; Penis Enhancement Pills Side Effects; Kegel Exercises; G-Spots; Sexless/Loveless Marriages; Booty Calls; Dating Coaches; Marriage Retreats; Introverts vs. Extroverts; Type A's; Online Dating; Dating Outside Your Race; and much more -- so be on the call and participate.

Cathy Harris New Platform and

Feb. 3, 2018

Hi everyone:

February is a short month and is considered to be  LOVE MONTH , with Valentine's Day one of the most expensive days of the year. There are 3 giant events occurring in the month of February 2018 -- the Superbowl on Feb. 4, 2018;  Valentine's Day on Feb. 14, 2018; and the entire month is considered to be Black History Month.  

It's unfortunate for so many black folks, especially black men, instead of educating themselves on their sexual health, love and relationships during LOVE MONTH, many will be totally focused on Black History Month

I created the platform in order to educate the black community on not just  love and relationships but also  sexual education

I see so many black folks make the wrong decisions in regards to love and relationships and their sexual health -- so this platform will not only attempt to bring couples together, but we will also educate singles and couples on their sexual health .

So therefore, I have  officially transitioned over to become a "Matchmaker." My new webpage is . I will be using the same email address for, . If you have a question about relationships, don't hesitate to email me there.
Most of you don't know that when I was much younger and in my workplace, I worked at an outlining unit with 60 men and 2 women.  There were about 60 of us located at a small airport. Most of the guys were pilots, or AIO officers, who assisted the pilots and I was a "secretary."
One of the things I would constantly do for them would be answer questions about women. The guys that were married and the guys that were single, always had these questions about the opposite sex so I guess you could call me a type of "Black Dr. Ruth.
At this point in my life I really wasn't interested in another title for me or my business, however, I recently had another Speaker on my radio show and we talked about "bucket lists." 
She asked me what makes me smile everyday and I told her my mate and my children; Then she asked me what did I used to do that I enjoyed but is no longer doing now and I thought about how meditation made me so alert and smart in the past, but I no longer was doing it on a regular basis so I started back; Then she asked me what is still on my bucket list?
At the time I could not think of anything else that I wanted to conquer in this lifetime because I was totally happy.  At 61, I was very happy and thought that I had done everything that I really wanted to do with my life, however, I thought about when I released the book "Love After 50: Love Questions from After Hours" in 2015, I thought seriously for a minute about becoming a "Matchmaker".
However, that was 2 years ago and I still had a lot of topics I wanted to touch on before driving deep into relationship topics, even though I had released this wonderful, timely book for my audience and was constantly answering questions on relationships through my platform. 
But now at this point in my life, I have made room for something else, something new, especially after releasing -- hopefully -- my last painful book, "The Military Dirty Little Secrets: My Tour of Duty."
The military book helped me find closure in what was considered a very painful time in my life.  After building a black women's movement in 2017 - -  "The Essential Women's Movement for African American Women" and teaching my audience how to grow their own foods with our organic food movement "Virtual Organic Garden Clubs" and now launching a business movement in January 2018,, our 3rd movement within a year -- and releasing other great information into the universe, I just felt I could handle another title and topic.
I also thought about this topic after educating my audience with a series of articles on cancer in late 2017 and how men lose their libido,  especially before the age of 40 from prostate cancer, so I knew I had to get to men before age 40.
I knew the Matchmaker service would cater to singles and couples in their 40s. Then I said...okay if I could combine all the information that I am putting out there with a new Matchmatcher service, not only could I help my audience KEEP THEIR LIBIDOS (aka "sexual drive"), but I would actually be doing the SAME WORK that I already do...enough said that was all the reasoning I needed. I knew I had to do this!
The only dilemma I see is if I plan on helping my clients and customers who are 40 years old, most will want younger women at least in 30s, so I will still allow those 30 and up (and even younger) to join our club.
I initially wrote the book, "Love After 50: Love Questions from After Hours"  because so many older women, 50 and older, were constantly crying and complaining because they said they could not find a mate.

Happiness is an inside job and don't let anyone tell you it's not. Some women buy all these beautiful things around them, then they have to cry themselves to sleep at night because they are all alone and just unhappy.

Some spend hours on the phone gossiping, criticizing and complaining about their lives or watching hours and hours of television, instead of turning their homes into LEARNING CENTERS or LEARNING CLUBS, where they can empower themselves and their families and build a new life.
I was single for years but I was totally happy and what many would probably call "married to my business." You need to put all that sexual energy into something else -- a hobby, a business or travel. 

Did you know if I did not get with my mate in Austin, TX, a beautiful man that I have known for over 25 years, I seriously considered moving overseas to Paris or Italy, and just writing books and reading excerpts at local book signings and enjoying the people around me there?

When we are born, there is  no set path  for anyone...and where you end up is sometimes 
meant to be  so for many ladies, don't limit yourself -- instead look for mates in other races and other places -- and even other countries. 
I have spoken to tons of disgruntled single women, who have homes. They spend every dime they have on these big, lonely, empty homes and can't do anything else but pay the mortgage, keep the lights on, and buy toxic GMO processed foods. 

Instead, they need to sell these homes and downsize and get out there and eat good, clean, organic foods, drink good water, take good supplements, exercise and get plenty of rest -- and most of all --  HAVE FUN!!!  

Be courageous enough to step out on your faith and build the type of life that you can truly love.  And most of all never forget that no one can complete you -- BUT YOU!!!

Good luck!!!

Book Trailer 1 - Love After 50
Book Trailer 1
- Love After 50

Book Trailer ii - Love After 50
Book Trailer II
- Love After 50


First Annual Virtual Black Love Summit
Feb. 8, 2018, Thursday, 7:00-10:00 p.m. (CST)
Call (712) 770-4715, Pin Code #243460
This is a FREE Virtual EVENT.
Sign up on below links to get reminders.


First Annual Virtual Black Women's 
Shero Summit
Mar. 8, 2018, Thursday, 7:00-10:00 p.m.
Call (712) 770-4715, Pin Code #243460

This is a FREE Virtual EVENT.
Sign up on below links to get reminders.
We will honor 5 black women "Unsung Modern Day Shero Whistleblowers" at this virtual event. All of these women are "Baby Boomers," "Federal Whistleblowers" and "Whistleblower Liaisons" who took on the system -- the establishment. They will be telling their stories and "Passing the Torch" to the younger generation, so listen in and see why this country needs a "WHISTLEBLOWER MOVEMENT."

The Essential Women's Movement for 
African American Women" 

Join Us Every Thursday Night for 
"What's Next Video Clarity Calls" 
and 2nd Tuesdays of each month for  
Masterminds, Think Tanks 
and Classrooms.
We are seeking 50 women to join us 
for  FREE business training and 
networking opportunities.

Everyone all over the country, join this and and help us spread the word  to those you know in these areas --  Austin, Killeen, San Antonio, Dallas and Houston Mobile Learning Clubs... Products

Downloadable Webinars 

Are You Ready to Make 
Your Dream Come True of 
Writing A Book?

How To Write A Book: The Complete Guide 
To Writing and Publishing Your Own 
Paperback and E-book

Available as E-book, Paperback & Audiobook



Audiobook Available at:

Available as E-book and Paperback

Cathy Harris Audiobooks

Also available as E-books & Paperbacks 

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Audiobook Sample

Available at:

Cathy Harris List of Books

Books can be read by
12 year olds and above... 

Available at  

All e-books and paperback books 50% off until Mar. 1, 2018.


 Brought To You By

Cathy Harris
Former Federal Whistleblower
Empowerment and Motivational Speaker, 
Non-GMO Health and Wellness Expert, Advice Columnist at, Self-Publishing and Business Coach and author of 25 non-fiction books at 

Cathy Harris, Speaker, Author, Coach
Angels Press, CEO, President, Publisher
P.O. Box 19282
Austin, TX 78760
(512) 909-7365
(Seminars, Workshops, Coaching)
Empowerment & Publishing Company
Advice Columnist
The Cathy Harris Story