March 2018
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NGCP Updates:
The National Girls Collaborative Project is celebrating National Women's History Month. Each week we will feature inspiring women, girl-serving STEM programs, and guest blog posts, as well as posting calls to action. We encourage you to support the efforts of the National Women's History Project , and to help elevate our messaging on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #NGCPNationalWomensHistory18.  
State of Girls and Women in STEM
This NGCP resource has been updated and presents the most compelling statistics for girls and women in STEM on one page. Statistics include information on K-12 Education, Higher Education, and Workforce.

Collaborative Network ActivitiesCollabActivity
Bird Scouts Science Action Club Training
Murfreesboro, TN; March 10, 2018
Bird Scouts explores feathers, flight, and the features that make birds unique. Using tools and technology, youth identify local species and investigate environmental changes that impact bird behavior. The checklists youth submit to eBird help scientists track changes in bird distribution and abundance across the globe. Visit the application to learn more. Contact John Hawkins with questions.

STEM-tastic: Getting Girls Excited about STEM with SciGirls
Indianapolis, IN; March 19, 2018
SciGirls is a PBS Kids television series out to change how millions of tweens think about STEM. This free professional development opportunity will help participants discover how to engage young women (ages 8-13) through inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Participants will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on STEM activities, and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM. Register.

SciGirls PD Session at Montana Environmental Education Association Conference
Helena, MT; March 22, 2018
This hands-on training will offer engaging STEM-based activities for upper elementary to middle school kids. SciGirls curriculum works well in formal or informal settings and uses accessible and simple materials to create exciting science investigations for kids. SciGirls also offers research-based strategies for engaging girls and underserved youth. The SciGirls seven strategies are proven to excite kids of all kinds about inquiry-based science. Register.

CryptoClub Educator Training
Hickory, NC; March 24, 2018
The North Carolina Girls STEM Collaborative (NCGSC) and the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute (PARI) have been chosen as a training hub for CryptoClub, a national afterschool project and online program that covers cryptography (secret codes and ciphers) and math. NCGSC and PARI are searching the state for CryptoClub Leaders to host CryptoClubs and support students in their communities. A Leader will form a local CryptoClub afterschool program in their community which will use games, treasure hunts, and other activities to engage students in cryptography and mathematics. Register.

SciGirls Professional Development Training at Scobee Education Center
San Antonio, TX; March 24, 2018
SciGirls Trainings integrate inquiry-based STEM instruction with a commitment to gender equity. Attendees will learn the latest research for exciting and engaging girls (and boys) in STEM, experience hands-on STEM activities, and gain access to free materials for hands-on, video-enhanced activities that put a creative twist on teaching STEM. Local educators are invited to participate and practice proven strategies for engaging girls in STEM while building a device to measure wind speed and lighting up a room with dough creatures. Register.

SciGirls Connect Training
Albany, NY; May 10, 2018
Attendees will learn ways SciGirls can be used to encourage STEM-based learning for all students, not just girls. Explore the SciGirls Seven, and practice some of the activities created by the SciGirls team. SciGirls is an Emmy award-winning PBS Kids television series and website dedicated to changing the way millions of girls think about STEM. Local educators are invited to participate in this hands-on, minds-on professional development training and will have the opportunity to practice proven strategies for engaging girls in STEM while building a device to measure wind speed and lighting up a room with dough creatures. Register.
The FabFems Spotlight highlights women from the FabFems Role Model Directory. FabFems are enthusiastic about the science and technology work they do and want to inspire a future generation of FabFems. Search the Role Model Directory to find FabFems in your area. We benefit from role models at all stages of our lives.
Kimberly Ray
Kimberly Ray 
Meet Kimberly Ray. Kimberly is a curious person who loves problem solving. When she was in middle school and high school she enjoyed math class but never quite knew how she could turn that into a career. In college she realized that physics (and engineering) was mathematics applied to the real world. Kimberly says, "I was hooked." She is now a physicist turned neuroscientist where she uses mathematics, physics, radiology (MRI), and psychology to better understand how the brain functions.
To learn more about Kimberly visit her FabFems profile.
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Upcoming STEM EventsEvents
National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference  
Atlanta, GA; March 15-18, 2018
The NSTA offers the latest in science content, teaching strategy, and research to enhance and expand professional growth. This year's theme is "Science on My Mind". The conference has four strands: Focusing on Evidence of 3D Learning, Imagining Science as the Foundation for STEM, Reflecting on Access for All Students, and Comprehending the Role of Literacy in Science. Register.

National Afterschool Association (NAA) Convention  
Atlanta, GA; March 18-21, 2018
Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in networking, special events, workshops, daily keynotes, and an interactive Learning Expo all designed to meet the needs of the developing professionals and emerging and current leaders of afterschool. This year's theme is "Lead the Charge. Be Bold. Be Brave. Be Brilliant." Register.

US News STEM Solutions Logo U.S. News STEM Solutions: Workforce of Tomorrow
Washington, DC; April 4-6, 2018
Those in STEM education and workforce development are invited to attend and share strategies and ideas in advancing the future. Participants will have the opportunity to learn how to initiate the action necessary to improve STEM education and increase employment in STEM fields. Tracks include: Broadening Participation: Closing the Diversity Gap and Bringing More Women Into the Fold in STEM. Register.

National Summit for Educational Equity (NSEE)  
Arlington, VA; April 16-19, 2018
The NSEE will bring together leaders in educational equity to build capacity, knowledge, and skills to transform education, enrich classrooms, and improve student success. The 2018 theme is "Building Bridges to Strengthen Access, Equity, and Diversity." Register.

Boost Conference Logo 2018 BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference
Palm Springs, CA; May 1-4, 2018
Participants will have the opportunity to network, participate in team-building activities, and learn about the latest trends and research in innovative and quality out-of-school time programming. Register.
The Connectory Spotlight highlights programs and opportunities in The Connectory. This free online collaboration tool for STEM program providers helps them find partners based on interests, as well as showcase STEM opportunities to families. Camp Invention Logo

Camp Invention is the only nationally recognized, non-profit elementary enrichment program inspired by the brightest thinkers around, the National Inventors Hall of Fame inductees. Every year an education team and Hall of Fame Inductees collaborate to build a brand-new Camp Invention experience for children.

Camp Invention summer enrichment programs (K-6 grade) empowers kids to have big ideas while they take on STEM-based challenges that inspire them to question, brainstorm, collaborate with teammates, and build invention prototypes. More than 800 summer camps have been added to The Connectory's database.

Find a Camp Invention near you:

Join The Connectory to collaborate with STEM programs and promote your upcoming STEM opportunities to families. Opportunities are visible publicly to families. Programs are visible to other STEM providers.

Bulk Uploads for Opportunities: A streamlined way to add dozens of opportunities (summer and afterschool camps, workshops, career fairs, competitions, and other time-bound STEM events) to The Connectory. Email to request the customized bulk upload instructions.
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STEM ResourcesResources
March is National Women's History Month
The 2018 theme is "NEVERTHELESS SHE PERSISTED: Honoring Women Who Fight All Forms of Discrimination Against Women" and honors women who have shaped America's history and its future through their tireless commitment to ending discrimination against women and girls. Fighting all forms of discrimination against women takes persistence. The honorees have all gotten the message to stop, either directly or indirectly, yet they have all continued to fight and succeeded in bringing positive change to the lives of diverse American women. Below are additional Women's History Month resources.

Click! The Ongoing Feminist Revolution
Click! highlights the achievements of women from the 1940s to the present and explores the power and complexity of gender consciousness in modern American life. Features film clips, extensive interactive timelines, and in-depth essays. Designed to engage students, assist educators and researchers, and appeal to a wide public audience.

National Women's History Museum
The National Women's History Museum educates, inspires, empowers, and shapes the future by integrating women's distinctive history into the culture and history of the U.S. The website includes an Education & Resource section with biographies, lesson plans, videos, and other interactive resources.

PBS Learning Media: Community Classroom
Community Classroom is a film and curriculum resource series that brings to life some of today's most vital social issues by pairing film modules from award-winning documentaries with standards-based lesson plans. The Women's History Month collection focuses on women and girls around the world. The films tell powerful, personal stories and the activities encourage students to learn and understand international struggles and take an active role in addressing local concerns.

Status of Women in the States
Created by the Institute for Women's Policy Research, this report provides data that change agents can use to improve the status of women, which is integral to strengthening economic growth and prosperity for local communities and the nation as a whole. The data can be used to raise awareness, improve policies, and promote women's equality. Explore the data.

The Female Lead Logo The Female Lead
A non-profit dedicated to making women's stories more visible and offering alternative role models to those ever-present in popular culture. The Female Lead profiles accomplished women from around the world, including women in the arts, sciences, sports, business, and activism. The book is available for free for schools across the U.S. along with teaching materials. Recently Nell Merlino, one of the women profiled, wrote a guest blog for NGCP titled Casting the Female Lead.

Global ResourcesGlobal
DiscoverE Global Marathon The Future is Now: Inspiring Women in Engineering and Technology
Online; March 7 - April 4, 2018  
This free, five-week series of online conversations is a virtual mentorship and social collaboration to unite, inspire, and champion women pursuing an education or career in engineering and technology. Each Wednesday an accomplished group of panelists from around the globe will address a different, relevant topic affecting women in the early stages of their professional career.

International Women's Day
March 8, 2018
International Women's Day celebrates the social, political, and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. The 2018 theme is #PressforProgress. The website includes resources for planning and finding an event.

NCWIT's International Women's Day-in-a-Box
International Women's Day takes place each year on March 8 during Women's History Month, marking a time to celebrate women's achievements, call for change, and advocate for equality. The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) has designed an International Women's Day-in-a-Box resource to help IT companies and departments celebrate successes, address barriers to women's full participation in IT, and promote diversity in order to become globally competitive.
About Us
The National Girls Collaborative Project™ has been partially funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GSE/EXT: National Girls Collaborative Project: Building the Capacity of STEM Practitioners to Develop a Diverse Workforce, Grant No. HRD-1532643.
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